Legacy & Climate Dangers of Nuclear Power Syndrome
Climate Solutions Are Not Radioactive
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Nuclear dangers are not going away in our lifetimes or those of our descendants. We need to be aware that nuclear is not a climate solution.
Nuclear reactors are vulnerable to climate chaos, to sea level rise, floods, breaking dams, fires, earthquakes.
🌎 What are some the emissions that come from an operating nuclear power plant?
🌎 How dangerous are nuclear power plant emissions to human health, the surrounding environment and the climate?
🌎 How much greenhouse gases are emitted by an operating nuclear power plant?
🌎 What is the connection between nuclear power and nuclear weapons?
🌎 How do nuclear reactors create carbon dioxide emissions? What about the uranium fuel?
🌎 How much energy does it take to deal with the nuclear waste?
🌎 How many different kinds of barrels are there to store nuclear waste? Which ones are used in the U. S.?
🌎 What is a Zombie Nuke?
🌎 What is a "radioactive daughter"?
🌎 What is a "routine emission"?
🌎 Why do nuclear plants shut down during heat waves?
🌎 What are the safe and sane alternatives to nuclear power?
🌎 Will the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission protect us? Will they listen to us?
Next Wednesday, January 22nd, marks 4 years since the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) became international Law.
The treaty, ratified by 74 nations, so far, has not been signed or ratified by the USA . Activists will gather at the Isaiah Wall,
at Noon to deliver a message two days after Trump's inauguration, telling the U.S. government to Stop Breaking the Law and Join
the International Community that seeks Peace.
The worst environmental catastrophe would be a nuclear war that causes nuclear winter. Besides the radioactive fallout circling
the globe and killing and sickening people, the nuclear winter would block the sun and destroy growing seasons for food crops.
Meet at the Main Library steps at 11 a.m. to walk or take the crosstown bus to the Isaiah Wall, opposite the United Nations
in Ralph Bunche Park, between 42nd and 43rd Streets on First Avenue.
Our environmental music this week is "I Told You So” written and performed by John Hall.
Join us on Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025 at 10 am EST.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed by scrolling down on this web site.
This web site has a lot of information. Get your environmental information here. Join our email list and our
facebook page so we can keep in touch! wbaiecologic (no dashes). is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and
entertainment and support our show – its a win-win!
You may have noticed that we don’t talk about our thank you gifts on the air any more. Compliance
now informs us we can’t do that during the show, but here we can chat freely. is where you can go to get our DVDs, CDs and books.
Get great information and entertainment and support our show –
its a win-win! From climate change to elections we have it all. In return we have thank-you gifts for you to choose from.
We have a new phone number for credit card donations: 833-WBAI-NYC (833-922-4692).
We ask you to support the station by donating $25 for WBAI membership and also something
more to support Eco-Logic and independent media. Please be generous, From climate change to elections we have
it all. In return we have thank-you gifts for you to choose from. Visit our site
DVDs or CDs from your favorite radio program would make wonderful gifts.
Our Eco-Logic 4-CD set contains episodes covering four different environmental topics:
🌎 Gas Drilling and Drinking Water (specifically including fracking),
🌎 Bottled Water and the Plastic It Comes In (also discussing municipal drinking water),
🌎 Demystifying the Electricity Grid, and
🌎 Health Benefits of Indoor Plants (in addition to discussing what plants work in different spaces,
this disk also includes One Year after the BP Oil Spill with Carl Safina regarding the 2010 BP spill in the Gulf of Mexico).
Each of these is also available as an individual CD, but the set gives you information on a wide range of topics and is easy to share. The full set is our gift to you when you donate $75 or more, or with a donation of $35 we’ll send you the single CD of your choice.
There is a package of 10 Eco-Logic DVDs for a $175 dollar donation! That includes
🌎 Clearwater sail (a video of an actual sail on the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater),
🌎 Butterflies (lots of information about their beauty and conservation),
🌎 Pope's Encyclical (Laudato Si’, from 2015, about climate change—and Eco-Logic discussion among two Catholics, one Protestant and one nonreligious Jew),
🌎 Native American rights, and more),
🌎 Raging Grannies & Pete Seeger (performing together live at the Clearwater Hudson River Revival),
🌎 Religion and Environment (two Christians, a Jewish singer, and a Wiccan high priestess), Grassroots and National Organizing (and the difference between them),
🌎 Bees (protection and importance of these pollinators),
🌎 Native American Water Protectors (Lunaape Munsee and Standing Rock North Dakota), and
🌎 Nature 4 All/Birding While Black (with Christian Cooper and Drew Lanham).
As you can see, we have many DVDs—you can choose one or more, or get the whole collection!.
We also have many CDs and books. Take some of Eco-Logic home with you. Add some Eco-Logic to a loved one's
life—just go to and you can choose a gift for yourself or for the special people in your
life—putting Eco-Logic in the search box will bring up our selections.
And when you donate it is appreciated if you say you are giving in the name of Eco-Logic.
Let us know if you want us to thank you by name as a donor; email us from our website.
1 hr.
radio show
Eco-Logic Collective
Looking Forward
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The Eco-Logic Collective members and friends share environmental issues that moved them this year and looking forward to the New Year.
Jacqui Drechsler, a long-time activist on clean-energy issues, will be speaking about Holtec International LLC, the decommissioning
of Indian Point nuclear reactors, and Small Modular Nuclear Reactors.
Joel Landy considers the larger ramifications of climate change and how we might deal with it, given where we are now.
JK Canepa of Sane Energy Project will talk about what activists and community members are doing to decommission a massive
British gas utility’s Liquefied Natural Gas depot and remediate the site of their toxic, polluting plant in Greenpoint,
Brooklyn so that it can be returned to the public.
Mark Latour of will be talking about legislation to reforest parts of BLM lands in the 12 western states
to bring back the rain.
Paul Presendieu, founder & CEO of Green-Collar Workforce, Inc., will be discussing our green jobs market, trainings readily
available now, and the ramifications of our inability to execute our state climate agenda on our national and international communities.
Annie Wilson is a coordinator with NAMRA, the
North American Megadam Resistance Alliance,
and will provide us with a brief update on the Champlain Hudson Power Express.
Andy Padian, Sr. Dir. of Building Science, Association for Energy Affordability,
is one of the foremost energy experts in the country. He will talk about electrification, decarbonization,
and the importance of energy efficiency.
Our music this week is the full versions of three of the songs on the opening theme medley: Joni Mitchell's "Big Yellow Taxi",
"This Earth" by Judy Gorman and Silvanus with "Save the Earth."
Join us on Wednesday, Jan 15, 2025 at 10 am EDT when we discuss the climate change effects of nuclear power.
This web site has a lot of information on it. Get your environmental information here.
Join our email list so we can still keep in touch!
We’re on-air Wednesdays at 10 a.m., between the excellent programs, Covert Action Bulletin and Living for the City.
Give the gift of free speech radio to someone you care about. is where
you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and entertainment and support our show – its a win-win! We
have a new phone number for credit card donations 833-WBAI-NYC (833-922-4692) The web site has paypal.
You may have noticed that we don’t talk about our thank you gifts on the air any more. Compliance now informs us we
can’t do that during the show, but here we can chat freely.
We ask you to support the station by donating $25 for WBAI membership and also something more to support Eco-Logic
and independent media. Please be generous, From climate change to elections we have it all. In return we have thank-you
gifts for you to choose from.
Our Eco-Logic 4-CD set contains episodes covering four different environmental topics: Gas Drilling and Drinking Water
(specifically including fracking), Bottled Water and the Plastic It Comes In (also discussing municipal drinking water),
Demystifying the Electricity Grid, and Health Benefits of Indoor Plants (in addition to discussing what plants work in
different spaces, this disk also includes One Year after the BP Oil Spill with Carl Safina regarding the 2010 BP spill
in the Gulf of Mexico). Each of these is also available as an individual CD, but the set gives you information on a
wide range of topics and is easy to share. The full set is our gift to you when you donate $75 or more, or with a
donation of $35 we’ll send you the single CD of your choice.
Our “Bees” DVD includes nearly 3 hours of video: bees are in danger, and with them, our food choices. Learn more
about bees from two beekeepers and about the dangers to them and what you can do to help them, from Rev. Billy,
Mercy Van Vlack and Lenny Librizzi. This thank you gift can be yours for $40 or more.
There is a package of 10 Eco-Logic DVDs for a $175 dollar donation! We have many books and CDs for you to choose
from—just go to and you can choose a gift for yourself or someone in your life—putting Eco-Logic
in the search box will bring up our selections. And when you donate it is appreciated if you say you are giving
in the name of Eco-Logic.
Get in-depth knowledge by enjoying our DVDs and CDs. Learn more and support Eco-Logic and WBAI at the same time.
A thank you gift can be yours for a donation of $35 or more. We appreciate you supporting free speech radio and
helping to keep us on the air.
Let us know if you want us to thank you by name as a donor; email us from our website.
We’re usually on-air Wednesdays at 10 a.m., between the excellent programs, Covert Action Bulletin and Living for the City.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information
and entertainment and support our show - it's a win - win!
1 hr.
radio show
Alexei Kondratiev
Cycles of Nature
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Alexei Kondratiev was an amazing human being whom we want to share with you. He was a teacher on a wide variety
of subjects, he was an anthropologist, a philosopher, a linguist who spoke more than 60 languages, he preserved
endangered languages, an author of both fiction and non-fiction and loved by many. He was one of the foremost
Celtic, Arthurian, and Tolkien scholars in the U.S. Alexei was a birder and a team leader in the Queens
Christmas Bird Count. He also was an accomplished harpist.
On this episode of Eco-Logic, Alexei talked about how religions throughout the world this time of year
follow natural cycles of Earth, specifically the Winter Solstice. We talked about various world cultures,
the Western money economy's effect on Indigenous cultures, ways that we all are in touch with nature, the
relationship between different "competing" religions, all kinds of stuff that we could fit into a one-hour show.
His amazing intellect is preserved for your enjoyment in this episode of Eco-Logic.
Ken's Personal Reminiscences of Alexei Kondratiev
Our news pieces: Another court victory for Montana youth; report on local illegal oil dumping in Arthur Kill, NY/NJ;
the attempt to create a Chesapeake Bay National Recreation Area; the difference between climate and weather.
As always, we have music for you, appropriate to the season: Charlie Murphy wrote and performs “Light is Returning”.
Join us on Wednesday, Jan 8, 2025 at 10 a.m. EDT. for an Eco-Logic Collective Episode.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed by scrolling down on this web site.
This web site has a lot of information. Get your environmental information here. Join our email list and our
facebook page so we can keep in touch! wbaiecologic (no dashes). is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and
entertainment and support our show – its a win-win!
You may have noticed that we don’t talk about our thank you gifts on the air any more. Compliance
now informs us we can’t do that during the show, but here we can chat freely. is where you can go to get our DVDs, CDs and books.
Get great information and entertainment and support our show –
its a win-win! From climate change to elections we have it all. In return we have thank-you gifts for you to choose from.
We have a new phone number for credit card donations: 833-WBAI-NYC (833-922-4692).
We ask you to support the station by donating $25 for WBAI membership and also something
more to support Eco-Logic and independent media. Please be generous, From climate change to elections we have
it all. In return we have thank-you gifts for you to choose from. Visit our site
DVDs or CDs from your favorite radio program would make wonderful holiday gifts.
Now that we're done with traditional holiday food, check out the recipes and stories in a thank you
book we have for you, "From Scratch." It’s a travelogue that is based on a TV show, so it has tips about making the show as well as
comments on the many global locations.
The international recipes were created by chefs to use local ingredients for which coauthor and TV host
David Moscow (of the movie “Big” fame) foraged, hunted, and harvested.
The inspiration for the show was David Moscow realizing how disconnected wealthy urban people are from
the sources of our food—how many city kids know where a potato grows?
Have you ever wondered about the source of our foods? How do fishers make a living with declining fish
populations and environmental laws that can create problems for fishers In the short term, what is involved in foraging for mushrooms.
The book tackles environmental issues from the point of view of those who gather, farm, and hunt our
food ingredients—how do we protect their livelihoods, the environment, and the animals as well.
We found it to be a captivating, compelling book and a great interview.
Reading it to prepare for the show with the authors was a treat. It's so interesting to learn the
behind-the-scenes stuff about food ingredients, food preparation and TV. We learned details about the origin of pizza -
if it's true that Italy got pizza from New York City, we wondered why is it called Neapolitan. Now we know. Get the book
so you will know too. :-)
Check out the full show from Dec. 13, 2023.
Our Eco-Logic 4-CD set contains episodes covering four different environmental
topics: Gas Drilling and Drinking Water (specifically including fracking), Bottled Water and the Plastic
It Comes In (also discussing municipal drinking water), Demystifying the Electricity Grid, and Health
Benefits of Indoor Plants (this disk also includes One Year after the BP Oil Spill with Carl Safina).
Each of these is also available as an individual CD, but the set gives you information on a wide range
of topics and is easy to share for the holidays. The full set is our gift to you when you donate $75 or
more, or with a donation of $35 we’ll send you the single CD of your choice.
Get in-depth knowledge by enjoying our DVDs and CDs. Learn more and support
Eco-Logic and WBAI at the same time. This thank you gift can be yours for a donation of $35 or more.
We appreciate you supporting free speech radio and helping to keep us on the air.
There is a package of 10 Eco-Logic DVDs for a $175 dollar donation! That includes
Clearwater sail, Butterflies, Pope's Encyclical, Connect the Dots, Raging Grannies & Pete Seeger, Religion
and Environment, Grassroots and National Organizing, Bees, Native American Water Protectors, and Nature 4 All/Birding While Black.
As you can see, we have many DVDs—you can choose one or more, or get the whole collection!.
We also have many CDs and books. Take some of Eco-Logic home with you. Add some Eco-Logic to a loved one's
life—just go to and you can choose a gift for yourself or for the special people in your
life—putting Eco-Logic in the search box will bring up our selections.
And when you donate it is appreciated if you say you are giving in the name of Eco-Logic.
Let us know if you want us to thank you by name as a donor; email us from our website.
1 hr.
radio show
News, Songs &
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Corporate radio is not likely to play any of the songs we'll play for you on our December 25th program:
Hugh Blumenfeld - “Long-Haired Radical Socialist Jew”,
Dar Williams - “Christians And Pagans”,
Weird Al Yankovic - “Christmas at Ground Zero”,
Jethro Tull - “Ring Out, Solstice Bells”.
Musicians can use fewer words to make a point--sometimes irreverent, sometimes profound, always entertaining.
Our Eco-Logic collective has lots of opinions on the various holidays that come around this time of year,
but what unifies them all is the “reason for the season”: the Winter Solstice, the shortest day and longest night of
the year. In ancient times, various peoples had different means of calling the sun back. Today, some communities host
memorials for unhoused individuals who have passed on during the year, highlighting the struggles of the marginalized in our society.
We have many more environmental stories for you this week that cover help in saving Monarch butterflies,
storing your holiday leftovers,
fossil-fuel treaty, EPA to review BPA plastic,
and AquaBounty closing all genetically engineered salmon facilities,
And ...
...though we haven't had time for call-ins for a while, this day we would like to welcome your comments and questions on past and
present shows or any other environmental issues on your mind.
Join us on Wednesday, Jan 1, 2025 ! at 10 a.m. EST. for an interview from “Eco-Logic with Alexei Kondratiev: Natural Cycles”,
plus our usual news and announcements.
Eco-Logic's web site,, has a lot of information on it. Get your environmental information here.
Join our email list so we can still keep in touch!
We’re on-air Wednesdays at 10 a.m., between the excellent programs, Covert Action Bulletin and Living for the City.
This is the perfect time of year to give the gift of free speech radio to someone you care about. is where
you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and entertainment and support our show – its a win-win! We
have a new phone number for credit card donations 833-WBAI-NYC (833-922-4692).
You may have noticed that we don’t talk about our thank you gifts on the air any more. Compliance now informs us we
can’t do that during the show, but here we can chat freely.
We ask you to support the station by donating $25 for WBAI membership and also something more to support Eco-Logic
and independent media. Please be generous, From climate change to elections we have it all. In return we have thank-you
gifts for you to choose from.
DVDs or CDs from your favorite radio program would make wonderful holiday gifts.
Our Eco-Logic 4-CD set contains episodes covering five different environmental topics: “Gas Drilling and Drinking Water”
(specifically including fracking), “Bottled Water and the Plastic It Comes In” (also discussing municipal drinking water),
“Demystifying the Electricity Grid”, and “Health Benefits of Indoor Plants” (this disk also includes “One Year after the
BP Oil Spill” with Carl Safina). Each of these is also available as an individual CD, but the set gives you information
on a wide range of topics and is easy to share for the holidays. The full set is our gift to you when you donate $75 or
more, or with a donation of $35 we’ll send you the single CD of your choice.
Our “Bees” DVD includes nearly 3 hours of video: bees are in danger, and with them, our food choices. Learn more
about bees from two beekeepers and about the dangers to them and what you can do to help them, from Rev. Billy,
Mercy Van Vlack and Lenny Librizzi. This thank you gift can be yours for $40 or more.
Get in-depth knowledge by enjoying our DVDs and CDs. Learn more and support Eco-Logic and WBAI at the same time.
A thank you gift can be yours for a donation of $35 or more. We appreciate you supporting free speech radio and
helping to keep us on the air.
There is a package of 10 Eco-Logic DVDs for a $175 dollar donation! We have many books and CDs for you to choose
from—just go to and you can choose a gift for yourself or someone in your life—putting Eco-Logic
in the search box will bring up our selections. And when you donate it is appreciated if you say you are giving
in the name of Eco-Logic.
Let us know if you want us to thank you by name as a donor; email us from our website.
We’re usually on-air Wednesdays at 10 a.m., between the excellent programs, Covert Action Bulletin and Living for the City.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information
and entertainment and support our show - it's a win - win!
1 hr.
radio show
Public Transit Solutions
Trucks & Planes to Trains
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How many of you have enjoyed a long train ride? This week, Eco-Logic delves into the details of rail
transit and its intersection with freight rail. Our guests are
Adam Barrington, a labor organizer, author, and amateur historian and sociologist from Cleveland, Ohio and lead
organizer for the Public Rail Ownership campaign of the Railroad Worker’s Union, working as national organizer
for Public Rail Now,
Blair Lorenzo from Effective Transit Alliance New York, which
advocates for high-quality, accessible, and forward-looking transit in the New York metropolitan area
through technically oriented and internationally inspired analysis.
Eco-Logic listeners probably know of the huge ecological advantages to a long train ride. Trains are more environmentally
friendly than other motorized forms of transit, yet policy-makers favor highways and airways over rails. Amtrak is
expected to make a profit whereas highways are mostly free to the user, with a few toll highways.
Trains are more comfortable than traffic jams, yet the political will is not with trains.
Trains need three things: frequency, reliability, and first- and last-mile service—one needs to easily get both
from home to the train station and to one’s final destination upon arrival.
🌎 We have a lot of questions for them:
🌎 Why is Amtrak so slow?
🌎 Do commuter trains have the same issues as Amtrak?
🌎 Why do decision-makers favor roads over trains, even with all the advantages of train travel?
🌎 Why do voters oppose spending money on public transit, but rarely if ever oppose highway spending?
🌎 What is through-running? Why is it an advantage for sports venues, recreation, and reverse commuting?
🌎 Why has so much rail delivery been put on to trucks? How can those trucks be taken from clogging highways
and put back on to trains?
🌎 How is the governor of New Jersey like Robert Moses?
🌎 What takes more property: roads or rails?
🌎 What uses more energy: roads or rails?
🌎 What takes more tax money: roads or rails?
🌎 What is the benefit of public ownership of the rails?
🌎 What is Precision Scheduled railroading?
Car transit needs subsidies, too.
We'll bring you reports on East Palestine, the greenwashing of electric trucks, good news from
New Jersey’s Pinelands Alliance,
and environmental advantages of public transit over private autos.
This week's music for you is Massachusetts songwriter and folk music performer Conor Ryan Hennessy singing “East Palestine Ohio”.
Join us on Wednesday, Dec 25, 2024 at 10 a. m. EDT.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed by scrolling down on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and
entertainment and support our show – its a win-win!
You may have noticed that we don’t talk about our thank you gifts on the air any more. Compliance
now informs us we can’t do that during the show, but here we can chat freely.
This is the perfect time of year to give the gift of free speech radio to someone you care about. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and entertainment and support our show –
its a win-win! We have a new phone number for credit card donations: 833-WBAI-NYC (833-922-4692).
You may have noticed that we don’t talk about our thank you gifts on the air any more.
Compliance now informs us we can’t do that during the show, but here we can chat freely.
We ask you to support the station by donating $25 for WBAI membership and also something
more to support Eco-Logic and independent media. Please be generous, From climate change to elections we have
it all. In return we have thank-you gifts for you to choose from. Visit our site
DVDs or CDs from your favorite radio program would make wonderful holiday gifts.
Our Eco-Logic 4-CD set contains episodes covering four different environmental
topics: Gas Drilling and Drinking Water (specifically including fracking), Bottled Water and the Plastic
It Comes In (also discussing municipal drinking water), Demystifying the Electricity Grid, and Health
Benefits of Indoor Plants (this disk also includes One Year after the BP Oil Spill with Carl Safina).
Each of these is also available as an individual CD, but the set gives you information on a wide range
of topics and is easy to share for the holidays. The full set is our gift to you when you donate $75 or
more, or with a donation of $35 we’ll send you the single CD of your choice.
Our “Bees” DVD includes nearly 3 hours of video: bees are in danger, and with them,
our food choices. Learn more about bees from two beekeepers and about the dangers to them and what you
can do to help them, from Rev. Billy, Mercy Van Vlack and Lenny Librizzi. This thank you gift can be
yours for $40 or more.
Get in-depth knowledge by enjoying our DVDs and CDs. Learn more and support
Eco-Logic and WBAI at the same time. This thank you gift can be yours for a donation of $35 or more.
We appreciate you supporting free speech radio and helping to keep us on the air.
There is a package of 10 Eco-Logic DVDs for a $175 dollar donation! That includes
Clearwater sail, Butterflies, Pope's Encyclical, Connect the Dots, Raging Grannies & Pete Seeger, Religion
and Environment, Grassroots and National Organizing, Bees, Native American Water Protectors, and Nature 4 All/Birding While Black.
As you can see, we have many DVDs—you can choose one or more, or get the whole collection!.
We also have many CDs and books. Take some of Eco-Logic home with you. Add some Eco-Logic to a loved one's
ife—just go to and you can choose a gift for yourself or for the special people in your
life—putting Eco-Logic in the search box will bring up our selections.
And when you donate it is appreciated if you say you are giving in the name of Eco-Logic.
Let us know if you want us to thank you by name as a donor; email us from our website.
1 hr.
radio show
The Green Science of
Interesting Things
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Thinking Green goes back centuries. Green inventions have been around since before the term was invented.
The Museum of Interesting Things has preserved some of that Green Technology and we'll be talking about that with the curator, Denny Daniel.
Most of what Denny will talk about is between 50 and 100 years old.
Making things last rather than making new ones--something that may last 100 years-- is environmentally positive.
We'll talk about electric cars of over a century ago, Edison wax cylinders, as well as wind-up toys going
back up to 100 years ago and more.
Revisit your youth and the youth of your parents or grandparents with wind-up toys going back generations.
We've all probably seen the delight kids have with wind-up toys. They don't need electricity and can be
played with nearly anywhere. The concept goes back hundreds of years and is still with us.
We'll bring you reports on Holtec's thin-wall
“tin cans” for radioactive waste,
and a rally at Formosa Plastic headquarters in New Jersey.
Our music for you this week is Peter, Paul & Mary's “The Marvelous Toy”.
Join us on Wednesday, Dec 18, 2024 at 10am EDT.
Eco-Logic's web site,, has a lot of information on it. Get your environmental information here.
Join our email list so we can still keep in touch!
We’re on-air Wednesdays at 10 a.m., between the excellent programs, Covert Action Bulletin and Living for the City.
This is the perfect time of year to give the gift of free speech radio to someone you care about. is where
you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and entertainment and support our show – its a win-win! We
have a new phone number for credit card donations 833-WBAI-NYC (833-922-4692).
You may have noticed that we don’t talk about our thank you gifts on the air any more. Compliance now informs us we
can’t do that during the show, but here we can chat freely.
We ask you to support the station by donating $25 for WBAI membership and also something more to support Eco-Logic
and independent media. Please be generous, From climate change to elections we have it all. In return we have thank-you
gifts for you to choose from.
DVDs or CDs from your favorite radio program would make wonderful holiday gifts.
Our “Bees” DVD includes nearly 3 hours of video: bees are in danger, and with them, our food choices. Learn more
about bees from two beekeepers and about the dangers to them and what you can do to help them, from Rev. Billy,
Mercy Van Vlack and Lenny Librizzi. This thank you gift can be yours for $40 or more.
Get in-depth knowledge by enjoying our DVDs and CDs. Learn more and support Eco-Logic and WBAI at the same time.
A thank you gift can be yours for a donation of $35 or more. We appreciate you supporting free speech radio and
helping to keep us on the air.
There is a package of 10 Eco-Logic DVDs for a $175 dollar donation! We have many books and CDs for you to choose
from—just go to and you can choose a gift for yourself or someone in your life—putting Eco-Logic
in the search box will bring up our selections. And when you donate it is appreciated if you say you are giving
in the name of Eco-Logic.
Let us know if you want us to thank you by name as a donor; email us from our website.
We’re usually on-air Wednesdays at 10 a.m., between the excellent programs, Covert Action Bulletin and Living for the City.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information
and entertainment and support our show - it's a win - win!
1 hr.
radio show
Eco-Logic & Living for the City
Collaborate for WBAI
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Once again we are happy to collaborate with Living for the City to help promote the radio station we love. Michael G Haskins,
co-producer and host, will be joining us. And as always we start off the program with news, information and perspectives you won't hear anywhere else.
We'll bring you reports on a company in Brazil recycling plastic
into shoes; recycling waste management; the win-win of using rotting seaweed
to make biofuel in the Caribbean; and a new study on the acidification, heating up, and
severe changes to the science of the oceans.
Our music for you this week is “A Little Too Much Sunshine” by The Ray Korona Band and Fred Gillen Jr.'s “River of Money”.
And …
Join us on Wednesday, Dec 11, 2024 at 10amEDT for the Museum of Interesting Things.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed by scrolling down on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and
entertainment and support our show – its a win-win!
You may have noticed that we don’t talk about our thank you gifts on the air any more. Compliance
now informs us we can’t do that during the show, but here we can chat freely.
This is the perfect time of year to give the gift of free speech radio to someone you care about. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and entertainment and support our show –
its a win-win! We have a new phone number for credit card donations: 833-WBAI-NYC (833-922-4692).
You may have noticed that we don’t talk about our thank you gifts on the air any more.
Compliance now informs us we can’t do that during the show, but here we can chat freely.
We ask you to support the station by donating $25 for WBAI membership and also something
more to support Eco-Logic and independent media. Please be generous, From climate change to elections we have
it all. In return we have thank-you gifts for you to choose from. Visit our site
The gift of music from your favorite radio program will bring holiday smiles. The Ray Korona Band's
“A LittleToo Much Sunshine” can be yours for a donation to Eco-Logic and WBAI. You'll hear, Fragile Planet *
A Little Too Much Sunshine * Water - The Song * Displaced * Sing Like Pete * Play the Rock Music Loud * The Cost of Freedom *
The Turning of the Years * Rotten to the Root * Common Ground * Votes on Paper * When You're Falling in Love * Just Say Manana *
Message in a Bottle. This thank you gift can be yours for $35 or more . You will hear the title track on the 12-4 program.
Get in-depth knowledge by enjoying our DVDs and CDs. Learn more and support Eco-Logic and WBAI at the
same time. This thank you gift can be yours for a donation of $35 or more. We appreciate you supporting free speech radio and
helping to keep us on the air.
There is a package of 10 Eco-Logic DVDs for a $175 dollar donation! That includes Clearwater
sail, Butterflies, Pope's Encyclical, Connect the Dots, Raging Grannies & Pete Seeger, Religion and Environment,
Grassroots and National Organizing, Bees, Native American Water Protectors, and Nature 4 All/Birding While Black.
As you can see, we have many DVDs—you can choose one or more, or get the whole collection!.
We also have many CDs and books. Take some of Eco-Logic home with you. Add some Eco-Logic to a loved one's life—just go
to and you can choose a gift for yourself or for the special people in your life—putting Eco-Logic in the
search box will bring up our selections.
And when you donate it is appreciated if you say you are giving in the name of Eco-Logic.
Let us know if you want us to thank you by name as a donor; email us from our website.
1 hr.
radio show
Biden's Here Now
2 Months For The Environment
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The Biden administration is not done yet. There are still about two months until the end of this term, and they can make
positive moves for the environment. Our guests this week will be discussing what can be done and what should be done by
the outgoing administration.
Joining us are Ben Goloff, Senior Climate Campaigner in the Climate Law Institute of the Center for Biological Diversity, in absentia, and
Liz Moran, New York Policy Advocate for EarthJustice. Ben was at COP29 in Azerbijian last week, where these ideas were
definitely discussed. Liz's focus is what can be done at the state level as well as EarthJustice's national perspective.
There is much President Biden's administration can do, from issuing a rejection to proposed new fossil fuel projects that are clearly
not in the public interest to filling judicial vacancies. Congress needs to approve judicial nominations already in place for the
strongest chance to fight back legally. The aim is to challenge corporate power and lead from people power. The president and
Congress should take action now and not leave it to the next administration.
For our news section this week, we report on carbon-dioxide-capturing bacteria and good news for giraffes.
Our music for you this week is “Become America” by The Call. This is one of the last songs Michael Been wrote.
Join us on Wednesday, Dec 4, 2024 at 10am EDT. for our holiday show.
Eco-Logic's web site,, has a lot of information on it. Get your environmental information here.
Join our email list so we can still keep in touch!
We’re on-air Wednesdays at 10 a.m., between the excellent programs, Covert Action Bulletin and Living for the City.
This is the perfect time of year to give the gift of free speech radio to someone you care about. is where
you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and entertainment and support our show – its a win-win! We
have a new phone number for credit card donations 833-WBAI-NYC (833-922-4692).
You may have noticed that we don’t talk about our thank you gifts on the air any more. Compliance now informs us we
can’t do that during the show, but here we can chat freely.
We ask you to support the station by donating $25 for WBAI membership and also something more to support Eco-Logic
and independent media. Please be generous, From climate change to elections we have it all. In return we have thank-you
gifts for you to choose from.
The gift of music from your favorite radio program will bring holiday smiles. Ray Koronas “A LittleToo Much Sunshine”
can be yours for a donation to Eco-Logic and WBAI. You'll hear, Fragile Planet * A Little Too Much Sunshine * Water -
The Song * Displaced * Sing Like Pete * Play the Rock Music Loud * The Cost of Freedom * The Turning of the Years *
Rotten to the Root * Common Ground * Votes on Paper * When You're Falling in Love * Just Say Manana * Message in a Bottle
Get in-depth knowledge by enjoying our DVDs and CDs. Learn more and support Eco-Logic and WBAI at the same time.
This thank you gift can be yours for a donation of $40 or more. We appreciate you supporting free speech radio and
helping to keep us on the air.
There is a package of 10 Eco-Logic DVDs for a $175 dollar donation! We have many books and CDs for you to choose
from—just go to and you can choose a gift for yourself or someone in your life—putting Eco-Logic
in the search box will bring up our selections. And when you donate it is appreciated if you say you are giving
in the name of Eco-Logic.
Let us know if you want us to thank you by name as a donor; email us from our website.
We’re usually on-air Wednesdays at 10 a.m., between the excellent programs, Covert Action Bulletin and Living for the City.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information
and entertainment and support our show - it's a win - win!
1 hr.
radio show
COP 29
Past Weakness Future Hopes
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This week we bring you a report on COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Our guest, Cindy Piester, is a virtual delegate from WILPF,
Woman's International League for Peace and Freedom. She first attended COP, the Conference of the Parties, in Egypt in person, for COP27 in 2022.
Why are COPs so important? Are they total cop-outs or partial cop-outs?
We've been following COPs conferences for years now. You can find 2023’s episode,
as well as those from previous years, on our web site. Although the U.S.A. has a delegation this year, will we have representation
at COP30 next year? We will discuss how other countries are planning to move ahead without us. The fossil fuel industry has a large
presence, but there are also many environmentalists present. In addition to official sessions, there are hundreds of side events each day
The fact that so many environmental groups throughout the world send attendees shows at least the potential of these conferences.
Among topics being covered are the military and wartime influences on clean air and water and the wealth disparity between
rich and poor nations and individuals. António Guterres, Secretary-General of the U.N. emphasizes 3 main points: emergency
emissions reduction, protecting populations, and finance. The fight is on for economic justice and energy justice.
For our news section this week, we report on PFAS in turkeys
and wild deer, 1 in 3 tree species at risk of
extinction - just one more reason that people are pushing Gov. Hochul to sign the
the G20 conference on climate
finance happening in Brazil...and on this Trans Day of Remembrance, we recognize the impact of environmental
disasters on unhoused
individuals, including trans people. We give a brief tribute to two wonderful creative activists who recently passed, William Huston and Morgan Jenness.
Our music for you this week is 60 Flemish artists singing the climate-movement anthem “Do It Now. Sing for the Climate.”
The United Nations put this version of the song on YouTube. You might have heard the song at a big environmental protest in the past few years.
The NYC Raging Grannies frequently sing it at rallies and marches.
And …
Join us on Wednesday, Nov 27, 2024 at 10amEDT.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed by scrolling down on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and
entertainment and support our show – its a win-win!
You may have noticed that we don’t talk about our thank you gifts on the air any more. Compliance
now informs us we can’t do that during the show, but here we can chat freely.
We ask you to support the station by donating $25 for WBAI membership and also something more to support
Eco-Logic and independent media. Please be generous, From climate change to elections we have it all. In return we have thank-you
gifts for you to choose from.
Indigenous knowledge is important to the future preservation of Earth's clean water, clean air and wildlife.
WBAI listeners have known this for years and it's finally going mainstream--but mostly only in sound bites. Get in-depth
knowledge by watching our DVD's. This week, we are highlighting Eco-Logic's DVD Water Protectors Lakota and Ramapough-Lunaape.
Learn more and support Eco-Logic and WBAI at the same time. This thank you gift can be yours for a donation of $40 or more.
We appreciate you supporting free speech radio and helping to keep us on the air.
There is a package of 10 Eco-Logic DVDs for a $175 dollar donation! We have many books and CDs for
you to choose from—just go to or and you can choose a gift for yourself or someone in your
life—putting Eco-Logic in the search box will bring up our selections. And when you donate it is appreciated if you say you
are giving in the name of Eco-Logic.
1 hr.
radio show
What Happens If
The Gulf Stream Collapses?
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Stanley Weinbaum's science fiction horror story "Shifting Seas",
written in 1937, describes a Gulf Stream collapse—it just might come true if that current and the rest of AMOC (Atlantic Meridional Oceanic Circulation)
collapses. The danger is pointed out in an Open Letter
to the Nordic Council of Ministers written by 44 climate scientists—including our guest this week.
The letter notes that the risk of such a change in the circulation of ocean waters has been understated, and should it happen, the effects would be
devastating and irreversible. There is still (a little) time to stop it.
Anastasia Romanou of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
and Columbia University and Joonas Merikanto, head of Climate system modelling group at the
Finnish Meteorological Institute, explained what we know, what is predictable,
what still needs to be understood and what that collapse will mean for Europe, Africa and Asia. Water-temperature patterns have
already shifted--a ‘cold blob’ has developed over the subpolar Atlantic Ocean and will likely lead to unprecedented extreme weather.
There is still a lot that scientists need to study to understand the full impact.
From the letter: “Tipping point risks are real and can occur within the 1.5 - 2°C climate range of the Paris Agreement. The world
is currently heading well beyond this range (> 2.5°C). In the In Synthesis report of the IPCC (2023) it is stated with high
confidence that the likelihood of abrupt or of irreversible changes in the climate system will increase with the level of
global warming, and similarly the probability of outcomes that may be considered low-likelihood but are associated with
potentially very large adverse impacts increases. The IPCC further specifies that ‘risks associated with large-scale
singular events or tipping points . . . transition to high risk between 1.5°C - 2.5°C’ of global warming.
“A recent OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) report has concluded that "the current scientific
evidence unequivocally supports unprecedented, urgent and ambitious climate action to tackle the risks of climate system
tipping points.”
For our news section this week we bring you a report on a drought affecting
New Jersey’s cranberry harvest,
and voters in South Dakota successfully protecting
local control over CO2 pipelines.
Our music for you this week is “Waters of the World” composed and performed by Sharon Abreu.
Join us on Wednesday, Nov 2O, 2024 at 10am EDT to hear about COP29 in Azerbaijan, November 11 - 22.
Eco-Logic's web site,, has a lot of information on it. Get your environmental information here.
Join our email list so we can still keep in touch!
We’re on-air Wednesdays at 10 a.m., between the excellent programs, Covert Action Bulletin and Living for the City. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and entertainment and support our show – its a
win-win! We have a new phone number for credit card donations 833-WBAI-NYC (833-922-4692).
You may have noticed that we don’t talk about our thank you gifts on the air any more. Compliance now informs us we can’t do
that during the show, but here we can chat freely.
We ask you to support the station by donating $25 for WBAI membership and also something more to support Eco-Logic and
independent media. From climate change to elections we have it all. In return we have some thank-you gifts for you.
This week, we are highlighting “Saving Mother Ocean” by Steve Andrews. Steve was our guest on April 2, 2021 and on May 29,
2024. His book encapsulates a wealth of information on marine environmental issues and solutions. He provides more
information on the oceans on a basic level, giving you a way to learn more and support Eco-Logic and WBAI at the same
time. This thank you gift can be yours for a donation of $40 or more. We appreciate you supporting free speech radio and
helping to keep us on the air.
We have many books and CDs for you to choose from—just go to and you can choose a gift for yourself or
someone in your life—putting Eco-Logic in the search box will bring up our selections. And when you donate it is
appreciated if you say you are giving in the name of Eco-Logic.
Let us know if you want us to thank you by name as a donor; email us from our website.
We’re usually on-air Wednesdays at 10 a.m., between the excellent programs, Covert Action Bulletin and Living for the City.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information
and entertainment and support our show - it's a win - win!
1 hr.
radio show
Election Analysis
And The Environment
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This next Eco-Logic will be the morning after the election. Whether or not we know who won the presidency, the Senate,
or the House of Representatives, we will analyze likely results and likely ramifications to the air, water, land, and
wildlife depending on who did or might win.
We'll be joined by John Noel, Deputy Climate Director of Greenpeace and Mark Dunlea, chair of Green Education and
Legal Fund, author of “Putting Out the Planetary Fire”, coordinator of PAUSE (People of Albany United for Safe Energy)/350 Albany.
We'll talk about the environmental records of both presidential candidates and show how both major parties throw
money at False Climate Solutions. Renewable energy might be too far along to stop it. How much do our guests pay
attention to polls, and especially which polls. We'll also talk about local elections.
For our news section this week we bring you a report on building breakwaters to protect from flooding, the effect
of climate chaos on buildings, and returning land to the sea for flood control.
Our music for you today is Phil Ochs' patriotic “Power and Glory.”
And …
Join us on Wednesday, Nov 13, 2024 at 10amEDT.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed by scrolling down on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and
entertainment and support our show – its a win-win!
You may have noticed that we don’t talk about our thank you gifts on the air any more. Compliance
now informs us we can’t do that during the show, but here we can chat freely.
WBAI is extending the fund drive this week. We ask you to support the station by donating
$25 for WBAI membership and also something more to support Eco-Logic and independent media. From climate change to
elections we have it all. In return we have some thank-you gifts for you.
“Extinction: A Radical History” is highlighted today as a gift you can choose. Author
Ashley Dawson contends that
the current relentless level of extinction is the product of a global attack on the commons. This attack has
its genesis in the need for capital to expand relentlessly into all spheres of life. Extinction cannot be
understood in isolation from a critique of our economic system.
We have many other books and CDs for you to choose from—just go to
and you can choose a gift for yourself or someone in your life—putting Eco-Logic in the search box will
bring up our selection. And when you donate it is appreciated if you say you are giving in the name of Eco-Logic.
1 hr.
radio show
Superstorm Sandy
Eyewitness Report from WBAI
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Ken was at WBAI when Hurricane / Superstorm Sandy hit New York City. WBAI was at 120 Wall St. and the storm surge was
visible from WBAI's 10th floor window. Ken watched the storm water go up Wall St. and soon submerge the traffic light.
You can read the whole report, written soon after he got back home.
Click on either link to the left or right.
3 pgs.
Onondaga Wisdom
Environmental Law & Justice
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We have a special program for you today, both with a great guest and an extended show together with the "Living for the City"
program with Michael G. Haskins!
When people pay attention to environmental wisdom, local air and water get cleaner. On this episode of Eco-Logic we'll talk to
Joe Heath, General Counsel for the Onondaga Nation since 1982, about Indigenous environmentalism and the Onondaga's recent
success to regain some of their stolen land. Hear about the difference between land rights and land ownership.
The Onondaga Nation has reclaimed 1,000 acres of its land. Now it seeks restoration from the years of pollution. This is a
mere fraction of the 2.5 million acres guaranteed to the Onondagas in treaties with the US government. This title transfer,
though, represents a critical milestone in the Nation’s ongoing battle to regain its ancestral lands.
You'll hear how this historic land transfer comes amid a growing awareness in the United States of “historical trauma” and talks of reparations.
“The only meaningful form of reparations for traditional indigenous people is land,” Heath said.
For our news section this week we bring you attempts to
communicate with whales in their language
and a bill to ban bottom ocean trawling.
Our music for you today is by Jerry Thundercloud McDonald. He is Mohawk and plays music, such as "The Round Dance" at Powwows.
And …
Join us on Wednesday, Nov 6, 2024 at 10am EDT. It's the day after the election, remember to vote!
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and
entertainment and support our show – its a win-win!
2 hrs.
radio show
Telling Truths With Art
Environmental Comics
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Graphic storytelling -- comic strips -- is the topic on our October 23rd Eco-Logic episode. We'll be talking about art conveying truth on a variety of environmental issues. “A picture is worth 1,000 words” and the artists of WW3 Illustrated give you every "word."
The artwork is cutting-edge, but the communication of the issues that the writers and artists portray is paramount.
Ken used to do a weekly WBAI show interviewing writers and artists in the comics industry (1993 - 2007 and occasional specials after that) and covered every issue of WW3I, which Ken considers the most important comic book published for several reasons, centering on the talents of the creators involved, the issues covered, and the way they're covered.
WW3 Illustrated’s latest issue came out last week. Our writer/artist guests and their subjects:
🌎 Seth Tobocman showed what is happening in India with the manyfold increase of cars and the politics behind it,
🌎 Larimar Lora wrote and drew about conditions in Puerto Rico before and after Hurricane Maria,
🌎 Susan Simensky Bietila reported graphically on the 2024 Republican National Convention.
For our news section this week we bring you a lead pipe rule from the EPA; election waste—all those yard signs!—a free online film festival; the Hudson River, EPA and PCBs; and no real news from British Petroleum.
Our music for you today is “Painter Man” performed by The Creation.
And …
Join us on Wednesday, Oct 30, 2024 at 10am EDT for Indigenous Environmentalism with Onondaga General Counsel Joe Heath.
We’re usually on-air Wednesdays at 10 a.m., between the excellent programs, Covert Action Bulletin and Living for the City.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information
and entertainment and support our show - it's a win - win!
1 hr.
radio show
Celebration Of Nature Series
Indigenous Wildlife Conservation
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The GREAT ELEPHANT MIGRATION art project visited NYC on its second stop traveling around the country to support wildlife
conservation. Eco-Logic was there and ready to report.
The project is the largest outdoor public art installation in the city since The Gates in 2005 and features 100 life-size
sculptures of Indian elephants crafted over the last five years by the Coexistence Collective, a team of 200 Indigenous
artisans from Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve in South India.
The traveling exhibition is raising money for 22 partnering conservation non-governmental organizations, or NGOs, dedicated to
saving not only elephants, but various types of wildlife. Each stop on the tour also benefits a local nonprofit. In New York,
that’s the Wild Bird Fund.
The project supports a peaceful coexistence between wildlife and humans.
We have a representative from one of those partnering organizations, Jackie Batrus of the WILD Foundation, discussing indigenous conservation efforts.
For our news section this week we bring you Ted Glick of Beyond Extreme Energy talking about his experiences interacting with a dragonfly and raising monarch butterflies.
Our music for you this week is “One World” by The Police.
Join us on Wednesday, Oct 23, 2024 at 10am EDT when we speak with artists using their art to educate on environmental issues.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and
entertainment and support our show – its a win-win!
1 hr.
radio show
NJ/NY Harbor Waters
Good News
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In the mid 60s, Clearwater, the Hudson River Fishermen’s Association, and other groups had a goal of cleaning the Hudson River.
The Cuyahoga River in Cleveland, Ohio caught fire again in 1969, which was a wake up call to listen to environmental groups and
the Clean Water Act was signed, over President Nixon's veto. Dolphins, whales and seals coming back to NY Harbor have proved
that to be a success.
Pollution has been considered "the price of progress" for at least 500 years, since Elizabethan England. Progress for whom?
Why does the system of progress have to sacrifice the health of people and Earth?
Our guests are Judith Weis, professor emerita, Department of Biological Sciences at Rutgers University, and Cindy Zipf,
executive director of Clean Ocean Action, now in its 40th year. They both, with their organizations, have been working
on cleaning up the NY NJ Harbor and surrounding waterways for many years, studying and fighting for a cleaner, healthier
ocean; harbor; river; and estuaries. During this time, there have been improvements leading to the return of oysters and
dolphins, but at times further progress has been threatened, for example, by fossil fuel infrastructure. On this show
you'll find out the good and bad - mostly the good, as we celebrate activism.
We'll talk about the then and now of the NY NJ Harbor and surrounding waterways. We'll go into detail about the progress
thanks to efforts of activists and governmental agencies (spurred on by activists). We’ll hear about increasing numbers
of fish and birds and marine mammals, plus marshes as protectors of homes and businesses. Industrial waste and raw sewage
was the scourge of the river —pollution became too big to ignore and people started to speak out.
Our environmental news for you this week starts with the good news of NYC finally having a citywide compost program,
the government veto of mortgage forebearance for Hurricane Ida survivors, BP doubling down on fossil fuels, and
environmental bills and public hearings in New Jersey.
Pete Seeger singing his song “Sailing Up My Dirty Stream” is our music for you this week.
We’re usually on-air Wednesdays at 10 a.m., between the excellent programs, Covert Action Bulletin and Living for the City.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us on Wednesday, Oct 16, 2024 at 10am EDT
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information
and entertainment and support our show - it's a win - win!
1 hr.
radio show
Defending ESG
Environmental - Social - Governance
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On this episode we'll talk about corporate responsibility and the efforts in Congress to pass bills opposed to
“environmental, social, and governance” - ESG - efforts. The House has passed two bills that, if also passed by the
Senate, will prevent corporations from considering anything but maximizing profit.
Tune in to hear about greenwashing, stockholder activism, divestment, lobbying disclosures, how the Securities Exchange Commission/SEC
is designed and why it changes with every administration, stock ownership concentration, the oil industry's reaction to the
Summer of Heat civil disobedience, and our power as consumers.
Our guest this week is Jon Golinger, Democracy Advocate from Public Citizen.
Public Citizen advocates for ordinary people by taking on corporate interests and their cronies in government.
Our environmental news for you this week covers artificial intelligence and its energy use, and protesters fighting the
consequences of continuing plastics production. We try to open every show with good news and we bring you some from
Mark Latour of TheEnvironmentTV Forum.
Our music for you this week is by The NYC Metro Raging Grannies - “Corporations Run the World!”
Join us on Wednesday, Oct 9, 2024 at 10am EDT for the improving health of NY / NJ harbor.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and
entertainment and support our show – its a win-win!
1 hr.
radio show
News, Views & Music Too!
Policies, Projects, & Particulars
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Eco-Logic covers many topics on every show. Usually, one in depth and several in brief, but on today’s News, Views, and Music,
Too! show we’re bringing you a great variety of stories. We make sure to include solutions to every problem we bring up. We
give links on our web site so you can explore the stories further when they appeal to you.
We'll talk about, in no particular order:
1. Earthjustice win for whales and turtles
2. Union of Concerned Scientists –
Danger season, record heat and naming wildfires
3. Solar Canopy Croton-Harmon train station parking lot
4. Carbon Capture and Sequestration
5. So-called green hydrogen
6. Subway Particulate
Matter 2.5
7. Ionosphere
8. Connection between human life and bat survival
9. Antarctic sea ice
10. Air conditioner use and solar
in Texas and California
11. Liberty State Park open house
12. Clearwater sail
13. Pacifica elections
Actor and activist Harrison Ford, Conservation International Vice Chair at the 2018 Global Climate Action Summit, gives his
reminder about the importance of nature.
We also have environmental music celebrating Earth: Peter Gabriel - Down To Earth; Sparks - Never Turn Your Back On Mother Earth;
Marvin Gaye's Ecology song
We’re usually on-air Wednesdays at 10 a.m., between the excellent programs, Covert Action Bulletin and Living for the City.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us on Wednesday, Oct 2, 2024 at 10am EDT
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information
and entertainment and support our show - it's a win - win!
1 hr.
radio show
Climate Justice
on Climate Week
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Climate Week is coming up—usually a corporate celebration of window-dressing and greenwashing. This year,
UPROSE and allies are doing something more, taking the narrative
back from corporations. Climate Justice must be a major consideration in any discussion of global climate change, or
business as usual will continue, with pollution concentrated in poor, Black or Brown neighborhoods. Those frontline
communities' fights are everyone's fight. For too long, certain communities have borne the brunt of the pollution
that results from such facilities as power plants, bus garages, incinerators.
Almost every environmental issue has a climate justice aspect, and we do our best to include it in every show. Sometimes,
we devote an entire show to a group like UPROSE, which has been active for many decades and has several events planned for
Climate Week, all leading up to the Climate Justice Festival. Billed as “the evolution of the People’s Climate March,”
the festival has cosponsors including Green Latinos, NY Renews, Patagonia, and EarthJustice. It will be on Saturday,
September 28th from 2 to 7 at Pier 4 of the Brooklyn Army Terminal.
Our guests this week are UPROSE organizers Annecia Steiniger, Javier Bautista and Nyiesha Mallett.
Nyiesha Mallett is a 23-year-old artist and climate-justice youth organizer and has been organizing with UPROSE since the age of 14.
Javier Bautista has volunteered at UPROSE since he was 10 years old. Now he works to grow UPROSE’s headcount with a roster
of badass organizers, as well as spearheading special events and initiatives.
Annecia Steiniger is a Climate Justice Organizer at UPROSE. Before joining UPROSE, she worked on electoral races and on
issue-based campaigns, promoting investment in clean energy and fossil fuel divestment.
"Think globally act locally."
But first, we will bring you State Senator Liz Krueger, the prime sponser
of the NY TREES Act,
which has been getting bipartisan support in the NY State legislature for several years. However, Governor Hochul has never signed it.
It will protect tropical rainforests from destruction and create jobs in New York State. Destroying tropical rainforests changes weather
patterns, thus changing climate, and destroys homes of indigenous people and brings plants and animals to or toward extinction.
This show is about some of the changes necessary in our society to reverse climate chaos and climate injustice. Hence, Mavis Staples' song "Change."
Join us next week, Wednesday September 25th at 10am EDT. We'll bring you News, Information and Updates on a variety of environmental issues.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and
entertainment and support our show – its a win-win!
1 hr.
radio show
9-11 Special
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Eco-Logic is pre-empted this Wednesday, September 11 for WBAI's 9-11 Special. We will return next week, September 18.
We'll be talking with members of UPROSE about their upcoming environmental justice schedule during Climate Week.
Eco-Logic is pre-empted this Wednesday, September 11 for WBAI's 9-11 Special. We will return next week, September 18.
We'll be talking with members of UPROSE about their upcoming environmental justice schedule during Climate Week.
Much thanks to those of you who are already subscribed as our Buddies. It is really appreciated! Please let us know
if you want us to thank you on the air.
Donations will definitely keep the transmitter going, the engineers paid, and the studio rented - and Eco-Logic
is just one of many good shows that need to be heard.
This web site has a lot of information on it. You don’t have to do without environmental information from us this week.
Join our email list so we can still keep in touch!
We’re usually on-air Wednesdays at 10 a.m., between the excellent programs, Covert Action Bulletin and Living for the City.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us on Wednesday, Sept 18, 2024 at 10am EDT for UPROSE Environmental Justice at Climate Week.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
My Thoughts and Experiences
on and after 9-11.
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I (Ken) was downtown at WBAI on 9-11-01, when WBAI-FM was at 120 Wall St. I breathed the acrid smoke.
I saw the toll on local firefighters. I also noted how wonderfully New York City responded. I wrote up
some of my thoughts and experiences at the time for this web site.
6 pages
This web site
How We Win
The Fall of FERC
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The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has been rubber-stamping industry requests for permits and escaped environmentalist
scrutiny until about a decade ago when more people started paying attention.
There have been marches and rallies and letter-writing and articles in a variety of places from print magazines to social media.
When there was no policy change, folks disrupted FERC meetings and had sit-ins and prayer vigils in front of FERC headquarters
in Washington, DC.
Various people including dedicated activists have been attending monthly meetings of FERC and exposing their automatic
approval of industry projects—rejecting only 2 of some 400 pipeline applications.
This is a show about activists, how we operate, how we persevere, how we overcome feeling overwhelmed. FERC is an example of
what we want to overcome - the focus on industry over public interest, profit over people, control over mainstream media and
what reaches the public.
Our guests Ted Glick and Maple Osterbrink of Beyond Extreme Energy (BXE)
have acted for justice for decades. We'll talk about the various strategies and tactics they've used over the years and how
they have evolved. Tune in for a message of empowerment.
Ted’s first activism was in the peace movement with the Catholic Left, as he describes in his book “Burglar for Peace”. Some time
ago, he decided that the most important issue was climate, and since then has worked to oppose pipelines, support truly clean
renewable energy, and turn FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) to FREC (Federal Renewable Energy Commission).
Maple started protesting issues locally, followed all the usual tactics-letter writing, marches, attending public hearings -
making comments, signing petitions, letters to the editors, art works and gradually realized that there are bigger factors
stopping activists from succeeding, and connected with Beyond Extreme Energy to fight FERC. She is also active with other
groups including VOICES: Victory Over InFRACKstructure, Clean Energy inStead. Non-violent civil disobedience was the next
step necessary.
On September 19th, in what they hope will be the beginning of “The Fall of FERC,” members of Beyond Extreme Energy will once
again rally outside FERC, with some members going inside to call out what FERC is really doing - rubber-stamping fossil-fuel
projects and ignoring the realities of climate change.
We open the show with an announcement about NJ Transit,
a story of what we're up against when people ask "Don't you believe in Star Trek?” and news about western
ecosystems being covered with solar panels.
“Frack, Frack, Fracking” by Peter Alsop is our song for you this week. Like so many of Peter's songs, it's both humorous and poignant.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us in 2 weeks, Wednesday September 18th at 10am EDT. Our guests will be Environmental Justice organizers from UPROSE for Climate Week.
WBAI will be doing a Sept 11 Special next week from 9 to 11.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information
and entertainment and support our show - it's a win - win!
1 hr.
radio show
Summer Of Heat
12 Weeks Of Protest - And Next?
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Eco-Logic has been doing sound bites each week regarding the Summer of Heat,
now in its 12th week. On this episode, we’ll devote nearly the entire show to interviewing members of the Summer of Heat organizing team.
After 12 weeks, they have a lot to tell us about Citigroup financing fossil fuels and the effect they have had. We'll talk about the 12
weeks of action, about why Citigroup was highlighted, and how many different groups, focusing on different issues, joined in alliance
with Summer of Heat.
When we did our first Summer of Heat show, on June 19th,
we were full of hope. After 12 weeks, we feel empowered. One of the best aspects of Summer of Heat is the linkages between many groups
and with what some people might think of as separate issues. We’ll detail those links and why they are so important in building community
and a movement.
Climate chaos affects everyone. Some people sooner than others. Some people more than others. Banks profit over fossil fuels while people
around the world suffer. The Summer of Heat campaign, though mostly focused on Citigroup, included other Wall Street targets and even a
road trip to the Hamptons, where “orcas” infiltrated a marina.
The summer may be coming to a close, but the campaign is not. We’ll ask our guests what they are able to share about the future of
the campaign - such as their plans for Climate Week.
This campaign was historic in its 3-month duration; it is easy for employees and their employers to ignore a 1- or 2-day action, but over 12 weeks,
actions become disruptive in another way, perhaps causing employees to think about the corporate actions that they support with their labor.
Our guests are two of the organizers of the Summer of Heat: Jenny Xie of Stop the Money Pipeline
and Sophie Shepherd of Planet over Profit.
The stories we have for you: the
return of the Spotted Lanternfy
and the potential destruction and privatization of 11 woodland acres of
Thomas A. Edison Park
Our song this week could have been written for the Summer of Heat: Anne Feeney sings “Have You Been to Jail for Justice?”
Join us Wednesday September 4th at 10am EDT for the Fall of FERC.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and
entertainment and support our show – its a win-win!
1 hr.
radio show
Celebration Of Nature Series:
Good News For Wildlife:
Big Pharma Backs Down
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Entire ecosystems, from wildlife to rural shore communities, rely on the Horseshoe Crab.
So much of nature is connected and is so carefully balanced that "Balance of Nature" has become a cliché going back to 1850.
We'll be talking about the balance from shorebirds, who give so much joy to birders, to gamefish, who are so important to fisherfolk.
On the Atlantic coast, many birds, fish, and other animals all depend on Horseshoe Crabs.
Shorebirds on the east coast of North America have delayed their migration and their breeding season to coincide with when
Horseshoe Crabs lay their eggs. What was once one of the most numerous of all shorebirds, the Red Knot, is now on the
brink of extinction!
Many species of gamefish have declined as Horseshoe Crabs have declined. And why is that? Because the pharmaceutical industry,
needing to test the purity of vaccines and other drugs, drains the horseshoe crabs’ unique blue blood for that purpose, even
though there have been alternatives for decades. ln addition, Asian horseshoe crabs’ mating grounds are disappearing, and many
American fishers use horseshoe crabs for bait - unwittingly making it harder for them to find many of their target fish.
The good news to report is that the pharmaceutical industry has announced that they will use the alternatives, but that doesn't
stop the Bleeders, people who capture Horseshoe Crabs to sell their blood. They even go into protected areas. Companies such
as Eli Lilly have taken a leadership role and abandoned use of all live animals.
New Jersey has a moratorium to protect the Horseshoe Crabs, and the New York legislature has also passed a moratorium bill -
now Governor Hochul needs to sign it!
Our guests are Tim Dillingham of the American Littoral Society and Larry Niles of the Horseshoe Crab Recovery Coalition.
Tim Dillingham has led the American Littoral Society as its Executive Director since 2003. His work has led to expanded
advocacy regarding the restoration of Barnegat Bay and other coastal areas, new partnerships to promote community-based
restoration projects, expansion of marine education programs in underserved communities throughout New Jersey, the
launch of a “Spill Spotters” program to engage local communities in coastal stewardship and spill response, and
renewed focus on the conservation and restoration of Jamaica Bay, NYC.
Larry Niles PhD is with the Horseshoe Crab Recovery Coalition and Wildlife Restoration Partnerships. He has spent almost
30 years trying to ensure the survival of the Red Knot and the horseshoe crabs the bird depends on at New Jersey’s
Delaware Bay beaches. He is an independent wildlife biologist who once headed New Jersey’s endangered species program.
In the late 1990s Larry found that the shorebird’s population had plunged by 4/5ths because the crab eggs they need to
complete a long-distance migration had been badly depleted by an over-harvest of the crabs for the commercial fishing industry.
Reflecting on his 35-year career protecting and managing wildlife, Larry commented, "The fate of natural resources and of our
nation's rural communities are one – the interwoven fate of both are the central issue of conservation. The welfare of rural
communities depends on well-managed natural resources fairly distributed.”
The environmental stories we have for you: a
temperate rainforest in Europe!;
wind and
solar energy innovations for boats.
Season of Heat's 11th week of action focus is Feminists Fight Fossil Fuels. We will bring you an update from the season's 10th week,
which focused on Migrants.
Our environmental music for you has Sharon Abreu singing her song "The Balance" from her CD, Penguins on Thin Ice Musical Revue.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us Wednesday August 28th at 10am EDT for the wrap-up to the Summer of Heat.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information
and entertainment and support our show - it's a win - win!
1 hr.
radio show
Better Transit Plan for the Environment
Making Penn Station Work
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Public transit is an important part of any environmental solution, from cleaner air and water to fighting climate chaos. Public
transit is especially important in the NY Metropolitan Area, and yet there is a LOT of room for improvement. Those who make
transit decisions are always, or almost always, motorists—they do not depend on trains or buses, but are able to drive wherever
and whenever they want, not limited by fixed schedules and sometimes unreliable public transportation. It's up to citizen
activists to fight for better transit and better transit access, to get people out of their cars and onto less stressful
means of getting where they want.
🌎 We'll explain what Through-Running is and why it's such a good idea.
🌎 We'll discuss how Penn Station can be a more inviting place to travel from and to.
🌎 We'll talk about preventing another attack on REAL affordable housing by some Penn Station planners.
🌎 We'll explain how to have better, faster, and cheaper access to entertainment such as concerts and
sporting events.
🌎 We'll give you details on the six blocks the state has proposed to demolish , including a landmark church,
businesses, and residences.
🌎 The best way to have affordable housing is not to demolish the affordable housing you already have.
🌎 Reusing buildings keeps the embodied carbon intact (concrete, wood, etc.); demolishing them and building
new has a huge carbon footprint.
Our guests are Samuel Turvey, a lifelong commuter with a background in urban studies with transit experience throughout
New York and New Jersey. Sam is the chairperson of ReThink NYC.
Also joining us is Peg Breen, President of New York Landmarks Conservancy,
who has been an environmental journalist. Her organization is a leading uncompromising civic organization.
The News items at the beginning of the show are
sea-level rise and Gouda cheese,
Coca-Coca and the Olympics, and
victory over pesticides.
Johnny Cash's “Come Along and Ride This Train” is our environmental music for you.
Join us Wednesday August 21st at 10am EDT for Good News about Horseshoe Crabs.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and
entertainment and support our show – its a win-win!
1 hr.
radio show
Uranium Mining
In a National Monument
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Eco-Logic brings to light different misconceptions as well as little known truths. Nuclear power has never been a solution to climate chaos.
Nuclear issues are not just about weapons, war and meltdowns. We need to follow it cradle to grave - the impact on the environment starts
with mining and milling Uranium. In the US, that is mostly in the southwest, on or near lands of indigenous people. Uranium is also mined
in China and South Africa.
When new nuclear weapons are being developed and new nuclear power plants are being planned, uranium mining is increased. One of the new
places mining is being done is within Grand Canyon National Monument. The uranium is then trucked along interstates, national highways
and local roads, including through Diné (Navajo) lands.
This land was protected as a new national monument by the Biden administration, but mines that had already been established - such as
the Pinyon Plains mine, known earlier as the Canyon mine - were grandfathered in. Mining started in January, and last week the first
ore was transported to a mill for processing.
Our guests for this program are Leona Morgan of HaulNo! and Alfred Meyer of
Physicians for Social Responsibility, New York.
Leona Morgan (Diné, she/her) is an Indigenous organizer who has been fighting nuclear colonialism since 2007. Leona is a
co-founder of Haul No!, an initiative to stop Energy Fuels' uranium mine near the Grand Canyon and related transport to their mill.
She collaborates with affected community members locally and internationally across the uranium fuel chain.
Alfred Meyer is a member and past president of New York Physicians for Social Responsibility and a regular listener of WBAI.
He has worked with communities affected by the Chernobyl and Fukushima Daiichi nuclear catastrophes. Alfred will explain the
connection between nuclear power and nuclear weapons and the uranium mining industry. Read his excellent articles in
The Progressive.
Some stories we will cover are butterflies, pollen and static electricity;
banning clothesline bans, record heat and
how hot it could get,
and Donna will report back on the Summer of Heat's 8th week: No Faith in Fossil Fuels.
We have environmental music for you: a live cover by Creative Natives of “Nuclear Waste“, a song by the New Zealand reggae band Herbs.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us Wednesday August 14th at 10am EDT.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information
and entertainment and support our show - it's a win - win!
1 hr.
radio show
Project 2025
Environmental Catastrophe
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On this week's Eco-Logic we analyze the environmental implications of Project 2025. That is the ultra-conservative template for
government authored by the Heritage Foundation.
Project 2025 has gotten so much negative publicity, that candidate Trump has distanced himself from it and created an abbreviated
version of Project 2025 called Agenda 47. The environmental aspects of both are alarming. We'll discuss both.
This plan didn't come about overnight, it is the culmination of decades of behind-the-scenes organizing by extreme conservatives
with a very different vision of the USA than most people have.
Project 2025, if enacted, will allow corporate polluters nearly carte blanche. It will override many environmental protections.
It will affect air, water, wildlife, farms, energy, nearly everything environmental. The financial and health costs of
environmental pollution will skyrocket. The clean-up costs will be covered by the government - that's your tax dollars,
so it's a can't lose for the polluters. Even when there are fines polluters don't usually pay them.
"DISARM HATE" was the chant at a recent Stop Project 2025 rally.
Our guests approach the issue with varied knowledge on the resources and pollution that Project 2025 affects.
Some stories cover TerraPower nuclear plants, cocaine sharks,
and conservationists banned from bidding on
protected land to keep it protected!
Summer of Heat is in its 8th week, with a theme of “No Faith in Fossil Fuels.”
The big action is 4 p.m., Thursday, August 1st and is led by GreenFaith, Dayenu, Earth Quaker Action Team, Third Act Faith,
and XR Mindful Rebel. Gather at Citigroup headquarters, 388 Greenwich Street.
Our environmental music this week is The Call singing "Become America," one of the last songs lead singer, Michael Been, wrote.
Join us Wednesday August 7th at 10am EDT.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and
entertainment and support our show – its a win-win!
1 hr.
radio show
Eco-Logic Celebrates
A Year at 10 AM
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Looking back and looking forward. Thanks to you, our listeners and allies, we were moved to this better time slot, when more people listen to radio.
Activism at work. To paraphrase Pete Seeger's oft said famous quote, participation, that is what to makes change.
Eco-Logic has had many different time slots since it began on June 18, 2002 at 11am. We were on mornings then evenings then afternoons then weekend
mornings and then last July 19th to our present time slot of 10AM every Wednesday.
Thanks to everyone who stuck with us and thanks to our guests for even joining us back when we were at 6AM!
Growing any plant commercially is a green job on some level. From growing - mostly indoors; our climate is too humid for much outdoor cannabis
farming - to processing and selling, this new industry is growing quickly, and needs lots of ancillary services as well as direct employees.
We ask you to share your favorite Eco-Logic moments. You can send your thoughts on Facebook or by e-mail ahead of time or call in during the show.
Each week we bring you the victories and successes of the environmental movement as well as the trials and tribulations. Our topics include:
🌎 legislation - from New York's TREES Act to various Supreme Court's decisions
🌎 our Celebration of Nature series, most recently “Interesting Animals” and "Turtles and Tortoises"
🌎 plastics in the environment - many shows, including Lisa Ramsden and Alexis Goldsmith discussing "chemical recycling" last week July 17th
🌎 activism, from interviewing march organizers and participants to encouraging listeners to contact legislators to express their personal opinions.
Some stories we have covered: fast fashion, nuclear decommissioning, pipelines, Indigenous peoples victories, environmental justice, climate change,
community ecology, wildlife protection, clean air, clean water, healthy food, green buildings, clean energy and poison power, plus links to other
issues and ways you can get involved. Scroll through this web site to hear full episodes of Eco-Logic on those topics.
This week's News and Announcements include
🌎 The hidden financial, environmental, and health costs of artificial turf
🌎 Cancer rates are going up for younger people.
🌎 Weekend shuttle for Liberty State Park.
🌎 Elizabeth St. Garden loses in court.
🌎 The NY TREES Act S8898 / A9711.
🌎 Coney Island Aquarium Plastics Exhibit.
This week's environmental music includes "Hey, Look-a Yonder (It’s the Clearwater)," written and performed by Tom Winslow, "Mercy, Mercy Me (The Ecology Song)"
written and performed by Marvin Gaye and "Save the Earth" written and performed by Silvanus.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us Wednesday July 31st at 10am EDT as we analyze environmental implications of Project 2025 - the ultra-conservative template for government.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information
and entertainment and support our show - it's a win - win!
1 hr.
radio show
Chemical Recycling:
Industry vs. Reality
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Most of us know about paper, cardboard, glass, and plastic recycling, but what on Earth is chemical recycling? No, it is not recycling lab waste -
it is the industry's new term for incinerating plastic, and the fossil-fuel companies' latest enthusiasm. Eco-Logic guests this week are
Alexis Goldsmith and Lisa Ramsden. They will discuss the successes so far and what needs to be done.
Alexis Goldsmith is Beyond Plastics' National Organizing Director.
Long-time listeners will have heard her on previous Eco-Logic programs
speaking about plastics, in particular our show about nurdles and about "Demystifying plastics." She has a background in grassroots
environmental organizing and independent media. Alexis points out, "The pandemic increased our use of single-use plastics and made the
problem worse." New legislation aims to address the problem. She will discuss a recent success in Maine, where chemical recycling is
not allowed to be called recycling.
Lisa Ramsden is a Senior Oceans Campaigner at Greenpeace USA
living in Durham, NC. She has worked on several campaigns in various roles
for more than a decade, including the fight to keep Shell Oil from drilling in the Arctic, and the ongoing struggle to keep corporations
from producing single-use plastics that end up in our oceans, via the Global Plastics Treaty. She has sailed on all of Greenpeace's ships
up and down both coasts of the US, to the Alaskan Arctic, and through the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
They will cover:
What is chemical recycling?
Is chemical recycling a solution to pollution as industry claims?
What do they do with the materials they collect?
Who regulates these chemicals they use?
Are chemicals regulated in combination with each other?
What can we do about all this?
What is Section 120 of the Clean Air Act and why is it important?
Chemical recycling is technically incineration.
As with most environmental issues there is a need for a combination of corporate campaigning and government and individual choices.
Our environmental stories today cover the historic ruling in Hawai'i
passing State law to prevent harmful seabed mining and another historic victory,
this one for rivers, an Ecuadorian judge
rules that pollution violates river's rights.
We have some environmental announcements for you. The Summer of Heat protests
against Citigroup's funding of fossil fuels is in week 6 out of 12. This week the focus is financing wars which also means fueling the
climate crisis: wars spew pollution and destroy life-sustaining ecosystems worldwide.
And The People's Music Network, PMN, will host its Mid-Summer Convergence on July 19 and 20 at 235 W 23rd Street in NYC. PMN is a diverse
community of inspired musicians and activists using music for peace and justice. The event includes sharing songs, workshops, shared meals,
and an evening collaborative concert. Please see for more information.
This week's environmental music has Brian Goodall singing his song "Goes Around, Comes Around."
Join us Wednesday July 24th at 10am EDT.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and
entertainment and support our show – its a win-win!
1 hr.
radio show
Green Careers & Cannabis:
Growing, Processing, Sales
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Eco-Logic has done shows on Green Jobs before: in the energy industry, in repairs, farming, green architecture, and more.
New York State has a new Green industry - cannabis.
This week's guests are Deivid Elliot from The New Grow Center and
Eco-Logic Collective member Paul Presendieu from Sustainable Processing Solutions.
They will discuss opportunities in the burgeoning cannabis industry.
There is a difference between how cannabis is grown now to when it was grown in secret. Market forces and market choices are much stronger now.
Things were simpler then. We'll go into detail on what those difference are.
Growing any plant commercially is a green job on some level. From growing - mostly indoors; our climate is too humid for much outdoor cannabis
farming - to processing and selling, this new industry is growing quickly, and needs lots of ancillary services as well as direct employees.
There are many resources for those looking to join the cannabis industry, from classes to web sites, governmental and private. Deivid Elliot
learned from years working in Oregon’s longer-established industry, and now works in New York.
Growing, processing, and selling are all involved. Many skills learned in other industries can be applied within the cannabis industry just as skills
learned in the cannabis industry can be applied elsewhere. Chemical and biological engineering is needed—as is HVAC (heat/ventilation/air conditioning),
construction, testing labs, and soil testing are all needed.
The hemp industry is just re-starting after being shut down a century ago. It is part of the cannabis industry just as pot is. In the 19th century,
the hemp industry was huge and it can be again. So far, the US is well behind other nations in hemp production and processing.
Our environmental stories today cover
advancing solar in Florida,
and a New Jersey rally commemorating the anniversary of the
Lac Mégantic disaster.
We have some environmental announcements for you. This is Elders Week at the Summer of Heat
Citigroup headquarters, starting with a press conference Monday morning, July 8th, and including a ticketed after-party Thursday evening, July 11th.
We want to let you know that Bethany Church in East Rockaway on Long Island is still helping Sandy Survivors. Ken Gale is going to be at a
fund-raiser comic book convention
on Saturday, July 20th, from 10am to 5pm at Bethany Congregational Church at 100 Main Street, East Rockaway, Long Island.
This week's environmental song is "Grow Your Own" by Tom Chapin.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us Wednesday July 17th at 10am EDT for a discussion of what industry calls "chemical recycling."
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
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1 hr.
radio show
Hudson River
Ecology, Economics, History
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This week's guest is Rik van Hemmen of the Navesink Maritime Heritage Association.
A U.S. resident for nearly 50 years, and a maritime engineer since shipbuilding with his father in the Netherlands, Rik sees our entire
region - the Hudson, the Adirondacks, the Navesink, the Hudson Canyon, and everything in between—as a huge park, enjoying the journey as
well as the destination. Having seen the drastic improvement from 1976 to today, Rik sees the potential for clean-energy maritime
transportation, recreation on the waterways, and productive coexistence of human and natural system too often seen as competing.
River systems are an important part of any ecosystem, whether for wildlife, commercial use, recreational use, industrial use.
Indigenous folks treated rivers as living things and the critters within as relatives, so the waste was treated with more thought.
In contrast, European colonizers treated the Hudson River as an open sewer. It took hundreds of years to reverse that way of thinking.
At one time, the Hudson River was so polluted it smelled foul before it was even in sight. Environmental groups such as Clearwater
and Riverkeeper have changed that, but recent court cases may make that more difficult in the future - and it was hard enough!
Today, fish are returning, commerce is returning, invasive species (for better or worse–some of both, actually!) are increasing,
Bald Eagles are returning year-round. Luxury housing is being put up. Recreational boating - from jet skis to kayaks to yachts - is thriving
Our environmental stories today cover our visit to Summer of Heat and
the importance of conservation funding for farmers.
This week's environmental song is "The Hudson" by Dar Williams.
Join us Wednesday July 3rd at 10am EDT.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and
entertainment and support our show – its a win-win!
1 hr.
radio show
Nuclear Regulator Is Now Offially A Promoter
Nuclear Power Makes Climate Worse!
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Our guests on Eco-Logic June 24th have been following the nuclear industry closely for many years: Diane D'Arrigo of the
Nuclear Information and Resource Service/NIRS and
Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear.
The Atomic Energy Commission was split into the Dept of Energy to promote nuclear and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to license and regulate it.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) used to be the federal agency in charge of the public safety of nuclear reactors. Most of the commissioners,
who were drawn from the nuclear industry, gave nuclear utilities hundreds of health and safety exemptions, and did more promotion of nuclear power than regulation.
Now it's official. Congress voted nearly unanimously to change the official focus of the NRC from health and safety to promotion.
The Japanese report on the Fukushima triple melt down disaster that started in 2011 attributed it to collusion between the industry and
the so-called regulator.... We are repeating this mistake here with the shift in NRC role.
What does this mean for health and safety?
Will a new agency be created to fill the gap?
How similar is this to when the Atomic Energy Commission was split into the Department of Energy and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission?
What lessons from the Fukushima disaster are being ignored here?
How is this related to nuclear weapons proliferation?
How will this worsen the climate crisis?
Our environmental stories today cover good news for Texas mountain lions and two ongoing items we thought you should be aware of:
The Summer of Heat rallies and CD about Citibank's financing of fossil fuel
and the bipartisan legislation to prevent deforestation of tropical rainforests,
The NY TREES Act S8898 / A9711.
This week's environmental song is written by John and Joanna Hall, “Power” as performed at the 1979 No Nukes concert.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us Wednesday July3rd at 10am EDT.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information
and entertainment and support our show - it's a win - win!
1 hr.
radio show
Summer of Heat
Citibank & Fossil Fuel Financing
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Summer of Heat is a sustained campaign of actions including nonviolent civil disobedience to end financing for fossil fuels.
You'll enjoy our guests on this show.
Dr. Sandra Steingraber is a biologist, an
activist, a mom, and a cancer survivor,
She serves as a senior scientist for the Science and Environmental Health Network and is a co-founder of
Concerned Health Professionals of New York. She retired from the faculty
of Ithaca College in 2021. Sandra Steingraber is the author of several books, including "Living Downstream," which was turned into
a movie. Sandra participated in this action as a scientist, she took this action out of her own conscience. "Science has to be
brought into the public arena!" She is one of Ken's three favorite environmentalists. Tune in to find out why.
Jenny Xie is the Organizing Manager with Stop the Money Pipeline
(STMP) coalition, a coalition of over 160 organizations working to stop the flow of money from Wall Street to the fossil
fuel industry. She has also organized as a labor union organizer and campaigned
for divestment of university endowments from fossil fuels.
Fossil-fuel companies want to keep expanding infrastructure, no matter what it’s doing to the air and water, both locally and the across
the planet. To do that, they need a constant influx of money. They use the profits from their product sales, government subsidies and
tax breaks, and investments and loans from large banks and other financial institutions. This summer, a coalition of environmental
groups is protesting at Citibank, the second largest financier of fossil fuel projects. The protests are taking many forms, with many
people, from youth to seniors.
The largest multinational banks invest hundreds of billions of dollars in fossil fuels. Most environmentalists' attention has been on the
fossil fuel companies themselves, but in the last few years, attention has also been focused on the corporations that bankroll the poison
power. This episode of Eco-Logic is on one of those banks, Citibank, and the protests in front of their headquarters in the TriBeCa
neighborhood of Manhattan.
Our environmental stories today cover an update on the sewage infrastructure failure, good news for Texas mountain lions, and
the importance of conservation funding for farmers.
This week's environmental song is written and performed by Dan Berggren, "Power from Above."
Join us Wednesday June 26th at 10am EDT.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and
entertainment and support our show – its a win-win!
1 hr.
radio show
Corinne Willinger
A Powerful Life
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How does one write about Corinne Willinger? She was very intelligent and extremely creative. She had a way with words and a talent for
writing lyrics that anyone would admire. She cared about people, including total strangers, and went beyond just talk and took to the
streets and courtrooms and hearing rooms and classrooms. Her songs were educational and often humorous, a difficult combination.
Pretty much everyone who met Corinne realized in just a few moments how intelligent she was, but there was no snobbishness about her.
And except for people who disagreed with her compassion and politics, it took mere minutes to realize how just plain nice she was. She
gave up her 78th birthday to protest the war with the Granny Peace Brigade. She passed away Saturday evening, May 18. Corinne Willinger was 96.
There's an international e-list of many Raging Grannies groups and they have conventions every few years, which they call UN-conventions,
and Corinne went to those - they are reacting, too. Everyone who met her realized they were in the presence of someone extraordinary. One
woman found an interview with Corinne from a Manhattan Neighborhood Network TV show called "Witnessing History." It was
a great show, but only half an hour and it needed
more time. Much more. The host was a good interviewer.
Only knowing someone as wonderful as Corinne Willinger could cause this much grief in so many people.
Many of her friends had a celebration of her life on Memorial Day and will do another zoom memorial for her soon and on her birthday in October.
A few people are posting photos and memories on the funeral home web site:
Dignity Memorial
Of course she was a featured guest on Eco-Logic radio. Several times. Ken did a show on "Winning: the Ingredients to Successful Activism"
with Corinne and three other Elders. When the Pope's wonderful Climate Encyclical came out, we did a show on it and wanted one
non-religious person to point out how important the Encyclical was even to non-Christians. That was Corinne.
When Tr*mp was elected, people were comparing him to Joseph McCarthy and we realized that most of the people doing that weren't alive or
were babies during McCarthyism. Three people were scheduled to do a show on what life was like back then. Corinne was one and the other
two didn't show up. Corinne had to keep the show going by herself, even as Ken was trying to get the other two to join the show. She was amazing!
That's when it came to light that she was at the infamous Peekskill Riot, which she described as "ordinary people doing extraordinary things."
She didn't even blame the complicit cops who made everyone coming out of a Paul Robeson/Pete Seeger concert go down a certain road where a
whole bunch of people were waiting with piles of rocks. It was as if she was predicting the Jan. 6 Insurrection. There was so much in common
between the two events, though the Insurrection, with its gallows and guns and murders, was even more extreme.
Corinne didn't just live through historical events, but paid attention to the context of those events. Her reminiscences taught so much American history.
Of course she was loved and admired and is missed, but some people said so in particularly heart-rending ways. Here are just a few.
From Alice Sutter:
So sorry we didn’t get to serenade her with her wonderful songs. I am relieved that she didn’t have to endure prolonged suffering and
debilitation at the end. She lived a beautiful long life filled with creativity, nurturing, humor and relentless activism. Her wonderful
spirit will help us carry on. Sending healing wishes to the many people who loved her.
From Marty Rajandran:
How sad! But a long and very productive life! I missed our times together with Lillian! But especially her careful attention
to the words in the songs to ensure absolutely correct.
From Nydia Leaf:
She wore both her Raging Grannies and Granny Peace Brigade hats with style and she was able to leave us with dignity and grace.
A loving mother and grandmother - Corinne Willinger, Presente !
From Ken Gale:
One of my favorite stories about one of Corinne's songs is the one she wrote about the Trans-Pacific Partnership in 2012. The
TPP would have eroded or destroyed nearly every freedom the United States has. It was written by 300 corporations' representatives,
in secret of course, and no one in Congress was allowed to reveal any part of it, though activists from other countries managed
to leak some of it.
From Julie Leak:
Words fail me at this moment.
Our environmental stories today covers the extreme economic damage climate change does and saving historic trees.
This week's environmental song is written by Corinne Willinger and performed by the NYC Metro Raging Grannies: "On Top of Old Smokey."
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us Wednesday June 19th at 10am EDT.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information
and entertainment and support our show - it's a win - win!
1 hr.
radio show
NY Trees Act
Protecting Tropical Forests
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A bill we have been following, brought to our attention by Eco-Logic collective member Tim Keating, has recently passed both houses
of NY's legislature. It's called the NY Trees Act, and passed last year, but was vetoed by the governor. It was re-written and reintroduced this year.
On this show our guests, Jeff Conant from Friends of the Earth and
Mark Latour from TheEnvironmentTV Forum, will explain the bill, what it will do,
and why it's important. NY is the 10th biggest economy in the world, so stopping procurement is crucial.
We will go into detail about the bill, including
effect on climate
economic development Act for NY - local jobs
Indigenous rights being delayed while deforestation continues.
In the U.S. we don't think of people living in forests, as is the case in the global south.
treating trees as agrocommodities
transparency in supply chains
EU deforestation regulation is similar to the NY Trees Act.
rare bipartisan support
business-friendly bill, but not to multi-nationals
gives technical assistance to the retailers
why wholesalers matter
a piece of the bill is Tim Keating's legacy
closes the tropical hardwood loopholes
recycled plastic as an alternative to tropical hardwood
domestic hardwood as an alternative to tropical hardwood
alternatives – hemp and bamboo (toilet paper, not floors).
EU bill is all imports and exports, the NY bill is doing business with the state
any company able to comply with the EU should be able to be in compliance with NY Trees Act
related bills in NY, other states, and nationally
Federal Forests Act
legacy of colonialization
"This bill is not going away"
More information can be found at NY Trees
Our environmental stories today cover Alaskan youth victory against fossil fuel
and island nations winning in court.
This week's environmental song is written and performed by Walkin' Jim Stoltz, "These Are the Ancient Forests."
Join us Wednesday June 12th at 10am EDT. We'll honor a great activist who just passed, Corine Willinger.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and
entertainment and support our show – its a win-win!
1 hr.
radio show
Saving Mother Ocean
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Steve Andrews is our guest. We will be talking about marine conservation and his book "Saving Mother Ocean," which includes a great
overview of threats to the ocean, including.
cruise ships & the "Magic Pipe",
nuclear waste dumping,
dead zones,
coral bleaching,
sonar & military testing,
seabed mining,
climate change,
kelp forests,
mangrove forests
Our environmental stories today cover World Otter Day, care of
hummingbird feeders,
increased funding for a pig farm converted to an
environmental center.
This is the second annual Black Birders Week. Now would be a good time to check out our past Black Birders show from July 2, 2019.
You can view the video version of that Eco-Logic episode on Black Birders - from before that week was established
and San Onofre Syndrome: Nuclear Power's Legacy film.
This week's environmental song is written and performed by our guest Steve Andrews:
"Where Does All the Plastic Go?"
The Environment TV is doing a biweekly Forum which they put on their youtube channel. The latest one
has a segment by Ken explaining what a greenhouse gas is, why they're called that and what
they do. It's gotten a lot of great compliments. See it for yourself.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us Wednesday June 5th at 10am EDT. We'll discuss NY State's Tree Act.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information
and entertainment and support our show - it's a win - win!
1 hr.
radio show
Your Green Open Spaces
Are Shrinking
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Public green spaces have been under attack by people who covet that land to make a profit. On this Eco-Logic, we spotlight those attacks such
as Governors Island between Manhattan and Brooklyn and green spaces in the
South Bronx.
Our guests for this show are Roger Manning of Metro Area Governors Island Coalition / M.A.G.I.C.
and Mychal Johnson of South Bronx Unite.
Roger is a long time lower Manhattan resident and musician who performs with the Rude Mechanical Orchestra. He is co-founder of M.A.G.I.C.,
the group working to preserve the unique green open space quality of Governors Island. He'll talk about what to expect on a visit to
Governors Island and the effort to push back on the threat of overdevelopment.
Roger Manning filed pro se a Motion For Leave to Appeal for the lawsuit against the egregious 2021 upzoning on
Governors Island: "It is arbitrary and capricious of the City to approve zoning that will allow and encourage violations of the restrictive
covenants in the Governors Island Deed that the City is obligated to enforce, covenants that bind the City itself."
Mychal Johnson is a community-based advocate for environmental, economic and social justice in the South Bronx. He is a co-founder
of South Bronx Unite and a founding member of the Mott Haven-Port Morris Community Land Stewards, where is also a board member.
He serves on the board of directors of the NYC Community Land Initiative (NYCCLI), the Bronx Council for Environmental Quality,
and the Community Advisory Board of Columbia University’s NIEHS Center for Environmental Health in Northern Manhattan.
He is a long-time activist organizing for greater access to open green space, truly affordable housing,
a healthier quality of life, and community-focused development that supports rather than displaces neighborhood residents.
Developers' motto seems to be to build wherever the land is not built on - that is the opposite of people's needs, as in
the South Bronx and Governors Island. As Mychal says, "They can't stop themselves."
It is a bedrock principle of administrative law that an agency is bound to follow its own rules.
"If your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail."
The Star-Ledger in Dec. 2021 ended its editorial with this: "John Muir also had it right, more than a century ago, when he
wrote that any fool can cut down a tree. It takes a leader to save it."
Our environmental news today covers the mystery behind
tardigrade super-powers
discovered; EPA has announced Solar for All
grants to 60 tribal groups, municipalities, nonprofit organizations, and states, including New Jersey, and the
ocean's record-breaking hot streak.
We lost a treasured member of the labor movement, peace movement, activist community, teacher, songwriter for the Raging Grannies,
a frequent guest on Eco-Logic, and a decades-long member of WBAI - and an amazing Scrabble player. Rest in Power, Corinne Willinger.
This week's environmental song is Leon Rosselson singing "World Turned Upside Down."
Thanks to Tom Keough for his tree painting (see it in the upper right area of the promotional meme).
Join us Wednesday May 29th at 10am EDT. For Saving Mother Ocean
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and
entertainment and support our show – its a win-win!
1 hr.
radio show
Saving Mother Ocean
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This show is pre-empted for 24 hours on Palestine.
Steve Andrews is our guest. We will be talking about marine conservation and his book "Saving Mother Ocean," which includes a great
overview of threats to the ocean, including.
cruise ships & the "Magic Pipe",
nuclear waste dumping,
dead zones,
coral bleaching,
sonar & military testing,
seabed mining,
climate change,
kelp forests,
mangrove forests
Our environmental news today covers the mystery behind
tardigrade super-powers
discovered; EPA has announced Solar for All
grants to 60 tribal groups, municipalities, nonprofit organizations, and states, including
New Jersey, and the ocean's record-breaking hot streak.
This week's environmental song is an original, written and performed by our guest Steve Andrews:
"Where Does All the Plastic Go?"
The Environment TV is doing a biweekly Forum which they put on their youtube channel. The latest one,
the third, has a segment by Ken explaining what a greenhouse gas is, why they're called that and what
they do. It's gotten a lot of great compliments. See it for yourself.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us Wednesday May 22 at 10AM EDT.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information
and entertainment and support our show - it's a win - win!
1 hr.
radio show
Pete Seeger
Celebration Continues
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Friday marked the 105th birthday of Pete Seeger, and we were honored to produce a wonderful 2-hour special for you with Kathryn Davis
of "Heart of Mind." We pulled heavily from the Pacifica 10-hour Pete Seeger Centennial Collection CD. There were more anecdotes and
excerpts to include than we had time for so we continue the celebration on our regular hour, Wednesday, May 8th, at 10AM. We link
to the special from our website ecoradio . org.
Pete Seeger was one of the greatest Americans who ever lived. Pete was a good friend to WBAI and Pacifica radio, a hero to the environment -
clean air, clean water, healthy wildlife, and more - and also for Labor Rights, Peace, against racism, and stood up for oppressed people
throughout the world, as well as being a legendary singer/songwriter
We had prepared a few other excerpts from the Pacifica Pete Seeger Centennial Collection CD, but some technical difficulties kept us from
using all of them, so we'll bring them to you after we give you our News segments for this week.
Our news reports cover where the US stands on the Press Freedom Index, the NJ Department of Environmental Protection looking for comments
on its Extreme Heat Resilience Action Plan draft, and the May 2nd Mountain Valley Pipeline rupture.
We have environmental music for you: Pete Seeger songs
When you listen to the May 3, 2024 2-hour Special
on the WBAI Archives, skip to 12:25 minutes in to avoid the technical difficulties. We thank those who listened live and especially
those who were able to donate—never too late to do that!
Join us on our usual time, Wednesdays at 10am EDT. Check this web site for details.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and
entertainment and support our show – its a win-win!
1 hr.
radio show
Pete Seeger
Birthday Special
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When you listen to this show on the WBAI Archives,
skip to 12:25 minutes in so you can avoid the technical difficulties.
Eco-Logic is enthusiastically honored to celebrate Pete Seeger May 3rd on what would have been his 105th birthday. He passed away a
little over ten years ago. Pete Seeger was one of the greatest Americans who ever lived. Pete was a good friend to WBAI and Pacifica radio,
a hero to the environment - clean air, clean water, healthy wildlife, and more - and also for Labor Rights, Peace, against racism,
and stood up for oppressed people throughout the world. As well as being a legendary singer / songwriter.
Kathryn Davis of the "Heart of Mind" radio show joins us to celebrate this great man.
We'll be playing Pete Seeger's music and also some of his appearances on various Pacifica radio stations using clips from
the ten-hour Pacifica Centennial Celebration CD. Pete introduced Bob Dylan to the world on WBAI in 1963 and we'll be
bringing an excerpt of that to you. At one concert Pete requested Odetta be on the program, and we'll have a clip from that.
More than 50 years ago Pete Seeger saw the Hudson River that he loved and played in as a boy and worried that his own
grandkids would not have the same experience because of the pollution, so he "built a boat to save the Hudson" - the sloop Clearwater -
and the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater organization.
April 14, 1970, Pete and the Clearwater crew sailed the sloop to Washington, DC the week before the very first Earth Day. As Congress
was debating the Clean Water Act, Pete Seeger personally delivered hundreds of thousands of signatures to Congress and then proceeded
to hold a spontaneous concert in the halls of Congress. This is considered to be the turning point for the passage of the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act, which was passed in 1972 over then - President Richard Nixon's veto.
The Hudson River is an important resource to keep clean and healthy. It didn't just get cleaner over the years by itself. There
is still more work to be done. The Clearwater organization and other wonderful river protection groups, including Riverkeeper,
Scenic Hudson, and Food & Water Watch, continue the fight because as we know, and always say, "the bad guys don't stop."
What was called Seeger's Folly by detractors ended up being just what the Hudson River needed. Along with daffodils,
in the Hudson Valley the first sighting of the Clearwater is a sign of spring. The Clearwater organization is Pete's legacy.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us on our usual time, Wednesdays at 10AM EDT.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information
and entertainment and support our show - it's a win - win!
1 hr.
radio show
Are We Safe From Radioactive Waste?
Radio Wednesday, Meeting Thursday
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How safe are you in this nuclear environment? This show addresses that question with our guests on this important hour. You'll also hear how to attend
Thursday's Indian Point Nuclear Decommissioning Oversight
Board meeting
and rally. The meeting starts at 6 p.m and the rally precedes it at 4:45. Sign
up for the meeting, the number of attendees is important; attend on zoom if you can't get there in person: registering will make an impression even
if you don't get to speak.
Tune in to hear Tina Volz-Bonger with United For Clean Energy/STOP HOLTEC Coalition,
Nancy Vann of SENRG/Safe Energy Rights Group and Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear.
This is a show for anyone who lives near any of the nearly 100 nuclear power plants in the U.S. There is no amount of radioactivity that is safe.
Some points to consider:
Health and safety.
Financial concerns.
Interim storage.
Radioactive waste dumping will hurt the economics of the community - dumping waste in the river - hurts tourism, residents leave,
marine life is killed/harmed, agriculture, fishing, boating are all hurt.
Current state law does not allow dumping into the Hudson River.
Holtec is evaporating nuclear waste at the Pilgrim nuclear plant in Massachusetts.
No permanent federal waste storage site exists.
Nuclear waste should not go to another community to have them worry about it.
Ulterior motive of delays by Holtec. . .as in Oyster Creek, so the decommissioning trust fund would grow for their profit.
The state wants it done fast – so they can reuse the contaminated land? Faster is not necessarily better, is it?
The Hudson River has been getting cleaner; this would surely reverse that.
Holtec's waste storage canisters are known as "tin cans."
Recent earthquake's effect on pipelines under Indian Point.
The IP site needs to be better evaluated. The wells show that groundwater is contaminated right now and already flowing to the Hudson River.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NRC, is responsible for safety issues, but the state can regulate issues of economics and residents' health.
The NRC is not built for decommissioning, so the DEC and EPA should be in charge, but unfortunately the EPA has been deconstructed and the DEC is not paying enough attention.
Government, not private industry, should be doing the decommissioning.
The EPA sets "acceptable" levels for pollutants, but science says that there is no safe level of tritium or any other radioactive substances.
Tritium is dangerous and was subject of an Eco-Logic show 9/27/23.
There is a need for transparency on how Holtec is spending the public's trust fund.
There's hope, Holtec has been losing in court.
Holtec faces a conflict of interest: doing decommissioning well, or cutting corners to save money.
Holtec is suing New York State over the Save the Hudson bill that blocks them from dumping their radioactive wastewater in the Hudson River.
Our environmental news today cover more record-breaking greenhouse-gas levels
and the East Palestine, Ohio derailment lawsuit settlement.
This week's environmental song is Fred Gillen, Jr.'s "River of Money." It was specifically written about Holtec and the Hudson River.
Join us on Wednesdays at 10am EDT. Eco-Logic is pre-empted next Wednesday, May 1st, but Eco-Logic with WBAI might be doing a Pete Seeger Special
for his 105th birthday on May 3rd. Keep checking our web site. We'll post details as soon as we know them.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs. Get great information and
entertainment and support our show – its a win-win!
1 hr.
radio show
A Radical History
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We'll be talking with Ashley Dawson,
the author of "Extinction: A Radical History," a concise, forceful history contending that
"this relentless extinction is the result of capitalism’s global attack on the commons, the great trove of air, water, plants
and creatures that has been regarded traditionally as the inheritance of humanity as a whole."
"Extinction cannot be understood in isolation from a critique of our economic system. To grasp it fully we need to
transgress the boundaries between science, environmentalism and radical politics."
Plus our regular cutting-edge environmental news:
a divestment win in Oregon,
a NJ Transit fare increase,
protests against artificial-turf playgrounds,
the EPA finally bans a few PFAS, and
a program on taking back power
from utility companies, the day after our next Wednesday show.
This week's music is "Countdown to Extinction" by Megadeth.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us on Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 10am EST when we discuss marine conservation and plastic pollution with author Steve Andrews.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Extended "Living For the City"
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Eco-Logic is pre-empted this Wednesday, April 10, for fund-raising. We will return next week, April 17. We'll be talking with,
Ashley Dawson, the author of Extinction: A Radical History.
Though we are not broadcasting this week, we still urge you to go to,
put Eco-Logic in the search box on the right side of your screen, and get one of our many premiums—or become a
'BAI Buddy in the name of Eco-Logic by clicking on the green peace dove on give2wbai . org.
Much thanks to those of you who are already subscribed as our Buddies. It is really appreciated! Please let us know if
you want us to Thank You on the air.
We can't tell you for sure that more donations will keep us from more preemptions, but it can't hurt. Donations will definitely
keep the transmitter going, the engineers paid, and the studio rented - and Eco-Logic is just one of many good shows that need
to be heard.
This web site has a lot of information on it. You don't have to do without environmental
information from us this week, but we would rather talk to you and take your calls! We can still keep in touch by email!
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us on Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 10am EST for "Extinction: A Radical History."
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
An Eco-Logic Retrospective
Music, Nature, & Politics
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Eco-Logic has had a great many wonderful shows - hundreds of them. Every once in a while we do a retrospective, remembering what we're
building on and offering excerpts to you. For the first time we have compiled the videos made by Charlie Olson of
TheEnvironmentTV into a video library, which is available
to you on
The Eco-Logic video library includes:
a Sloop Clearwater sail,
Pope Francis' Climate Encyclical,
Connect the Dots,
Raging Grannies & Pete Seeger,
Religion and Environment,
Comparing Grassroots and National Organizing,
Native American Water Protectors, and
Nature 4 All/Birding While Black..
Plus our regular cutting-edge environmental news: Florida panthers, Holtec Consolidated Interim Storage/CIS denial, Plastics and Packing legislation.
This week's music is from our featured DVD, Raging Grannies & Pete Seeger at the Clearwater Revival.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next week, on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 10a.m. EST. Check this web site for details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Efficiency Is Decarbonization
$AVING Money and the Planet
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On this episode of Eco-Logic we welcome Andy Padian, one of
the top energy experts in the northeast, specializing in energy efficiency
Electric vehicles are best when they are powered by renewable resources otherwise we are still using gas. When the waste heat
of converting methane to electricity is considered, electric cars are using an enormous amount of greenhouse gases.
To make a true planet-saving transition:
🌎 We should invest in efficiency first, so any alternative systems are working on a smaller load
🌎The local laws are great, but they don't tell owners where their largest waste comes from
🌎Energy audits under the local laws are designed to be read by engineers and government people,
not simple to understand for owners
🌎Water is a huge issue in residential and many other buildings, addressing that can provide capital to
invest in other items
🌎There is no central depository, or better yet, flow chart to walk building owners through the financial
incentives from the feds, state, city, and/or utilities to MAKE improvements in buildings.
🌎Local Law 97 reports to owners should stress a combination of cost effective and carbon reducing
retrofits to improve cash flow and reduce fines in the most cost effective manner
🌎Banks need to work with owners when they refinance the debt in their buildings to include modest to
deep energy retrofits.
Our environmental news segment at the top of the episode includes
🌎 Kevin Kamps' article explaining why nuclear power will make the climate crisis worse
🌎 NY Legislation to cut single-use plastic packaging
🌎 The WATER Act in Congress to protect clean water access
🌎 Earth Overshoot Day
This week's music for you: Talking Heads sing "Don't Worry About the Government."
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next week, on Wednesday, April 3, 2024 at 10a.m. EST for a variety of environmental topics.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
News Stories &
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We have news and information about many different environmental topics:
fossil fuel treaty,
a Chicago lawsuit,
NTI artists & activists,
new washer/dryer standards,
Climate Action against Disinformation Coalition,
Antarctic Ice,
bees awakening,
birding hotspots,
how2recycle label,
NJ Green Amendment,
plastic in our bodies.
And that's not all. We also have audio clips from Rachel Carson, Chief Oren Lyons, and Dr. Helen Caldicott.
Rachel Carson is credited with starting the modern environmental movement with her 1962 book "Silent Spring."
Seneca Chief Oren Lyons compares the Native American view of the environment with current mainstream thought.
Dr. Helen Caldicott, a former pediatrician, said she "quit medicine in order to save lives." She’s one of the
founders of the powerful organization Physicians for Social Responsibility.
This week's music for you: Charlie King with Bright Morning Star putting into words what every activist knows, "Our Life Is More than Our Work"
and our work is more than our jobs. That song is appropriate to MANY WBAI shows.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next week, on Wednesday, March 27, 2024 at 10a.m. EST for Where Does Electricity Come From? with energy efficiency expert Andy Padian.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Celebration Of Nature Series:
Turtles & Tortoises
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Turtle and tortoise expert and author Anthony Pierlioni, Eco-Logic's guest, from
will be talking about some of the reasons why turtles are the most endangered group of vertebrates on the planet and some conservation solutions for them.
We have a live report from the road to Albany, where environmentalists are gathering for an 11:00 rally to support the NY HEAT Act.
The HEAT ACT caps utility rates, ends subsidies for gas hook-ups near pipelines, and requires new rules for a gas-transition plan. Missing
is Energy Efficiency and fracked gas for the power plants that supply electrification.
We have environmental music for you: Lydia Adams Davis and Kathy Byers - "Why Do Turtles Cross the Road?"
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next week, on Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at 10a.m. EST for a variety of environmental topics.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Fund-raiser instead
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Eco-Logic is pre-empted this Wednesday, March 6, for fund-raising. We will return next week, on March 13, with our
Celebration of Nature show on Turtles & Tortoises.
We realize that being pre-empted 3 times in 5 weeks makes it disappointing when you are expecting Eco-Logic every week.
The station needs to find new ways to raise funds to pay expenses. Any ideas? Meanwhile we keep full of
interesting materials for your information.
Though we are not broadcasting this week, we still urge you to go to, put Eco-Logic in the search box on the
right side of your screen, and get one of our many premiums—or become a 'BAI Buddy in the name of Eco-Logic by clicking
on the green peace dove on give2wbai . org.
We can't tell you for sure that more donations will keep us from more preemptions, but it can't hurt. Donations will
definitely keep the transmitter going, the engineers paid, and the studio rented - and Eco-Logic is just one of many
good shows that need to be heard.
This web site has a lot of information on it as well as descriptions and links to past shows. You don't have to do without
environmental information from us this week, but we would rather talk to you and take your calls! We can still keep
in touch by email!
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 10a.m. EST for Turtles and Tortoises
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Family Farms and
Slow Food
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On this episode we talk with Slow Food USA's Brian Solem about
one of the most important things in life: food. Slow Food is an organization that was formed in Italy in outrage over
a proposed MacDonald's at the Spanish Steps in Rome. The movement has gone global. Here Brian brings us the U. S. perspective.
We’ve been reading about attacks on farmland in California through lawsuits over water rights and land grabs by corporations
to turn farmlands into cities. Of course, these issues are universal.
The developers in Solana County actually described farming solely in terms of "low-yield economy of yesterday" - fighting words for sure!
Slow Food USA is also involved in supplying seed packets for free to schools
and for a reasonable price to home gardeners.
Go to
Our news reports this week cover artificial turf
(a concern mentioned by a listener not long ago), lithium mining,
right-to-repair news, and a proposal by National Grid to raise rates again and
NYC Community Boards Applications.
We have environmental music for you: Tom Chapin singing "Locally Grown" from his album "Give Peas a Chance."
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us in 2 weeks, on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 10a.m. EST for a Celebration of Nature: Turtles and Tortoises.
We realize that being pre-empted 3 times in 5 weeks is disappointing when you are expecting Eco-Logic every week.
The station needs to find new ways to raise funds to pay expenses. Any ideas? Meanwhile we keep full
of interesting materials for your information.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Malcolm X Special instead
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Eco-Logic is pre-empted this Wednesday, February 21st, for a Black History Month Malcolm X special. We will return next week,
on Feb. 28, with a Celebration of Nature show on Turtles and Tortoises (do you know the difference?).
Though we are not broadcasting this week, we still urge you to go to, put Eco-Logic in the search box on the
right side of your screen, and get one of our many premiums-or become a 'BAl Buddy in the name of Eco-Logic by clicking
on the green peace dove on We can't tell you for sure that more donations will keep us from more pre-emptions,
but it can't hurt. Donations will definitely keep the transmitter going, the engineers paid, and the studio rented - and
Eco-Logic is just one of many good shows that need to be heard.
This web site has a lot of information on it. You don't have to do without environmental information from us this week,
but we would rather talk to you and take your calls! We can still keep in
touch by email!
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2024 at 10a.m.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Incineration: A False Solution
Environmental Injustice
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On this episode we discuss the harmful effects of incineration and the importance of adopting alternative solutions with
two activists directly involved with stopping incineration plants in their municipalities. Our guests today are Dr. Courtney
Williams from Westchester Alliance for Sustainable Solutions and
JV Valladolid from Ironbound Community Corporation in Newark, New Jersey.
Sometimes it gets tiring to always have to be diligent about greenwashing attempts. As society finally catches up to what
environmentalists and Eco-Logic have been saying for years, the world needs to find a way to tackle waste, both personal
and commercial-- and it can't be incineration. For years it was assumed that burning trash into ash made it go away, but
that is far from reality.
Burning trash unleashes deadly toxins into the environment. Waste does not just disappear when
burned. And on a societal level, guess where incinerators are most often found?-- In low-income and people of color
communities where people don't have the political clout to stop the facilities nor the finances to move away from the
direct effects of the pollution. The pollution from every incinerator goes into the global atmosphere.
Our news reports this week cover a new pause in LNG
export permits; the immense CO2 emissions of Taylor Swift's private jet,
pending New York State bottle bills,
S4947 and S237B
and an upcoming turtle event.
We have environmental music for you: Bill Steele’s song "Garbage" was a folk music standard in the '80s & '90s. We'll play Pete Seeger singing "Garbage" with a verse that he added.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next week, Wednesday, Feb 21, 2024 at 10a.m. EST as we discuss Attacks on Family Farms.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
fund-raising show instead
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Eco-Logic is pre-empted this Wednesday, February 7th, for fund-raising. We will return next week, on Feb. 14, with a show on Dangers of Incineration.
Though we were not broadcasting this week, we still urge you to go to,
put Eco-Logic in the search box on the right side of your
screen, and get one of our many premiums or become a 'BAI Buddy in the name of Eco-Logic by clicking on the green peace dove on
We can't tell you for sure that more donations will keep us from more preemptions, but it can't hurt. Donations will definitely keep the
transmitter going, the engineers paid, and the studio rented - and Eco-Logic is just one of many good shows that need to be heard.
This web site has a lot of information on it. You don't have to do without environmental information from us this week,
but we would rather talk to you and take your calls! We can still keep in touch by email!
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2024 at 10a.m. EST
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Connecting the Dots Series:
Health, Environment, Uranium Mining
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The quality and healthfulness of the drinking water for Indigenous People in the southwest and northern plains is related
to how many new weapons systems are being brought on line and how many new nuclear power plants are being planned. Tune
in to hear how our health and the environment are affected by uranium mining.
Mining activity increases when the price goes up. The price goes up when demand goes up. Demand goes up when there are
new nuclear weapons or new nuclear power plants. That leads to things like the mining in the Grand Canyon National Historic
Site, which started up on Jan. 8. Mining uranium
so close to the Grand Canyon is an invitation to an irrevocable disaster.
The potential for uranium mining in the Catskills of New York then goes up.
Events in Ukraine, Gaza, and the proposals of small new nuclear reactors have led the dormant Pinyon Plain mine to start up
again in the Grand Canyon National Historic Site - will the Catskills be next? The NY State ban on uranium mining expired in 1992.
One of our guests today, Mary Olson of Gender + Radiation Impact Project, will explain the health consequences of radiation.
When the EPA creates health standards for any pollutant, such as radiation, they use Reference Man - a young,
180-pound white male - as their standard. Women and children are more vulnerable to all toxins. For example, for every
two men who develop cancer through exposure to ionizing radiation, three women will get the disease.
Leona Morgan of HaulNo! is a long-time, prominent Diné activist working with many organizations on the effects of
uranium mining on Indigenous peoples in the Southwest. Every time uranium has been taken from the ground, it has
despoiled the entire ecosystem of people and animals, including its majestic natural beauty, for many parts of the country.
The Diné have an ancient prophesy warning all people to keep uranium in the ground. The terrible consequences of
disobeying that prophesy have already become apparent through nuclear power and nuclear weapons.
Our news stories will cover
the harmful effects of incineration
NJ Transit's cancellation
of a proposed gas-fired power plant
Senate and Assembly
legislation on packaging reduction and recycling
the pause of LNG exports.
We have environmental music for you: Hear Creative Natives' cover of Herbs' "Nuclear Waste."
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us in two weeks, Wednesday, Feb 14, 2024 at 10a.m. EST for the dangers of incineration
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Combatting Greenhouse Gas Deniers
CO2, Methane, and More
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Listeners to Eco-Logic are all too familiar with the harmful effects of greenhouse gases but there have been many articles in both progressive
and conservative publications, e-lists, and websites that are spreading misinformation that these harmful gases are not so bad - really!
Scientists who agree about climate change (and almost all of them do, unless they're paid not to) main disagreement is when the "tipping point"
will be reached which means measures after that point will not be able to stop it.
Some of the earliest-mentioned tipping points have long been passed.
Our guests today are climate activists Ken Schles and JK Canepa, both with the No North Brooklyn Pipeline Campaign and active in many other environmental organizations.
The science has been clear for many decades - greenhouse gases are causing the climate crisis.
What is a greenhouse gas and why are they called that?
What is a tipping point and why is it important?
How do we address what the deniers are saying?
What did the UN IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) have to say about methane?
Which greenhouse gas is created by nuclear power plants?
CO2 and methane aren't the only greenhouse gases - what are others?
Why is it so easy for people to be complacent to this creeping global danger?
What is being done?
How is industry co-opting environmental bills, such as the Inflation Reduction Act?
Gases being "natural" doesn't mean they aren't harmful when there is too much of them. Even arsenic is natural.
In our news and announcements section we report that
the EU Parliament voted to adopt an
anti-greenwashing law
prohibiting retailers from making general environmental claims and sustainability claims without evidence
the Repair Association petition drive for right-to-repair
comments to the FTC is picking up, but more are needed
update on upcoming events held by Our Powhr in the fight to stop the
Mountain Valley Pipeline.
NOAA's prediction on the heat of 2024.
Lawyers using the First Amendment to argue both for and against Climate denying..
We have environmental music for you: Hear Oli Frost, a wonderful satirist, with "A synth-pop ballad for greenhouse gas emissions data."
Join us next Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2024 at 10a. m.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Green Jobs
Resources & Applications
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We will be talking about the importance of good local jobs, which are so important for economic self-sufficiency. Too many
of our neighborhoods have been neglected, environmental sacrifice zones for too long. Green jobs will bring the change
we need for environmental and economic justice.
Our guests today are founders of Soulful Synergy, Dwayne Norris and
Alex Alvarez, and Paul Presendieu, and a Eco-Logic Collective member, who is the Director of Community Engagement. From
reusing material to growing food, to making buildings efficient and constructing green buildings, to recycling cloth to
working with State agencies and high schools, Soulful Synergy has worked for 10 years to bring climate-friendly resources
to communities in Westchester and throughout our area. They have trained more that 9,000 people. You'll even hear a
connection to David Rothenberg's WBAI show "Any Saturday."
In our news and announcements section we will bring you NYC Audubon's latest
Harbor Herons report.
Herons capture the imagination – Japanese animation legend Hayao Miyazaki just won his first Golden Globe Award for
The Boy and the Heron. We have news on the NYS Right to Repair bill that just went into effect, and the United Tribes
of Bristol Bay's win at the Supreme Court, which refused to reverse the EPA's decision to deny
Pebble Mine in Alaska.
Thursday, Jan. 18, 2024 at 1 p.m, the Hudson River PCB Superfund Community Advisory Group is meeting on Zoom. With the 3rd 5-year review
coming up, Scenic Hudson, Hudson Riverkeeper, and Hudson River Sloop Clearwater and other groups are calling on the EPA to acknowledge
that the Upper Hudson River remedy is "not protective of human health and the environment" and to highlight the importance of
achieving target PCB concentrations. A registration link
is here.
We have inspiring music for you: Mavis Staples singing "Change," a collaboration between her and Ben Harper.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2024 at 10a.m. - Combating Greenhouse Gases Deniers.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
fund-raising show instead
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Eco-Logic was pre-empted Wednesday, January 10th, 2024 for fund-raising. We will return next week, on Jan. 17, with a show on Green Jobs.
Though we were not broadcasting that week, we still urge you to go to,
put Eco-Logic in the search box on the right side of your
screen, and get one of our many premiums or become a 'BAI Buddy in the name of Eco-Logic by clicking on the green peace dove on
We can't tell you for sure that more donations will keep us from more preemptions, but it can't hurt. Donations will definitely keep the
transmitter going, the engineers paid, and the studio rented - and Eco-Logic is just one of many good shows that need to be heard.
This web site has a lot of information on it. You don't have to do without environmental information from us this week,
but we would rather talk to you and take your calls! We can still keep in touch by email!
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2024 at 10am for a Green obs show.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
The Eco-Logic Collective
What's on Our Minds
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The Eco-Logic Collective is a group of several activists, experts and program contributors. This week we are joined by several
of our wonderful associates.
In California, Cuyama Valley residents are calling for a boycott of carrots -
tune in to hear how corporate greed for resources are hurting peoples access to water.
At COP28, a former chief scientific adviser for the United Nations' Trillion Trees Campaign, did something he never would have
expected a few years ago: begging environmental ministers to
stop planting so many trees -
learn more about greenwashing vs genuine nature restoration.
Tim Keating will be talking about the NY Tropical Deforestation-Free Procurement Act, which passed the NY Senate and Assembly
in 2023 but which the governor vetoed on Dec. 22. The bill would have curtailed the purchase of products for which tropical
forests were deforested or degraded. It would have amended the 1991 Tropical Hardwood Purchasing Law to extend the ban of use
of 42 species of tropical hardwoods by the state and municipal governments, to include all tropical hardwoods, including ipê,
cumaru, ekki, and greenheart, which are used extensively by the MTA and NYCDOT.
JK Canepa will bring forth information about thermal energy, defined as piped non-combustible fluids to transfer heat into and out
of buildings without emitting any greenhouse gases. In other words, using water moved by pumps that don’t run on gas or oil! The
Utility Thermal Network and Job Act is a bill that was passed in 2022, requiring the 7 biggest investor-owned utilities in the
State to implement Thermal Energy Networks (or TENs), Tune in to the show to hear more.
There's a new museum in NYC! The Climate Museum! Their current exhibit is "The End of Fossil Fuel," and Martha McClintock is
expecting that, like their previous exhibits, it will be informative and powerful. She'll also bring an update on the
Our Children's Trust lawsuit. However, the Climate Museum did have the excellent greenwashing book,
"Hoodwinked in the Hothouse", removed from its library as "too controversial."
Charlie Olson brings you insights from Jamie Margolin's book, "Youth to Power:
Your Voice and How to Use It." Getting involved, staying involved, and organizing wisely in this new year is the focus.
You can see why this author inspired Greta Thunberg.
As always, we have environmental music for you: our Eco-Logic Collective member, Joel Landy wrote with Ken Gale and performs "Methane."
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us in two weeks, Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2024 at 10a.m. (We are pre-empted for next week, Jan. 10, 2024.)
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Cycles of Nature
With Alexei Kondratiev
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Alexei Kondratiev was an amazing human being whom we want to share with you. He was a teacher on a wide variety of subjects, he was an
anthropologist, a philosopher, a linguist who spoke more than 60 languages, he preserved endangered languages, an author of both fiction
and non-fiction and loved by many. He was one of the foremost Celtic, Arthurian, and Tolkien scholars in the U.S. Alexei was a birder and
a team leader in the Queens Christmas Bird Count. He also was an accomplished harpist.
On this episode of Eco-Logic, Alexei talked about how religions throughout the world this time of year follow natural cycles of Earth,
specifically the Winter Solstice. We talked about various world cultures, the Western money economy's effect on Indigenous cultures,
ways that we all are in touch with nature, the relationship between different "competing" religions, all kinds of stuff that we could
fit into a one-hour show.
His amazing intellect is preserved for your enjoyment in this episode of Eco-Logic.
Ken's Personal Reminiscences of Alexei Kondratiev
As always, we have music for you, appropriate to the season: Charlie Murphy wrote and performs "Light is Returning."
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, Jan. 3, 2024 at 10am.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
First-Hand Reports from
The White House & Cop-Out28
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Politicians and decision-makers used to disregard what environmental experts and activists had to tell them, no matter how
important and timely and necessary. That has been changing and this special episode will discuss that along with local
solutions to climate problems and their implementation.
COP28 was more like COP-out 28, with the head of the world's biggest fossil-fuel company as the president of the conference,
and the real need for a phase out of fossil fuels being rejected in the final document, which calls only for a "transition,"
and with 22 countries calling for tripling nuclear energy - no solution at all. One good point: three more countries signed
onto the call for a fossil-fuel nonproliferation treaty.
Here is Pete Dolack's
analysis and report on CoP-Out28.
Our guests are two activists who come to the climate crisis from different angles. Paul Presendieu of
Soulful Synergy was invited to the White House to
discuss Environmental Justice initiatives. Also joining us is Cindy Piester of
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and Veterans for Peace's
Climate Crisis and Militarism Project, who again attended COP.
Long-time listeners might remember hearing Paul and Cindy on Eco-Logic and the great information they each brought us.
We'll hear about environmental justice and the connection between the environment and the military.
This show is part of a Special Environment and Health Day, to present you great content and show you the importance
of supporting your radio station during our end-of-year tax-deductible campaign. Give a membership or buddyship to a friend.
As always, we have music for you, a song that is timely for two different holidays at this time of year: Dar Williams' "The Christians and The Pagans."
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, Dec 27, 2023 at 10a.m. about Natural Cycles featuring Alexei Kondratiev.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
PFAS Chemicals: Forever Dangerous
And They’re Everywhere!
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PFAS are referred to as "forever chemicals" because they do not degrade. Legally, they do not have to be labelled, even though they create
a huge number of devastating health and environmental consequences. They are only recently becoming a political issue, yet our guests have
been working on this issue for at least 8 years. The EPA has been both a help and a hindrance. We'll hear about solutions and examples of
victories we've already gotten.
Our guests this week:
Brenda Hampton, "Angel in Alabama" and founder of Concerned Citizens of WMEL,
which successfully got a reverse-osmosis water filtration system
and payments to customers of 8 water utilities that are downstream of 27 industrial sites. She has led efforts to have PFAS removed from
fast-food packaging, having success with McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and Burger King.
Kyla Bennett, director of New England PEER
(Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility) and director of science policy for PEER,
previously worked for the EPA for 10 years. PEER-arranged testing first showed PFAS in containers made by Inhance Technologies. Evidence
from PEER and the company led to an EPA conclusion that their process poses unreasonable risks to public health and that Inhance must
end its use of the fluoridation process.
Joel Kupferman, a New York environmental lawyer whose organization, the NY Environmental Law & Justice Project,
caused a $1 million fine against Clarke Company and caused NYC to withdraw an $8 million contract for a second round of pesticide spraying.
In addition, we really appreciate his leadership in producing this show.
Products were made without PFAS for decades, even centuries. Our guests will talk about a recent court decision in favor of 3M and DuPont,
EPA decisions both positive and negative, and some of the many products in which PFAS may be found, such as:
💧 cosmetics (e.g., waterproof mascara)
💧 costume jewelry
💧 nonstick pans
💧 water-repellent clothing
💧 plastic containers for almost anything—and they leach into the contents
Other topics we’ll mention are an attempt to bypass New York state’s ban on fracking and a
bill to strengthen the Clean Water Act.
As always, we have music for you, appropriate to the season: Jethro Tull with "Ring Out, Solstice Bells."
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, Dec 20, 2023 at 10a.m.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
From Scratch
Adventures in Harvesting, Hunting, Fishing & Foraging on a Fragile Planet
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You’ve never heard a food-oriented radio show like this one!
Food workers are on the front lines of climate change and food sources around the world are in trouble. It's important to
know the full story of how our food gets to us. The TV show "From Scratch" literally travelled around the world to help us do that.
David Moscow is the host of "From Scratch," which explores the planet's complex and interconnected food supply, which came
about because David wanted to use his acting career ("Big," "Newsies," etc.) to make the world better. Not many TV shows
have books, but this one does! Jon Moscow, David's father, joined him in bringing the stories and some recipes to book form.
In creating a show to help us reconnect with food sources, David met with
community activists,
and more
David will tell us about the various communities and environments he visited, some thriving, some in jeopardy, all interconnected with
food. Learn current realities of climate change, food production, tradition and new technologies, from his discussions with workers
as they process the difficult choices and potentially fraught outcomes they face.
Starting with a chef's dish, David goes out to gather, by traditional means, every ingredient, then returns to the chef's kitchen and attempts to recreate the dish.
The uplifting, inspiring, and sometimes troubling chapters of the book cover such items as oysters in Long Island, pizza on the
Amalfi coast of Italy, ancient potatoes in Peru and Utah, and more. We learn about the history of food and how it sustains culture
and community, including how the need to protect cod was part of the call for a new constitution in Iceland.
In addition, we discuss
an international meeting on plastic pollution
small modular nuclear reactor programs having trouble getting funding outside government sources
As always, we have music for you, appropriate to the program: Aaron Bolton celebrates "Food, Glorious Food!"
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, Dec 13, 2023 at 10am, to hear about a court decision regarding PFAS forever" chemicals.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Planning an
Eco-Logical Holiday
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Nearly every religion in the northern hemisphere has a religious holiday on or near the winter solstice, responding to the natural
cycles of Earth, but what unifies them all is the "reason for the season": the Winter Solstice, the shortest day and longest night
of the year. In ancient times, various peoples had different means of "calling the sun back."
Many groups work with the natural cycles of Earth and Sun, such as Homeless Persons Memorial Day, taking place on the winter solstice,
which is December 21st this year, and highlights the struggles of the marginalized in our society. Helping others is a huge theme of
holiday times. Getting away from "What do I get" and "What do I give" and moving to what can I do for others is the real spirit of the Eco-holidays.
Our guest, Ellis Roberts, has been selling Christmas trees for several years, first as a seasonal worker for a company who profited
off his labor, and then he grew into taking charge of the workers' power and sharing the profits fairly with the co-operative
New York State of Pine. He has trees of several species
that come from different parts of the U. S.
The Canadian wildfires affected the
entire Christmas tree industry. We'll hear what his life is like during the month of December, how many months ahead it really takes
to prepare for December and what he does with leftover trees - also how his Occupy Wall Street roots influenced the whole workers
collective concept. Hear Ellis's take on the sustainable Christmas tree industry.
As always, we have music for you, appropriate to the program: Hugh Blumenfeld's "Long-Haired Radical Socialist Jew."
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, Dec 6, 2023 at 10am. To hear David Moscow and Jon Moscow, "From Scratch: Adventures in Harvesting, Hunting, Fishing, and Foraging on a Fragile Planet."
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Cop City Update
Protests, Deforestation, Militarization
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We're going to start the show with two good news stories.
Plastic-eating mushrooms are already being used to eat plastic waste.
Several successful tactics are being used to bring coral reefs back from their 98% destruction.
The first environmental activist assassinated by the police has left the mainstream news cycle, but not the Eco-Logic News Cycle.
Doing research for this show, we found that a page on MSN with an article on "Justice for Tortuguita" had been taken down -
"This page no longer exists; a new search page will be loaded."
Protests against Cop City have been met with tear gas and extraordinary police presence. The militarization of the police has
been a common topic on WBAI, including Eco-Logic. Most police officers do not carry tear gas. The fact that Atlanta police
brought tear gas to an ordinary protest contradicts the first amendment of the United States and shows Atlanta's attitude
toward its own citizens that disagree with their policies. This same police force gets "credit" for being the first U.S.
police force to murder an unarmed environmentalist, Manuel Esteban Paez Terán, known as Tortuguita, on January 18, 2023.
Tortugita was protesting the destruction of Weelaunee Forest in Atlanta, Georgia to build "Cop City," a training ground
for militarizing police forces. 85 acres have been clear cut already. A proliferation of Cop Cities across the country has been proposed.
We called on Priscilla Grim and Hadley to bring us up to date with their personal knowledge of the situation. Anger and
sadness are turning into determination. People are not giving up! Get more information now by listening to our
April 22nd and July 26th shows.
There will certainly be a lot of reminiscing about John F. Kennedy on this, the 60th anniversary of his assassination. The most
important environmental contribution in his short term was the Above Ground Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, which got some of its
momentum from Rachel Carson, who is called the founder of the modern environmental movement, and is an inspiration to all three of us.
Our environmental music this week is The Call singing "Become America," one of the last songs Michael Been wrote.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, Dec. 6th at 10am.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Uranium & The Diné People:
"The River That Harms"
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Eco-Logic and WBAI bring you information no one else does and this week is no exception.
This week we're talking about an event few people know about, even though it is one of the biggest nuclear disasters in world history:
a dam breach that sent tons of radioactive mill tailings in a torrent down the Rio Puerco in New Mexico, killing thousands of head of
sheep and hundreds of head of cattle - and killing or sickening hundreds of people, most of whom were Diné, known in the mainstream by
their Spanish name of Navajo. The Diné are still dying of cancer and immunodeficiency diseases, and their children are often born with
physical or mental deficiencies - to this day.
Why do you need to know this? Why are we doing this show? Because the more people that know, the less likely it will happen again and
the more likely the corporate villains can be brought to justice and the victims compensated.
Fortunately, award-winning filmmaker Colleen Keane made a film about it. We'll be bringing you our interview with Colleen along with
excerpts from that film, "The River That Harms". In addition to a Master's degree in Social Work from Arizona State University,
Colleen had a Master's in Broadcast Journalism from the University of Southern California film school. That must be a great school,
and she must have been an excellent student, because the production values, from directing to camera work to editing, are fantastic.
During the last 10 years, Colleen has worked as a journalist for the Navajo Times.
Sadly, while planning this show, we found out that Colleen Keane passed away on Oct. 26, 2023. This show is a tribute and testament
to her heart, her mind, and her important work. Thank you, Colleen Keane.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, November 22, at 10am. Check this web site for details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
EPA: Who & What Does It Protect?
Train Wreck & Toxic Fire Near You?
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Our guests this week are Jess Conard of Beyond Plastics, resident
of East Palestine, Ohio, and Joel Kupferman from the NYC Environmental Justice Initiative,
formerly known as the Environmental Law and Justice Project, to talk about the after-effects of the "controlled burn" in
East Palestine, Ohio, after the Norfolk-Southern derailment.
Does the EPA's industry-protective response mean it could happen again anywhere the stuff is transported, such as where
you live? The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine held hearings last month. They met this week to
discuss what they learned and what research is needed; we have the perspectives of a resident, who works on vinyl chloride
issues for Beyond Plastics, and an environmental lawyer from the National Lawyers Guild.
In our News segment, we have
information on an online program on Solar
and Electrification - Wednesday night, the evening of our show,
protecting solar net metering,
an update on nurdles,
the building blocks of every plastic product you own - and a horrible environmental problem when they spill,
Michigan's Right to Repair bill moving out of committee - a small but important step forward,
the latest study of plastic-eating mushrooms - a potentially great idea, but also a probable serious danger,
Scenic Hudson, Riverkeeper, and Hudson River Sloop Clearwater will be holding a public briefing on the Hudson River
PCB Superfund Site on Tuesday, November 14 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Register to attend virtually:
Our environmental music this week is Brian Goodall singing "Goes Around Comes Around: A Song about Plastic Pollution in Our Oceans."
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, Nov. 15 at 10am.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Food Labels Explained
Read It Before You Eat It!
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Most food packages come with labels, but what do they mean? Do you read them? Are they deliberately confusing? Bioengineered,
organic, Non-GMO project, fair trade, no growth hormone, nutrition label; it can get pretty crazy. Tune in to hear our guests
explain them.
Focusing on nutrition and health is Jannie Wolff, Founder of The Good News Foundation and gallery owner and director of YES
Gallery in Hoboken. She is developing a pilot project "Education = Power In Choice (EPIC): Empowering Communities Through
Food System Education" in Jersey City with people from around the world who were connected through the Food Systems
Game Changers Lab.
Also joining us is GMO expert Jeffrey Smith, founder, Institute for Responsible Technology and Protect Nature Now. For more than
two decades, his research has exposed how biotech companies mislead policy makers and the public, and put the health of society
and environment at risk. He introduced the science on GMOs to medical communities worldwide, inspiring thousands of practitioners
to prescribe non-GMO and organic diets.
We'll also tell you about public comment periods for the revitalization of Liberty State Park
and the Dakota Access Pipeline/DAPL, and a petition by Moms Rising
and the Movement for Black Lives regarding Cop City.
Our music this time is different from our usual - do we even have a usual? Well, we focus on the environment, but this week we have The Animaniacs' "The Ingredients Song."
We welcome your call-ins - we love to hear from our listeners!
Tune in to hear our news, information, and environmental music.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, October 25, at 10am. Check this web site for details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Updates and Second Looks
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This week we are going to talk about some of the episodes we did when Eco-Logic was at a different time slot and many of you
may not have heard them (they're all linked from this web page). We had such fun reminiscing last week that we decided to go
back through our own web site to see which shows had follow-ups to tell you about and which just brought back good memories.
We'll talk about Cop City,
Liberty State Park,
Native Plants,
Birding with Chris Cooper,
East Palestine and other derailments,
and ethanol as an alternative fuel.
Eco-Logic is a fierce proponent of green spaces for people to enjoy. We have done shows on East River Park, Liberty State Park,
the Botanical Gardens neighborhood struggles, community gardens, and more. We'll give you the latest updates on Liberty State
Park in Jersey City and Governors Island in New York City.
Ethanol as an alternative fuel has generated a lot of controversy - we did some research in response to a listener's question -
though the industry reports greenhouse-gas saving, it is more complicated than it seems.
Before Christian Cooper hosted a TV show, he had been on Eco-Logic several times, usually talking about birds and birding,
but sometimes talking about an internet comic strip he wrote. His enthusiasm is always infectious.
Cop City is out of mainstream news, but we have to keep paying attention: activists got many more signatures than needed to
get Cop City on the Atlanta ballot, so bureaucrats and politicians seem to be trying to intimidate voters, and police are again
being let off the hook. We'll give you the details.
Despite their importance to wildlife, from butterflies to birds, and to climate and health issues, native plants are not
discussed too much. Eco-Logic did a whole show about them with Eman Rashid. We'll give you highlights.
The East Palestine toxic train derailment has fallen out of the mainstream news cycle, even out of the news cycles of
many environmental groups, but there is news. Tune in to hear it.
We have environmental music: "We've Got to Wake Up (Do It Now!)." With this song, 60 well known Flemish artists demand
action to put a stop to climate change. The United Nations put this version of the song on YouTube. You might have heard it at
a big environmental protest in the past few years.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, Nov. 1 at 10am.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Science Book Club
Tritium and Birds
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Eco-Logic has had some great books cross our path. Some of the publishers or authors have donated copies to WBAI. Among the most recent are two
new science-oriented books - The Secret Perfume of Birds and Exploring Tritium Dangers.
There have been many authors who have written books using their science backgrounds in ways that a nonscientist can easily read them.
Rachel Carson, John Gofman, Stephen Jay Gould, Richard Ellis, Abby Hafer, and Michio Kaku all come to mind. Eco-Logic sees many
environmental books in that vein. Among the most recent are "The Secret Perfume of Birds" and "Exploring Tritium Dangers." These books
are written for anyone who is curious about their topics and wants to learn more. As on our show, the authors - Danielle Whitaker and
Arjun Makhijani - write conversationally, bringing their subjects to life in engaging and informative style.
Today we look back at the shows we did with Danielle and Arjun, and invite you to explore further with our Science Book Club package,
or to donate for just one of the books that sparks your interest.
The widespread unsubstantiated belief that birds have no sense of smell irked evolutionary biologist Danielle Whittaker. That
led her to research on humans' sense of smell and how our own immune systems affect our choice of spouses. Exploring the
science behind the myth started her investigating such mysteries as how birds win fights, why cowbirds smell like cookies, and
why we kiss. In The Secret Perfume of Birds - part science, part intellectual history, and part memoir - Whittaker uses
humor, clear writing, and a compelling narrative to create a book that is as much a celebration of science as it is about
birds specifically.
Many people don't understand how hazardous radioactive tritium is to our health - especially to pregnant moms and their fetuses;
even exposure before pregnancy is dangerous. Dr. Arjun Makhijani explains clearly why tritium is one of the most dangerous
substances in the human ecosystem. The industry lies about tritium being no big deal, and many otherwise intelligent activists
accept that. In order to justify dumping radioactive waste into local waterways, the radioactive polluters try to convince people
that tritium is not harmful. Even some environmentalists are accepting and repeating industry lies. Exploring Tritium Dangers is
comprehensive yet easy-to-read, and you will have a new recognition of the risks we run.
We also have environmental music; hear Judy Gorman - "This Earth."
We welcome your call-ins - we love to hear from our listeners!
Tune in to hear our news, information, and environmental music.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, October 25, at 10am. Check this web site for details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Farm Bill
Important To All Of Us
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The Farm Bill is important to all of us, it affects wildlife habitats, food choices, food prices, and SNAP/Food Stamps benefits. Join us this
Wednesday, October 11th at 10am as we bring you a report back on last month's Farm Bill Conference.
In our News segment,
we talk about a climate lawsuit by several young people against 32 countries, including all the European Union countries,
a barren Caribbean Island restored to its former natural glory, and
NJDEP's hidden data on the Source Water Assessment Program,
We are joined by Lloyd Wright of the National Resource Conservation Service and
Joe Van Wye of Farm Action to discuss the Farm Bill, which is authorized every 5 years;
the new bill is currently being assembled. This is a once-in-5-years chance to make the farm bill work for the people who need it.
"Make sure people get food that is not going to kill them."
Some of the key points are
largest conservation bill in the world
a fair farm bill for the many, not the few - accessible funding for all farmers, not only the wealthiest
climate smart programs - are they really helping the environment, or is it greenwashing?
farmland for farmers - protection against predatory real-estate purchases, payments to those actively engaged in farming - federal dollars for farmers, not consultants
Right to Repair
We also have environmental music: Luke Bryan - "Here's to the Farmer."
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us Wednesdays at 10am.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Celebration of Nature Series
Fascinating Animals
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All animals are fascinating, some more than others - biologist Dr. Abby Hafer is our guest talking about Fascinating Animals.
In our news:
Holtec wastewater dump loophole,
save energy while cooking spaghetti,
melting sea ice and Emperor Penguins, and
global warming stops photosynthesis.
While talking with Dr. Hafer about the show she couldn't stop talking about so many fascinating creatures that we had to settle
on a few amazing ones of each group. Tune in to hear about an egg-laying mammal, an immortal animal, animals that live in total
darkness and that generate their own light, animals that change sex based on ratios in their ecosystems, the mating competition
of leks, and an all-female species that evolved in our lifetime!
We also have environmental music; hear Celtic Thunder sing about all creatures having "A Place in the Choir."
For more, tune in on Wednesday, October 4 at 10am.
We welcome your call-ins - we love to hear from our listeners!
Tune in to hear our news, information, and environmental music.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, October 11, at 10am for the report back on the Farm Bill Conference and why it's important to all of us.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
The Age of Nuclear Waste
Health Dangers of Tritium
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There is a lack of understanding of how harmful radioactive tritium is to our health. The industry lies about it being no big deal, and many otherwise
intelligent activists accept that. In order to justify dumping radioactive waste into local waterways, the radioactive polluters are trying to convince
people that tritium is not harmful. Even some environmentalists are accepting and repeating industry lies. One person said tritium only lasts 12 years.
That is the half-life of tritium, it takes 10 to 12 half lives for the amount of radiation to be statistically zero, not actually zero.
Also, it is virtually impossible to separate tritium out of water--basically, tritium is water with radioactive hydrogen, so it is almost identical
to standard water. Tritium is the name given to a form of radioactive hydrogen. Tritiated water is H2O where at least one of the Hs, ordinary
nonradioactive hydrogen, is replaced with tritium. That water is now radioactive, but it still behaves like water. It flows, it evaporates, it
goes into clouds, it falls as rain, it gets into our bodies. That’s why it’s so dangerous. We think most of you know not to listen to industry
press releases and the people who quote them, but we keep meeting people who quote that P.R. without questioning it.
Our guests are scientists and authorities on tritium,
Arjun Makhijani Ph.D., president of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research and the principal author of the first study ever done (1971)
on energy conservation potential in the U.S. economy. Dr. Makhijani has authored "Carbon-Free and Nuclear-Free: A Roadmap for U.S. Energy Policy,"
the first analysis of a transition to a U.S. economy based completely on renewable energy. His latest book is "Exploring Tritium Dangers."
Gordon Edwards Ph. D., a Canadian scientist and nuclear consultant, is co-founder and president of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility.
Dr. Edwards has written articles and reports on radiation standards, radioactive wastes, uranium mining, nuclear proliferation, the economics of
nuclear power, and non-nuclear energy strategies. He has been featured on radio and television programs including Eco-Logic.
Our news segments today cover
9 years after #crunchnestle, victory at the California Water Board,
an analysis of ecofascism-- what is it? and
the chemical hazard of products' fragrance.
We also have environmental music; hear Creative Natives singing New Zealand reggae band Herbs' "Nuclear Waste."
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, October 4, at 10am for our Celebration of Nature Series: Fascinating Animals
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Right To Repair
It's Not Trash If It's Repairable
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Our news segments include...
Repair Cafés,
a growing movement, and happening all over,
government insurance for the nuclear industry: the Price-Anderson Act
is about to be renewed for yet another 20 years, and
the Farm Bill - another federal bill being renewed: will it help family farmers
and wildlife, or subsidize megafarms? We have information on how to make your voice heard.
A massive amount of stuff goes into landfills that could be repaired if the manufacturers allowed it instead of making us buy new stuff
all the time. A Right to Repair movement has been working to reverse that. Our guest is Kevin O'Reilly, Right to Repair Advocate and
Board member with the Repair Association.
Back in the 20th century, people could repair cars, household appliances, and the like - they were all mechanical. What happened? Tune in to
find out how the Napster controversy of 1999 got us into this No Repair mess.
Learn how the Right to Repair will affect food and medical bills alike.
Why cant you repair your own stuff?
Why do you have to buy new stuff all the time?
What industries are most affected by not being able to repair their equipment?
Which states are passing Right to Repair laws?
Why do we need more of those laws?
What's being done at the federal level?
We also have environmental music: Pete Seeger singing Bill Steele's Garbage.
For more on this issue tune in on Wednesday, September 20 at 10am.
We welcome your call-ins - we love to hear from our listeners!
Tune in to hear our news, information, and environmental music.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, September 27, at 10am for the Health Dangers of Tritium with Dr. Arjun Makhijani and Dr. Gordon Edwards.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
My Thoughts and Experiences
on and after 9-11.
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I (Ken) was downtown at WBAI on 9-11-01, when WBAI-FM was at 120 Wall St. I saw the toll on local firefighters. I wrote up some of my thoughts and experiences at the time for this web site.
6 pages
This web site
McCarthyism Then and Now
Its Effect on Everyone
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The post World War II McCarthy Era was a horrible, paranoid, oppressive time in the U.S., especially for progressives and liberals. The Hollywood celebrity
black list is the most famous aspect, but what did the McCarthy Era mean for everyone else? Such as people who lost jobs that they'd held for years?
How did it affect families and friendships?
On the this week's Eco-Logic, we'll be speaking with author, songwriter, Ed Renehan, who chronicled Pete Seeger's experiences during the McCarthy era in his book "Pete Seeger vs The Un-Americans"
- available for a pledge to WBAI in the name of Eco-Logic.
We'll also play part of an interview with Corinne Willinger, who was a NY schoolteacher at the time and was present at the infamous Peekskill Riot of 1949.
Corinne has been an activist most of her life and has been a long-time member of the NY Metro Raging Grannies, the Granny Peace Brigade, Women in Black, and WBAI.
Our news segments include...
the recent protection of the Arctic Wildlife Refuge,
environmental degradation of lithium mining (link to video), and
victories against NJ fossil fuel projects.
We also have Pete Seeger singing "Wasn't That A Time."
We won't have time for call-ins today but we love to hear from our listeners so please email or facebook message us!
See you at the March September 17th!
For more on this issue tune in on Wednesday, August 30 at 10am.
We welcome your call-ins - we love to hear from our listeners!
Tune in to hear our news, information, and environmental music.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, September 20, at 10am for a Right to Repair Update show. Check this web site for details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
News, Views & Music, Too!
Grannies & Buddies!
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Eco-Logic covers many topics on every show. Usually, one in depth and several in brief, but on today's News, Views, and Music, Too! show we're bringing you a great variety
of stories. We include solutions to problems we bring up. Here are links, so you can explore the stories further if they appeal to you.
We talked about:
Lackawanna Coalition members will be at train stations helping people take public transit to the NYC
Sept. 17 March to End Fossil Fuels,
A new development in Turkey that uses the
wind created by traffic
to make electricity,
US EPA is removing wetlands protections to implement the US Supreme Court decision,
Bees - comparing honeybees and native species of bees,
the use and effect of pesticides and bans against them,
A Farm Bill conference in Washington and the American Bird Conservancy explaining the size of the farm bill and its effect on grassland birds,
What the lead emissions from steel mills are doing to children's physical and mental health,
The court ruling on the Texas reaction to nuclear waste storage,
A fish that walks on land,
An update on dumping or evaporating nuclear wastewater near New York City and Boston,
Holtec moving highly radioactive nuclear components from Oyster Creek in South Jersey to Indian Point in Westchester County,
Update on Save the Hudson,
The NYC Metro Raging Grannies impressing the New York City Council with their music.
We also have environmental music of The NYC Metro Raging Grannies, Marvin Gaye and Dan Berggren
See you at the March September 17th!
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, Sept. 13, at 10AM, as we discuss the Peekskill Riot and McCarthyism
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
March To End Fossil Fuels
UN Climate Ambition Summit
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How do we end the climate crisis? Join author, activist, blogger, Ted Glick and activist Zakiya Alake on Eco-Logic as we bring you the where, when and why of the
March to End Fossil Fuels and the
UN Climate Ambition Summit week of events.
Eco-Logic covers some difficult environmental issues but this one is a joy. It's all about solutions.
Secretary-General António Guterres of the United Nations called for a "Climate Ambition Summit,"
with the price of admission being new plans for policy action to rapidly get off fossil fuels. There are 500 different groups in 120 Hubs,
working together, going beyond talk, and going beyond marching.
This march is not just for complaining about climate chaos, but for affecting policy. There is an aura of excitement and optimism, reflecting the staying power
of the climate movement. The many Hubs include a variety of affinities: environmental justice and indigenous groups leading the march, women's groups, civil-rights
groups, youth groups, elders, nuke-free/carbon-free, and many more. In the week before the march, there will be actions at banks and insurance companies in NYC
and many places around the globe.
Learn how the Women's and LGBTQIA movements positively influenced the climate movement. We'll talk about the important role of EJ groups in affecting climate policies.
This is not your parents' United Nations - nor is this your parents' environmental movement.
We'll also talk about...
Good News for people who want to repair what they own instead of buying brand new all the time.
Right to Repair keeps
plastic out of the oceans, working equipment out of landfills, and extends the life of expensive items, cutting the annual cost of owning a car, tractor, computer, and more.
A whistleblower from the Holtec corporation
reporting on Holtec violating the spirit, if not the letter, of the law not to dump radioactive waste.
The Save the Hudson bill is signed, but the work of activists is far from done.
See you at the March September 17th!
For more on this issue tune in on Wednesday, August 30 at 10am.
We also have environmental music: "Takin' it to the Streets" from the No Nukes concert album.
We welcome your call-ins - we love to hear from our listeners!
Tune in to hear our news, information, and environmental music.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, September 6th, at 10am for a lot of News, Announcements and music. Check this web site for details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Financing Dirty Energy:
How Can We Stop It?
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Our guests are Rev. Amy Brooks Paradise of GreenFaith and Matt Krogh from, which recently put out a report on how 8 big banks are contributing
to the destruction of Amazonia, explaining how banks keep the fossil fuels flowing and how to stop it.
Fossil fuel companies seem to have unlimited resources, but most projects are built using borrowed funds. When we deposit money with big banks and
investment companies that provide those funds, we are complicit - as are our congregations, pensions, and local governments.
How can we ensure that we are investing in line with our values? One of the many ways environmentalists can stop the increase in fossil fuels is
to prevent banks from investing in them. Banks have choices and we need them to do better. We will talk about the divestment movement, the
stockholder activism movement, and the move your money movement.
On this episode, first we'll talk about
tropical trees finding their optimal space,
The Stop Radioactive Wastewater Dump is not a Real Ban,
NOAA's prediction of a greater-than-average hurricane season, and
the long-term health effects of wildfires.
Or guests mentioned many web sites. Here they are: - Sept. 17 climate march site - Sept. 17 march Faith gathering Hub
We also have environmental music: Pete Seeger singing "Banks of Marble."
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, August 30, at 10AM, as we discuss the Sept. 17 Climate March.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Ground Source Heat Pumps
Are They for You?
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What is a Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) and how does it work?
How did the town of Croton become so energy efficient?
How is New York State supporting energy efficiency?
What is an Air Source Heat Pump?
How can your town become energy efficient?
What is the Clean Energy Communities program?
How has the technology changed over the years?
Our guest Lindsay Audin has been an energy expert, an energy wiz,
for several decades and has literally saved thousands of megawatt-hours
and many tons of greenhouse gases and kept many tons of methane from being burnt. He is currently Chair of the
Croton Sustainability Committee.
We'll also talk about...
the monumental victory of the youth in the Montana environmental court case,
birding at ballfields.
homeowners' insurance cancellations due to climate change.
how to get native plants for your garden.
the climate connection to beach closings.
For more information, Lindsay recommends this web site.
For more on this issue tune in on Wednesday, August 16 at 10am.
We also have environmental music: The NYC Metro Raging Grannies singing "Radical Environmentalists".
We welcome your call-ins - we love to hear from our listeners!
Tune in to hear our news, information, and environmental music.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, August 23rd, at 10am. Check this web site for details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Worst Possible Environmental Disaster:
Nuclear War
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On this episode, first we'll talk about
nuclear downwinders win,
cleaner oceans,
Hiroshima Manga, and
homeowner insurance cancelled due to climate change.
Our guests are Alice Slater from World Beyond War and Linda Pentz Gunter of
Beyond Nuclear International. We'll be talking about preventing
the worst possible environmental disaster, nuclear war! The linkage with nuclear power, nuclear proliferation, and nuclear weapons
will also be discussed as it is all connected. Nuclear power plants provide the materials for nuclear weapons.
Alice Slater was part of ICAN, International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons,
when they were awarded the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize for getting countries to agree to categorize nuclear weapons like biological and
chemical weapons - never to be made or used again. ICAN is made up of 661 partner organizations in 110 countries. 68 nations have
already ratified the United Nations nuclear weapon ban treaty. This is similar to World leaders responding to the global outcry against
above-ground nuclear testing. Now the banning of the weapons themselves is finally getting the same outcry.
Linda Pentz Gunter brings a strong environmental perspective to the discussion of the tremendous and disastrous environmental and health
damage of uranium mining, milling and transport and the manufacture of nuclear weapons and nuclear fuel. This has been especially hard
on Indigenous populations in the U.S. and the Black population of South Africa.
We also have environmental music: The Talbot Brothers of Bermuda singing "Atomic Nightmare."
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, August 16, at 10AM, Energy wizard Lindsay Audin will explain how an entire town has lowered its greenhouse gas emissions through ground source heat pumps.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Environmental & Social Cost of
Fast Fashion
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Our guests are Greenpeace's Viola Wohlgemuth and
Dr. Nikolay Anguelov from University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. We'll be talking about fast fashion.
When we were putting this show together, we had a hard time finding someone in the U.S. to talk about this subject, but then, how many people
want to go up against the U.S. fashion industry?
We try to open every show with good news. While we are waiting for Governor Hochul (518-474-8390) to sign the Save the Hudson bill, A7208 and S6893, we
learn that other states are not dallying.
Massachusetts recently denied
Holtec's plan to dump into Cape Cod Bay radioactive wastewater from the Pilgrim nuclear reactor that they are decommissioning.
We'll also talk about...
There are hundreds of super-fund and other toxic and radioactive sites that sea level rise will flood. As people move
inland to escape sea level rise, our garbage must be moved, too.
Many of the rocket launches done by private industry are causing
holes in the ionosphere
as well as destruction of local environments.
The 1990 Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) left out many "downwinder" residents of 7 western states who either
were exposed to radiation during U.S. military nuclear testing or worked in uranium mines, mills or transporting uranium ore
after 1971. A bill to expand and extend RECA has been repeatedly introduced into the Senate - and finally it has passed, with
all but 2 Democrats and 12 Republicans voting in favor.
"Fast fashion...depends and promotes over-consumption. It creates a culture of addiction to novelty, not necessarily style."
"There is ecological damage in the manufacturing of clothes and the waste of quickly discarded garments and associated labor problems including hazardous working conditions and low wages."
Fashion is speeding up - "fast fashion" brands get cheap knock-offs of designer brands to market faster than ever;
social-media influencers promote them and customers buy more and more - yet after only a couple of wearings,
the clothes fall apart - and they are often made with toxic chemicals.
Fast fashion brands are promoting circularity, but reality shows that this is still a myth. Nowhere is the failure of the fast
fashion linear business model more visible than in the countries where many of these cheap clothes end up once their short
lives are over: on huge dump sites, burnt on open fires, along riverbeds and washed out into the sea, with severe consequences for people and the planet.
For more information, go to these web sites:
Natural Fiber Welding - NFW for short.
Good news in clothing recycling.
"upcycling" - Refried Apparel.
For more on this issue tune in on Wednesday, August 2nd at 10am.
We also have environmental music: "Fashion" by David Bowie.
We welcome your call-ins - we love to hear from our listeners!
Tune in to hear our news, information, and environmental music.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, July 26, at 10am, in our new time slot. Check this web site for details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Connect the Dots Series: Cop City-
An Environmental and Human Disaster.
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On our April 22nd show,
Priscilla Grim reported her experience in the
Weelaunee Forest in Atlanta, where a young, peaceful activist, Tortuguita,
was killed by police in January - the first environmentalist so killed in our country. Last week, a caller asked about the proposed proliferation
of Cop Cities across the country - reminding us dangerously of the Fusion Centers put into place in the aftermath of 9/11. We called on
Priscilla to bring us her perspective. She relates it to what is going on at Riker's Island
and other prisons across the country,
On this episode, we'll also talk briefly about
the New York Independent System Operator report on the status of the electric grid,
Newark Franciscan Charity's success
in replacing disposable plastics with reusables in their meal program,
the danger of tritium and
Gov. Hochul's delay in signing the Save the Hudson bill,
and the first public meeting of the Hudson Canyon Marine Sanctuary Commission.
We also have environmental music: "Become America" was one of the last songs Michael Been wrote for The Call.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, August 2, at 10...AM!
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Victories and Solutions
Hello Wednesday 10AM
Every Day Is Earth Day!
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Eco-Logic is known for covering important environmental news, information and solutions-oriented things you can do, as well as our Celebration of Nature
series and Connect the Dots series.
For our first Wednesday 10am show we'll introduce ourselves, and then talk about victories and solutions to environmental problems, Including
art and activism,
commercial solar net metering,
bike lanes,
urban gardens,
Liberty State Park,
the Green Amendments,
wildlife crossings, and
how to stop Holtec from dumping radioactive wastewater into the Hudson River.
We also have the Walkabout Clearwater Chorus with founder Pete Seeger singing "They Had A Song," a song about the power of music to affect political change.
Tune in to hear our news, information, and environmental music.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, July 26, at 10am, in our new time slot. Check this web site for details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Eco-Logic Moving Day
Moving from 6AM Saturdays to 10AM Wednesdays.
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We love to hear from our listeners! We always welcome your calls, but we especially want to hear from you this week. We hope you will move
with us to Wednesdays at 10am, starting July 19th!
Before we take your calls, we have information about how power strips can save you money, about an
NJDEP boondoggle,
return of bipartisanship on the environment, the use of air conditioning, organic pesticide use in NYC parks, New York City
and New Jersey's Hudson Canyon Marine Reserve, cleaning toxic coal ash, a beekeeper's lament and request to be more aware,
a report Green Amendment Day, and a good decision on the Mountain Valley Pipeline!
We also have environmental songs: Pete Seeger, Dar Williams, David Bernz, and the Rivertown Kids singing "Solartopia" and Tom Chapin singing "Pretty Planet."
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next Wednesday, July 19, at 10...AM!
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Making Railroads Safer:
Lac Mégantic to East Palestine to Yellowstone River
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Our guest on this episode is Paula Rogovin of the Coalition to Ban Unsafe Oil Trains
about their 10-year fight for rail-safety legislation, motivated by the
Lac Mégantic derailment
almost exactly ten years ago, July 6, 2013, that killed 47 people and completely destroyed the downtown; rivers of oil on fire poured down the
street, destroying homes and businesses along the way. We'll also talk about several other derailments, including, of course, East Palestine,
Ohio in 2022 and over the Yellowstone River in Montana two weeks ago.
We'll discuss the potential danger of unsafe oil trains, what makes them unsafe, and what safety measures are still needed. First
responders - at least! - need to know what is going through their towns, inspectors need to have time to do their jobs completely,
and real-time digital information needs to be better communicated.
We open the show with information about
an article in The Lancet about the
health effects of clean air and water,
sargassum seaweed and plastic
in the ocean combining to put flesh-eating bacteria on beaches in Florida, Africa, Mexico and the Caribbean,
a very principled divestment attempt
with UUA,
the plan to put radioactive materials on Florida roads
and how to stop it,
why tritium (radioactive hydrogen) is truly dangerous to our health,
the Hudson Canyon National Marine Sanctuary
southeast of the Statue of Liberty - the first public meeting is Thursday, July 13,
National Green Amendment Day Thursday July 13 - bringing Green Amendments beyond the three states that already have them.
We also have environmental songs: Johnny Cash's "Come Along and Ride This Train" and Gordon Lightfoot's "Canadian Railroad Trilogy" part 1.
We welcome your call-ins - we love to hear from our listeners!
Tune in to hear our news, information, and environmental music.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next week, Saturday, July 15, at! Check this web site for details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Celebration of Nature Series:
NY's Role in Rainforest Protection
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We speak to Eco-Logic Collective Member Tim Keating, founder of Earthbilt, who has been
working on deforestation issues for decades, originally with Rainforest Relief. Tune in
to find out why rainforests matter to our health and to our climate, how NYC has caused miles of rainforest destruction,
and the bill that has passed both houses of the NY State legislature, now awaiting a signature from the governor, that will do much to protect
rainforests. Bill #A05682A and S04859A
We open our show with information about
saving energy, greenhouse gases, and money while cooking spaghetti,
Solar power in Texas keeping another blackout from happening,
The effect microplastics in the ocean is having on sea turtle eggs,
A Montana train derailment and bridge collapse and what it means for future oil trains,
Agent orange in our food, thanks to the EPA, and the lawsuit hoping to stop it.
We also have environmental songs: Walkin' Jim Stoltz singing "These Are the Ancient Forests" and
Bruce Cockburn singing "If A Tree Falls."
We welcome your call-ins - we love to hear from our listeners!
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next week, Saturday, July 8, at!
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Celebration of Nature Series:
Native Plants & a Healthy Ecosystem
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We have a wonderful show in our Celebration of Nature series for you with someone dedicated to teaching about native plants. Eman Rashid
runs a series of children's programs through Brooklyn Seeds which teaches
children gardening and composting as a way to educate them about nature and the environment. We will talk about why garden stores
are oriented around non-native plants; why native plants are better for your garden and better for birds, bees and butterflies; why
oak trees are so important; how to get free native plants;
and about the importance of delaying "spring cleanup" until later in the season.
The news and announcements section of our show begins with
Good news about
White Rhino recovery plans,
The bill passed in the NYS legislature to ban dumping radioactive wastewater into the Hudson River,
and updates on
The attempt to divide and conquer opposition to Cop City,
An analysis of the poor security of nuclear power plants and nuclear waste storage and transportation,
An analysis of beach water quality,
A tribute to the recently passed Daniel Ellsberg, who linked the environmental, civil rights and peace movements so smoothly.
We also have environmental songs: "Grow Your Own" by Tom Chapin and "Northern White Rhinos" from FUNdamental RAPS Educational Music Video.
Tune in to hear our news, information, and environmental music.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next week, Saturday July 1 at! Check this web site for details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Connect the Dots Series:
Local Activism Meets Worldwide Activism
Urban Gardens, Bike lanes, Car-free Zones, Urban Museum
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Eco-Logic speaks with Bill Di Paola of Time's Up! and the
Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space to discuss urban gardens,
bicycles, an urban museum, the history of activism in the Lower East Side and its influence.
We start the program with
Information about the Canadian wildfires,
climate-change deniers' points of view,
wildlife effects, wildfires'
connection to the ozone layer,
The June 20th deadline on the bill to prevent radioactive wastewater dumped into the Hudson River,
People vs Fossil Fuels week of action,
A tribute to whale song and CETI pioneer Roger Payne.
Time's Up is celebrating 30 years of activism, from group bicycle rides that led to city acceptance of bike lanes and car-free streets
- but only after much creative activism with multiple arrests, to urban gardens that provide open space and personal nature experiences,
to the Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space with its artifacts of movement history. Time's Up focuses not on the negative and the government,
but on empowering people to take action to make the better world we all know is possible.
The history of activism is important - to reflect on what has worked in the past and consider how to adapt it to the current moment.
We need to know where we came from and what we need to keep going forward. Keeping youth informed and involved is the future.
Eco-Logic and Time's Up both do that every week.
We also have environmental songs by The Police, "One World," and The Crazy World of Arthur Brown, "Fire."
We welcome your call-ins - we love to hear from our listeners!
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Supreme Court v
Clean Water
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We try to start every show with good news. We provide stories that are capturing important information and perspectives you rarely hear anywhere else
We have good news about the restoration of bison to tribal lands,
a scat-sniffing dog helping to gather data to protect orcas,
a lawsuit against a banana company,
restoration of Sea Otters and their effect on an ecosystem,
On the not-good-news front, we are disturbed to be proven right about climate crisis coming directly into our lives. People in the Western US and
Canada have been experiencing this each summer for years. The wildfires in Canada are sending smoke hundreds of miles, to where NYC was deemed the WORST
air quality in the whole planet this week. Many news outlets are saying "see we told you climate crisis is real." It's Eco-Logic that has been telling you this the longest.
The Supreme Court made a horrible 5 to 4 decision against the environment.
The conservative justices went out of their way to rewrite the Clean Water Act and gut wetlands protections. Even Justice Brett Kavanaugh found
this ruling extreme, pointing out that the majority has replaced adjacent waters with adjoining waters - directly contradicting the plain text
of the Clean Water Act. We would never have expected to be quoting Justice Kavanaugh in support of the environment, but his strict adherence to
the text of the law makes clear the problem with the court's decision.
Kavanaugh wrote: "Put simply, the Court's atextual test - rewriting adjacent to mean adjoining - will produce real-world consequences for the waters
of the United States and will generate regulatory uncertainty. I would stick to the text. There can be no debate, in my respectful view, that the
key statutory term is adjacent and that adjacent wetlands is a broader category than adjoining wetlands. To be faithful to the statutory text,
we cannot interpret adjacent wetlands to be the same thing as adjoining wetlands."
We're joined by two wonderful experts from the Clearwater Board of Directors, a long-time environmental lawyer and a long-time environmental
activist, who have both been analyzing this issue. Gareth Hougham is president of Hudson Valley Stream Conservancy and adjunct professor of
environmental science at SUNY Purchase and a member of the Town of Ossining Planning Board. Dan Riesel is a founder of the first Environmental
Protection Unit in the Department of Justice, having had an environmental law practice since 1970. He has taught environmental law and litigation
at Cardozo and Columbia Law Schools for over a decade, and chairs the American Law Institute annual courses on environmental law and environmental litigation.
We also have environmental songs by Celtic Thunder - "A Place in the Choir" and Sparks - "Never Turn Your Back on Mother Earth."
We welcome your call-ins - we love to hear from our listeners!
Tune in to hear our news, information, and environmental music.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next week, Saturday June 17 at! Check this web site for details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Special Two Hour Episode
Celebration of Nature
Nature 4 All
Birding While Black
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Saturday morning's Eco-Logic, June 3rd, is going to be a lot of fun. This is part of our ongoing Celebration of Nature series. We bring you our interview
with Christian Cooper and Dr. J. Drew Lanham, whose enthusiasm for birds and nature is infectious. Their stories are entertaining and often thought-provoking.
Nature is for everyone! Chris now has a show on the National Geographic channel, but he's been on Eco-Logic quite a few times, going back to 2002,
not long after Eco-Logic started.
Chris Cooper's name might be familiar to you because of the viral video of the now famous incident in Central Park when a woman walking her dog
off-leash made a 911 call full of lies, seeming to try to get Chris beaten up - or worse - by the police. The video went viral after being published
by his sister. It was probably Chris' honesty, grace, charisma and nice-guy presence that landed him his current National Geographic show.
Dr. J. Drew Lanham, a Professor of Wildlife Ecology, teaches at Clemson University in South Carolina and won the MacArthur Fellows Program,
commonly called a MacArthur Genius Award, for his work "combining conservation science with personal, historical, and cultural narratives of nature."
His joy of nature was so much fun and the way Chris and Drew played off one another made the show all the more fun. The entire one-hour show will
be available in video form on the Best of BAI thumb drive along with other Eco-Logic interviews and 8 environmental songs.
In that video, Eco-Logic Collective Member Charlie Olson of TheEnvironmentTV, included photos of the birds to go with the stories Chris and Drew
told about their birding adventures. It's a beautiful video, available to you as a premium on - it's called Nature 4 All.
Tune in to hear our news, information, and environmental music.
We have
good news about solar energy,
the Right to Repair,
and WordPress considering sustainability,
information about a new attack on Cop City activists,
a report from the shareholders' meeting of the Southern Company in Atlanta,
our interview with NY State Senator Pete Harckham,
a rally in Albany to stop Holtec's dumping of radioactive waste into the Hudson,
and the NJ opposition to fossil fuel projects!
We also have environmental and protest songs: Fred Gillen, JR. and Michael Jackson.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
2 hrs.
radio show
Eco-Logic Special
Best of WBAI
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We're pleased to join the WBAI fund drive that celebrates the best of WBAI and of course Eco-Logic. We expect this show to be a
special treat for you as we highlight stand-out programs from Eco-Logic that just happen to be available to you as premiums to
thank you for supporting this show and WBAI-FM.
On this program we'll play snippets from our most popular shows and environmental music, too
We have interviews with experts on bottled water and the plastic it comes in, experts on butterflies, and on the health effects of indoor plants,
and an interview with Colleen Keane, the filmmaker of The River That Harms, about the Church Rock/Rio Puerco nuclear disaster that
befell the Diné of New Mexico.
At the Save the River Rally on May 6th, Ken interviewed N.Y. Senator Pete Harckham about his bill to stop radioactive waste dumping
in the Hudson River; we'll bring that to you.
We bring good news at the top of our shows. We have for you stories that are capturing important information and perspectives you rarely hear anywhere else.
A lot of good news for you:
the potential for a massive amount of solar energy,
a delay giving Oak Flat Apache more time to be heard,
and revitalization without commercialization of Liberty State Park.
Plus news that's more alarming, such as
Chevron is trying to deceive with their latest net-zero media campaign, but we see clearly that it is greenwashing; we don't buy it!
new reports of the effects of a major volcanic eruption in Tonga,
a truly awful Supreme Court decision limiting the Clean Water Act.
We also report on
orcas attacking sailboats,
the Rally to Save the River in Cortlandt, N.Y., and the new bill numbers: A7208 and S6893
the Golden Rule's very rainy visit to Liberty State Park in Jersey City.
You know that WBAI has been going through a most challenging time and can really use your support to continue. If everyone listening
donated $20 or more we could probably make our goal. So we are hoping you will be able to do your part, because it is only by working
together that the station will continue. Please show your love for your radio station! The continued existence of WBAI-FM and Pacifica
is critical... Especially so, at this time when social media platforms and government agencies are censoring FREE speech, it is
imperative that this radio station remain viable.
A recent guest, Artis Burney from the environmental justice struggles in Mississippi and Georgia, told us of his efforts to get real
information to listeners at a radio station that was dependent on corporate funding; he refused to hide info and was taken off the air.
He wished they had listener supported radio in his area and said how important it is to have a voice that is not controlled by the
biggest wallet. It is so important to have listeners, not corporations, paying the bills. We all need to do our part to ensure that
coverage is not limited by profit interests.
Tune in to hear our news, information, and environmental music.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us again at our regular time, this Saturday June 3, at for another 2-hour special about Nature 4 All aka
Birding While Black with Chiris Cooper and Drew Lanham! Check our web site for details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
2 hrs.
radio show
Connect The Dots
Exposing Corporate Exploitation
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We start every show with News, Information and Announcements. This week we talk about
California support of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty,
Our field trip to Governors Island,
New information on the BP Blowout of 2010,
SpaceX's damage to surrounding nature,
NJ DEP Rules Promoting Gas Storage and Increase of Greenhouse Gas Emissions,
and Bruce Springsteen Day.
On this show we welcome Artis Burney from Arm in Arm 4 Climate,
a group focused on disruptive humanitarian acts. Artis is a poet, former radio announcer, and community organizer.
We're going to hear about activism at the shareholder meeting of the Southern Company in Atlanta, Georgia.
On Wed., May 24th, activists will be outside the Southern Company annual shareholder meeting protesting environmental damage and exceedingly high utility costs.
Arm in Arm 4 Climate's fights are recognizable to every activist reading this or hearing our program. "Southern Company is at the root of
a system that values shareholders and company CEOs' bottom lines instead of the communities they serve in the Southeast across Mississippi,
Alabama, and Georgia. By weaponizing their influence and resources, they have been able to manipulate legislators to actively deny the climate
crisis and dismantle our democracy and reproductive rights. They discard their toxic waste in our backyards and charge us prices we can't afford.
Company money is embedded across the legislature of each state and they are not held accountable. As discussions are taking place about how we
transition the U.S. energy future to a system that is just and accessible for all, Southern Company's practices and the politicians that shield
them should be held up as predatory and detrimental to our communities, and future."
We also have environmental and protest songs: Pete Seeger singing Les Rice's "Banks of Marble"; our guest Artis Burney performing his
spoken-word pieces "Water" and "I Chase It."
Tune in to hear our news, information, and environmental music. We are looking forward to taking your calls - so get up early and call in! We'd love to talk with you!
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Governor's Island Field Trip
Join Us!
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We're having a field trip to Governors Island and you're all invited! We'll meet on the island at 11:30 a.m. at the
entrance to Fort Jay. Go to the top of the hill where the grass meets the walkway from the Manhattan ferry, turn left
and follow the road around the fort (will be on uphill on your right) for a few minutes. Roger Manning of
M.A.G.I.C. will show us around.
The ferry is free until 11 a.m. on weekends and leaves from lower Manhattan.
Take any subway that goes to the southern tip of Manhattan and walk east to the Governors Island Ferry in the Battery Maritime Building,
10 South Street. Bicycles welcome. If you get there later, we should be easy to link up with. E-mail to for more information and updates.
Ferry info is on
Governor's Island is a beautiful oasis and National Historic Site just southeast of Manhattan. Developers want
it and most if not all of New York City's mayors want whatever developers want. Come visit this oasis in the City while it's still intact.
Roger recommends a sun hat AND an extra layer. And maybe a snack. There is a 30% chance of showers.
web site
Governors Island Information
Peace, War & the Environment
A Visit from the Golden Rule
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War and the environment are closely related issues, as you'll hear on this episode of Eco-Logic. Connecting the dots is more necessary than it's ever been.
Joining us is Helen Jaccard, the Golden Rule Project Manager for Veterans for Peace.
The sailboat's mission is to advance Veterans For Peace opposition
to nuclear weapons and war, and to do so in a dramatic fashion. They recovered and restored the original peace ship, the Golden Rule, that set sail
in 1958 to stop nuclear weapons tests in the Marshall Islands, and which inspired the many peace makers and peace ships that followed. The reborn
Golden Rule is sailing once more, to show that nuclear abolition is possible, and that bravery and tenacity can overcome militarism.
Ironbound Community Corporation is a cosponsor of the Golden Rule event in Newark. Larry Hamm of
People's Organization for Progress will be speaking. Chloe Desir from the Ironbound
Community Corporation joins us to discuss environmental injustices in Newark's Ironbound district, where dioxins, a byproduct of the manufacture of
Agent Orange, were dumped into the Passaic River by Diamond Alkali.
We start every show with News, Information and Announcements. This week we talk about
the Cool Roofs Project to make
city roofs more eco-friendly.
land and water reportbacks to last week's Hudson River rally to stop the radioactive dump.
the science behind global warming increasing home runs in professional baseball.
Wolfe Notes expose' of NJ DEP's lassez-faire attitude toward chemical accidents.
Good news about NJ's plastic bag/plastic straws law.
We also have environmental and protest songs: John Lennon's song "Give Peace A Chance" and Uriah Heep doing Fred Hellerman & Frank Minkoff's "Come Away, Melinda."
Tune in to hear our news, information, and environmental music. We are looking forward to taking your calls - so get up early and call in! We'd love to talk with you!
Listen live anywhere in the world.
And . . .
Join us next week on May 20th at when we talk about shareholder activism at the Southern Company, owner of new nuclear reactors in Georgia ! Check this web site for details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Attack on the Commons
Governors Island and the Hudson River
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There has been a sustained attack on The Commons throughout the U.S., usually in the form of privatizing public land. We've discussed
many examples on past episodes. This week we're discussing privatizing part of Governor's Island and dumping radioactive wastewater
into the Hudson River.
We try to start every show with good news. New Jersey's Environmental Justice law is now implemented.
We also talk about the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission vs the governor
and we fondly remember Harry Belafonte, WBAI producer Tony Ryan, Michael Been of The Call, and Gordon Lightfoot.
Our guest is Roger Manning of M.A.G.I.C./ The Metro Area Governors Island Coalition. The
coalition is dedicated to preserving the incredibly unique green open space and low-rise quality of Governors Island and promoting public use over
privatization. They are legally challenging the unethical take-over and co-opting of this unique public resource despite the hard won efforts to
define it as a natural public resource of as outlined in the Governors Island Deed of 2003.
This sounds a lot like what a very rich business leader with a great deal of political influence wants to do with Liberty State Park in NJ.
In fact, this sounds a lot like corporate privatization everywhere: East River Park, Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, Ridgefield Park in Queens,
Flushing Meadow Park, in parks in Westchester, the Bronx and Staten Island as well.
When most of us look at a map and see a green space, we think of it as a place we want to go to and spend time in - but some people look
at a green space as a place they can take and make money from. Somehow, without a building, they see land as "unused" or "underused,"
totally discounting the value of Nature itself, whether as a refuge for humans or habitat for our fellow creatures.
Developers don't always win. They don't have Flushing Meadow Park yet and they didn't get to put a deadly shadow over the plants in the
Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. And M.A.G.I.C. is still fighting to protect Governor's Island!
And remember. . . Saturday is the day of the May 6th rally in Cortlandt, NY opposing Holtec's dumping radioactive wastewater into the Hudson River.
Please join us Saturday, May 6th, and bring your friends with or without a kayak! For more information to join the rally, go to
Register here to join the rally on the water.
The rally is also in support of 2 bills in the State legislature to protect all New York State waters.
Here are links to the bills:
NY Senate bill #S5181
NY Assembly bill #A5338
Tune in to hear our news, information, and environmental music from
The Call and
Fred Gillen, Jr. We are looking forward to taking your
calls - so get up early and call in! We'd love to talk with you!
Tune in to hear our guests and environmental music. We are looking forward to taking your calls - so get up early and call in! We really do love to hear from our listeners!
Listen live anywhere in the world.
We are pre-empted next week...
Join us in two weeks, Saturday, May 6th. Check our web site for further details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Power of Music
NYC Labor Chorus
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For today's show, we bring you environmental and labor music from the New York City Labor Chorus, along with news on some important stories:
How environmentalists reversed Governor Hochul on methane standards.
Hard-fought victory of residents against
National Grid's North Brooklyn pipeline.
As Antarctica's current changes,
nutrients for the world's oceans will be reduced.
Holtec's plans to dump radioactive water into the Hudson River and how communities are fighting them.
Africa had a record-breaking cyclone lasting 36 days, Cyclone Freddy.
What are some of the details? Is this a result of geoengineering?
Good and bad news regarding TransCo's 303-mile Mountain Valley Pipeline.
Real and present danger to Human Rights Defenders worldwide.
Sen. McCain and Obama, Trump and Biden administrations threaten sacred high-desert oasis of Oak Flat.
The NYC Labor Chorus has 19 songs on "We Shall Overcome," their Symphony Space concert CD. We'll play a few of them for you
on this episode of Eco-Logic. This show is a special highlight for our listeners, presenting the NYC Labor Chorus. They are having a
sold-out Paul Robeson Tribute concert on Saturday night, April 29th, but you can still hear them on a CD that NYCLC donated to
Eco-Logic and WBAI to show their appreciation. Now you can appreciate them and Eco-Logic - it's a win-win! Get one of the copies
that NYCLC donated!
The New York City Labor Chorus's "We Shall Overcome" CD is available at or
A May 6th rally in Cortlandt is opposing Holtec's dumping radioactive wastewater into the Hudson River and is also in support of two
bills in the State legislature to protect all New York state waters. For more information to join the rally, go to
Please join us Saturday, May 6th, and bring your friends, with or without a kayak!
Here are links to the bills:
NY Senate bill #S5181
NY Assembly bill #A5338
Tune in to hear our news, information, and environmental music. We are looking forward to taking your calls - so get up early and call in! We'd love to talk with you!
Listen live anywhere in the world.
And . . .
Join us next week on May 6th at! Check our web site for further details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Earth Day Special!
Energy, Transport, Labor
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That Earth Day is being celebrated by so many - even mainstream media, in its superficial way - is a testament to the work of many,
to everyone's deep connection to Nature. Earth Day was years in the making, with many influences. Since the first Earth Day in 1970,
the corporate mass media has gone away from stories like protecting Earth, cleaning water & air, keeping endangered species from going
extinct and celebrating Earth and are almost exclusively about kids picking up other people's garbage.
We open every episode of Eco-Logic with news and information. This week, we're telling you about the origins of Earth Day,
Green Amendment news,
NJ DEP and Friends of Liberty State Park vs. Gov. Christie and billionaire oligarch Paul Fireman,
and good news for Horseshoe Crabs and Red Knots.
Long-time listeners have heard us discuss horseshoe crabs and Red Knots. Horseshoe Crabs are a vital part of their eco-system, especially for fish,
sea turtles and shorebirds.
Bob Hennelly, host and producer of the WBAI program "What's Going On!" is our guest co-producer. Bob did a lot to ensure that the East Palestine, Ohio
derailment was recognized as the disaster that it is.
Topics of our Earth Day Special will include the latest on the East Palestine, Ohio derailment; Holtec's radioactive wastewater dumping into the Hudson River;
the Cop City deforestation & police militarization in Atlanta; the victory with the North Brooklyn pipeline and NY Gov. Hochul's retreat on methane;
and of course, Corporate greenwashing of Earth Day.
With two hours, we can cover more topics with more guests.
Priscilla Grim went to Atlanta's Weelaunee forest after the first police murder of an environmental activist, 26-year-old Tortuguita, on U.S. soil.
She reports on her experiences protesting Cop City with the forest defenders, including being arrested and incarcerated.
James Henry is an investigative journalist and expert on corporate corruption and will join us to talk about Holtec and how we might foil their
plans to contaminate the Hudson River.
Jennifer Coffey is the Executive Director of the
Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions. She will talk about promoting local solutions to the
climate crisis and how we can protect and restore our shared environment through policy changes.
A May 6th rally in Cortlandt, NY is opposing Holtec's dumping radioactive wastewater into the Hudson River and is also in support of two bills in the
State legislature to protect all New York state waters. For more information to join the rally go to or
Here are links to the bills:
You can see the tota; list of sponsors. If your representative is listed, thank them if you're glad they did. If they aren't listed, urge them to sponsor the bill if you want them to.
We also have environmental and protest songs: Sharon Abreu singing "The Balance" from her CD, Penguins on Thin Ice Musical Revue,
Anne Feeney with "Have You Been to Jail for Justice?" and The Call singing "Become America," one of the last songs Michael Been wrote.
Tune in to hear our guests and environmental music. We are looking forward to taking your calls - so get up early and call in! We really do love to hear from our listeners!
Listen live anywhere in the world.
We are pre-empted next week...
Join us in two weeks, Saturday, May 6th. Check our web site for further details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Solar Canopy Advances
People's Action For Clean Energy
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We open every episode of Eco-Logic with news and information. This week, we're telling you about lawyers supporting environmental activists,
the Willow Project,
offshore salmon farms, an update on Holtec dumping radioactive wastewater into the Hudson River, and a solar canopy on a Croton, NY parking lot.
Our guest on this episode of Eco-Logic is Mark Scully, president of
People's Action for Clean Energy (PACE), with a mission of "transition[ing]
Connecticut to clean energy through grassroots education and advocacy, [with their] 100PercentCT Project."
There are exciting advances in solar, which is why we do so many shows on it. Solar canopies are a hot topic in Connecticut and NYS, and surely other places.
One of the best solutions to the climate crisis is to replace fossil fuel use with solar energy, especially when that solar energy does not replace
forest or farmland. Tune in to hear how PACE is working with individual towns and cities in Connecticut to develop plans to reach the state's goal
of 100% renewable energy. The process includes identifying already-used land, such as parking lots, that can have solar canopies put over them.
In urban areas, rooftops and parking lots abound, as does the demand for lots of energy - a great opportunity for distributed generation of clean energy.
We also have environmental and protest songs: Mercy Van Vlack singing "Free Harbors" by Ray Korona and Sharon Abreu singing "Waters of the World" from her CD, Penguins on Thin Ice Musical Revue.
Tune in to hear our guests and environmental music. We are looking forward to taking your calls on the subject - so get up early and call in! We really do love to hear from our listeners!
Listen live anywhere in the world.
And . . .
Join us next week, Saturday, April 22nd, for our 2-hour Earth Day Special from 6 to 8 a.m. Check this web site for further details. Bob Hennelly of "What's Going On" will be one of our guests.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Rally For The River:
Stop Radioactive Dumping
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We start each show with News and Information, and this week we'll be talking about
increasing solar energy in Connecticut,
in a decentralized way with towns and activists working together; what happened at the
United Nations first Water Conference in 46 years, and what might happen
as a result; opposition to Spain's proposed inhumane octopus aquaculture, and
why octopuses should not be farmed for food; and
"guerilla crosswalks" that have been popping up in the middle of the night in several cities.
Our guests will be Manna Jo Greene, Hudson River Sloop Clearwater's Environmental Action Director, and David Allen, who is representing the town of Cortlandt.
Holtec is still planning to dump radioactive water from Indian Point into the Hudson River - just as TEPCO, Tokyo Electric Power Company, is planning to dump water
from Fukushima Daiichi into the Pacific Ocean.
This Saturday April 8th, Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World will hold a rally at the New York Public Library on 42nd Street and 5th Avenue at
1 p.m. to raise awareness of the discharge of radioactive wastewater into our environment on a global scale. The three of us intend to be there, as
will the NYC Raging Grannies!, so please join us. For more info:
Get your kayaks in the water. May 6th, the town of Cortlandt is hosting a kayaktivist protest against Holtec's planned dumping of radioactive waste
water into the Hudson River. Thanks to Town Supervisor Dr Richard Becker and David Allen for organizing this event. Paddleboards, row boats,
canoes, and sailboats welcome. For more info:
Click to see if your State Senator sponsored bill S5181 to stop radioactive dumping.
Thank them if you're glad they did, urge them to sponsor it if you want them to. Here is the NY Assembly version of the
bill, A5338.
We also have environmental and protest songs: "Power in the Earth" by Walkin' Jim Stoltz,
and "Sailing Up My Dirty Stream" by Pete Seeger.
We welcome your call-ins - we love to hear from our listeners!
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next week on April 15th at! Check our web site for further details.
Stay tuned,
JK Canepa, Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Life On Earth, So Amazing!
NYC Labor Chorus
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The NYC Labor Chorus has been battling injustice with song since 1991, with 75 members from more than 20 unions. The chorus has traveled extensively,
with performances in Wales, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and other locales. Organized labor, united with its community allies, is an irrepressible social force.
This is the message of the New York City Labor Chorus. We celebrate them on this Eco-Logic episode.
Our guest Jeff Vogel is a founding member. He was inspired by the Earthrise photo of the Earth from the moon,
taken by Apollo 8 astronaut William Anders on Christmas Eve 1968, to write new lyrics to the Hallelulah Chorus. Jeff aimed to bring together
believers and nonbelievers in shared appreciation of the wonders of Nature.
Also joining us is Angel Román who joined the chorus several years ago. We spoke to Angel and Arturo Massol about Casa Pueblo's community solar
energy on our February 11th episode. Angel was our very first 6AM-show caller,
has inspired topics, and also been our guest.
Other topics we discuss are the birth of 3 endangered tortoises,
the use of radioactive munitions in Ukraine,
Environmental Working Group's Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen lists,
which seems to be based on FDA research,
and the proposed dumping of radioactive water from both
and Indian Point.
Tune in to hear NYCLC songs "To My Old Brown Earth" written by Pete Seeger, "Three Five O" by Fred Small, and "Life on Earth, So Amazing/Hallelujah!" by Jeff Vogel.
We welcome your call-ins - we love to hear from our listeners!
Listen live anywhere in the world.
And . . .
Join us again next week for Eco-Logic at 6. . . a.m.!, on Saturday, April 8th.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Changing the City
Gardens as Transformation
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In the news section that starts our show, we have news about 3 recent victories: an expensive and dangerous expansion of National Grid's Brooklyn depot declared unnecessary, a
court decision requiring the NRC to release information about a San Onofre serious near-miss, and the New Mexico legislature's
opposition to bringing nuclear waste from across the country to "interim" storage in environmental-justice communities.
There are so many different kinds of gardens and parks in NYC. The varieties come from different sociological factors. The
creativity comes through in the way each of the gardens came to be. Creativity also comes from who is working on the garden
at any given time. The spirit of East Harlem, Park Slope, East New York, the Bronx and the Lower East Side endures.
Our guests:
Paul Wasserman The president of the 6/15 Garden, which has an ethos of stewardship,
not ownership, of the land that they tend. Even after people move away, they come back to maintain the plot of land they tend.
JK Canepa of the Eco-Logic Collective, and member of El Jardin del Paraiso
which includes a medicinal garden as well as other diverse areas such as a wetlands, a native plant project, and
a children's discovery zone.
Gardens pop up in unexpected areas. In parts of Brooklyn, such as Bensonhurst, you can see little gardens on almost every front lawn -
flowers and food both. Tear up the concrete and plant wildflowers! A lot of backyards that were flowers are becoming food.
Learn how you can join a community garden. Learn how gardens affect quality of life wherever they are. Learn how gardens connect generations, even through gentrification.
Gardens are for everyone; from school groups to seniors, for active growers and those who simply stop by to enjoy being in Nature, everyone can
appreciate a green oasis. Gardens and parks connect people with the changing of the seasons in ways that the rest of life in the City does not.
It's so beautiful how resilient life is. So complex. A lot of people are aware of planting for butterflies, for example, now people are starting to
become aware of planting for caterpillars.
Gardens take many forms; traditional community gardens have individual plots, but some are better considered as farms, with crops grown collectively.
Either way, they are largely run by volunteers, not government (although there is sometimes government support).
Do you know where to find a local community garden? Join us to hear from some experts about the hidden green spaces in our city.
We also have environmental and protest songs: "Our Community Garden" written by Jenny Hurwitz, and Creative Natives' cover of "Nuclear Waste" by
Herbs, a New Zealand reggae band.
We welcome your call-ins - we love to hear from our listeners!
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next week on April 1st at! Check our web site for further details.
Stay tuned,
JK Canepa, Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Forest Protectors:
A Visit to Weelaunee Forest
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Our freedoms took a hit this month when people attending a peaceful concert, including families with children, were attacked
by police in the Atlanta Weelaunee forest. The police want to clearcut a big chunk of that forest to build Cop City, a training
site for militarizing the police.
This comes soon after Tortuguita, a 26-year-old, nonviolent activist known for providing mutual aid was killed by police at the site.
We have been outraged by similar killings overseas - Berta Cáceres' murder in Honduras comes to mind - but this is the first such murder
of an environmental protester in the U.S.A. This must not happen in this country or anywhere!
Our guest on this segment of Eco-Logic, Ted Glick, wrote an article on the situation in the Weelaunee Forest of Atlanta. .
There was some discussion regarding Gandhi and if destruction of property is considered "violence" or not.
Ted mentioned two web sites while he was on the air with us: and
Also we have for you a report-back on the Fukushima art display, a false alarm on a Paleozoic fossil, a bill in Congress to
ban nuclear weapons, an Ohio $1.5 Billion scandal on nuclear power and more.
We also have environmental and protest songs by Bruce Cockburn and Public Enemy!
We welcome your call-ins - we love to hear from our listeners!
Listen live anywhere in the world.
And . . .
Join us again next week for Eco-Logic at 6. . . a.m.!, on Saturday, March 25th.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Poisoning The Pacific:
Fukushima 12 Years Later
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An environmental disaster isn't over and done with when it is no longer front-page news. We'll describe some of the
ways in which the radioactive waste from the ongoing Fukushima disaster affects you and me today.
12 years ago, March 11, 2011, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan was hit with a tsunami that ultimately triggered a series of
hydrogen explosions. The resulting radioactive waste has been poisoning the ocean and the air ever since.
The most encouraging news we have for you is about The European Commission finally saying no to ISDS. They have proposed a
full exit from the corporate-controlled Energy Charter Treaty! Tune in for more of the story.
We've all seen photos of the world's largest rivers polluted and dammed. The U.N. may be taking action this month to improve the
health of the world's rivers at the first U.N. Water Conference in almost 50 years. There are many indigenous groups from all over
the world that are involved in U.N. conferences. Let's hope they are a real part of this one.
In addition to opening people's eyes to what is happening on our shared planet, we bring you environmental news about a cyclone
destroying 400,000 square kilometers of sea ice, about plastic in the ocean, today just as it was in 1972, concerns about
nuclear power plants in Ukraine, and Japanese nuclear weapons.
We have news updates for Cop City in Atlanta, dumping of radioactive water in the Hudson River, and the lack of NRC regulations about earthquakes.
Clearwater, Riverkeeper and other environmental organizations ask for community members to submit comments to the US Army Corps of
Engineers to reject storm surge barriers and prioritize nature-based solutions. The Hudson River Sloop Clearwater recently submitted
comments on a proposal from the US Army Corps of Engineers to protect the NYNJ Harbor and upriver areas from storm surge in response
to the devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy. The USACE put forward five proposed alternatives in 2018 to combat sea level rise,
including a massive sea wall across NY Harbor. The tentatively selected alternative (3B) consists of a combination of shoreline
measures and shoreline walls, as well as 12 storm gates across NYC tributaries, which poses threats including to local water quality
and public access. Clearwater calls for equal and joint consideration of sea level rise, locally driven resilience projects,
prioritization of nature-based solutions, a comprehensive and revised Cost Benefit Analysis, consideration of risks to Indian Point
Nuclear Power Plant, infrastructure, and both brownfield and superfund sites.
The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers announced an extension of the comment period to March 31. More on
We also have environmental songs by John Hall and Cecelia St. King!
We welcome your call-ins - we love to hear from our listeners!
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next week on March 18th at! Check our web site for further details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
News, Views, And Music, Too!
PFAS, Tritium, Whales, And More
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On our "News, Views, & Music, Too" segments we cover many of the most pressing, current environmental stories- there are so many.
We'll be talking about whales, earthquakes, PFAS chemicals, tritium and more. More music for you, too!
Interesting fact - there is an earthquake fault right where you are! Under our region is not so much an earthquake fault as an
earthquake braid -
multiple interconnected fissures - going for miles, including very close to the Indian Point nuclear plant. One goes under 14th St to the Con Ed
plant, and the 7th Ave. one is pretty scary, too. The Ramapo seismic zone's tentacles are in three states: NY, victoryNJ and PA.
We'll talk about a victory and a
concerning PFAS forever chemicals and two victories in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. There's good news and a
webinar regarding
community solar in NJ. We're following up on last week's
story about whales and offshore wind farms. The details will fire your imaginations. And a great update about Prof. David Carpenter.
You'll also hear about Holtec, the current owner of the Indian Point nuclear plant, and their plans to dump radioactive water into the
Hudson River and the legislation being proposed to stop it, S5181 in the
NY State Senate and A5338 in the NY State Assembly. Tune in to hear the full stories.
Good news for the future: there's a new resource for community solar in New Jersey.
We welcome your call-ins - we love to hear from our listeners!
Listen live anywhere in the world.
And . . .
Join us again next week for Eco-Logic at 6. . . a.m.!, on Saturday, February 11th.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
More on Whale Deaths
from the Asbury Park (NJ) Press
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"Offshore wind developers have obtained permits for the incidental taking of whales, which would typically be illegal under federal
law. This could include potential injury to whales, such as damaging their hearing, or by causing behavioral disruptions in
feeding and migration."
Wind farm owners obtained permission to kill eagles at land-based wind farms and when they reached their permit level, they
asked for and received a higher number.
Previous articles from other sources had said that it's the investigation of where to site wind turbines that is most damaging
and that the wind turbines themselves are like artificial reefs. Now that offshore wind farms have been around a while, there
must be more information. Are the UK or Norway wind farms artificial reefs or aren't they? Are they good for fishing or not?
We will continue to investigate this.
Also from the Asbury Park Press article: "It is very hard to find signs of acoustic trauma to whales caused by close exposure
to loud human-produced sound, especially if the animal's body is in a state of decomposition. A NOAA spokesperson told the
Asbury Park Press that scientists look for bruising or trauma to the ear and other organs, but linking it to a particular
sound source is difficult." That means it could be a military trauma death or a fossil fuel exploration trauma death. Mainstream
press almost always neglects to criticize the military for any reason.
2 pgs.
Whale Deaths and Wind Turbines
Details and Studies
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Last week, a caller asked about the connection between offshore wind-turbine construction and whale deaths. We did some research, and found an informative article in
Cape Cod Times.
Massachusetts hosts 1 of 2 off-shore wind projects in the country, the other being in New York state. The article reports that "Scientists who study whale
strandings say there's no known link between wind turbines and whale deaths, although they continue to probe what role, if any, wind development has in whale deaths,"
and that in the United Kingdom, which has more than 2600 offshore wind turbines, experts report that autopsies have not found a connection between dead whales and the off-shore turbines.
The New Jersey legislature recently passed a bill preventing municipalities from rejecting offshore wind, as shore-town mayors, 2 New Jersey members of Congress, and
various citizen groups have expressed concerns about possible connection between offshore wind and whale deaths. Mayors express concerns about tourism, the
fishing industry, and wildlife from birds to fish, but in words that seem as though they are questioning, more than having actual evidence.
The Cape Cod Times article notes that it is too soon to tell if the number of whale deaths is particularly high this year: 2017 saw 78 whales die along
the Atlantic coast of the U.S. and Canada; in the next 3 years, that number was 59, according to data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
There are several great quotes in the Cape Cod Times article, but this one says a lot: Greenpeace Ocean Director John Hocevar said, "While the climate deniers
and the right-wing pundits are tilting at windmills, most of us are focused on the real threats to whales - climate change, entanglement with fishing gear,
ship strikes and plastic pollution."
Other articles elsewhere have made a connection between whale strandings and offshore explosions from the oil industry, and strandings and military technology.
Many conservative groups are showing concern for whales probably for the first time ever, those same groups formerly making fun of people who were concerned for whales.
4 pgs.
Drought-Reduction Legislation:
The Link Between Forest And Rain
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Did you ever think about where rain comes from? Everything is connected. Forests, park lands, plains and deserts in different
parts of the world affect you right where you are. Tune in to Eco-Logic to hear how droughts are created by mismanaged land use.
Let's think globally. Let's have responsible development to prevent flooding and droughts!
You will learn why trees and forests are important for weather, climate, quality of life, comfort, property values,
flood control and to help endangered wildlife.
How are Eastern states of the US affected by deforestation in Western states? Learn what legislation is available to help - the
proposed Drought Reduction Bill. The cost of this bill is vastly outweighed by the cost we will bear by not passing it. What
can we do to make sure that the bill moves forward?
Our guest is Mark Latour, a Land Use Environmentalist; Board member of Staten Island's Protectors of the Pine Oak Woods;
Committee member of NYS Open Space Conservation Plan Committee. "My calling is writing legislation to protect endangered species
and wildlife habitat."
Join us to hear our guest, news, and environmental music by Mike Glick & Lindsey Wilson and by the Solidarity Singers. We are
looking forward to taking your calls on the subject - so get up early and call in! We'd love to talk with you!
Email us your environmental questions, comments or stories: nuffsaid@riseup . net
Donna is not usually able to join us live on Saturday mornings. She remains a co-producer.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next week on March 4th at! Check our web site for further details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert & Charlie Olson
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Shipping Toxic Cargo:
An Environmental Emergency
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Eco-Logic has good news and bad news for you. Good that people like you, and us, are getting the word out that something needs to be done -
the bad is that something needs to be done! There is a clear danger from trains carrying toxic chemicals traveling through communities near
you. Near is a relative term because toxic air and water travel long distances. Explosions do happen, and then the area is contaminated for years!
Paula Rogovin, long time peace and environmental activist and organizer with the
Coalition to Ban Unsafe Oil Trains
is with us. Long-time Eco-Logic listeners have heard her expertise before.
We know with the commercial net metering bill in 2008 that politicians can say "No" for years and suddenly say "yes" if there is enough pressure.
That's on us! Let's make some noise and write, call, and protest! Toxic materials must be regulated everywhere including and especially interstate transport.
What we can do next? Tune in to learn and discuss.
Tune in to hear our guests and environmental music. We are looking forward to takimg your calls on the subject - so get up early and call in! We'd love to talk with you!
Listen live anywhere in the world.
And . . .
Join us again next week for Eco-Logic at 6. . . a.m.!, on Saturday, February 25th to hear about ways to preserve and take care of land and water.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
WBAI Local Station Board
Outreach and Fundraising meeting
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WBAI Outreach Task Force
Monday, February 13, 2023
7:00 PM ET
On Zoom
The hosts of Eco-Logic (Saturdays 6am)
There is no Planet B
90 min.
It's Sunny at Eco-Logic:
A 2-Hour Spectacular
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Eco-Logic is two hours of solar energy this week! The first hour we bring you solar innovators in Puerto Rico bringing a local solar grid,
a solar radio station and self-governance! Arturo Massol of Casa Pueblo and Angel Román, a member of Radical Elders, will be our guests.
Arturo and Angel are inspirational, practical, interesting and down to Earth.
Solar energy is helping Puerto Rico recover from the multiple hurricanes and consequent black-outs it has experienced in past years.
Casa Pueblo provides a great template for the practicalities of solar energy to supply multiple needs - from employment to schools to communication to self-governance.
The second hour has more of a local focus, as we bring you excerpts from the "Solar in the City" episode of Eco-Logic that,
together with a NYCAG panel (New York Climate Action Group), was influential in getting commercial solar net metering in New York State. Ken and Eco-Logic
Collective member JK Canepa were instrumental is making that happen. As we look to make more changes to New York laws -
whether to stop Holtec from dumping radioactive waste into the Hudson River, or to close incinerators - we need to look back at what worked.
As our regular listeners have heard us say, solar energy is a direct replacement for poison power, King CONG energy - coal, oil, nuclear, gas and
megadams. It gives more employment per dollar spent and watt saved than any of the poison powers. Political will is a key. We'll be showing
how the people of New York City affected the political will of New York State.
John Siciliani of Brooklyn, a panelist in our "Solar in the City" DVD, sent solar panels to Puerto Rico in 2017. "Not quite paper towels,
but they are slightly more useful. #puertorico" Anthony Pereira, another panelist on our DVD, actually installed the solar panels on
top of 4 Times Square where WBAI's transmitter is located. Richard Klein of Quixotic Systems in Manhattan and Tom Gately of Queens are also on the
panel. You can see the first solar thermal array Richard Klein put up by looking east from the corner of 6th Ave and West 4th St.
News items in the first hour include Greenpeace activists boarding a Shell oil rig and the State University of Albany taking severe action
against Professor David O. Carpenter. "The ongoing disciplinary investigation was prompted by a Freedom of Information Law request filed
a year ago by an attorney with a Missouri law firm that represents the Monsanto Company in toxic-pollution cases it has faced across the nation."
Tune in to hear our guests and environmental music. We are looking forward to takimg your calls on the subject - so get up early and call in! We'd love to talk with you!
Donna will be with us, but usually is not able to join us live on Saturday mornings.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
And . . .
Join us next week on February 18th at! Check our web site for further details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Holtec - A Carcinogenic Company
And "Our" Hudson River
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On this episode of Eco-Logic, we're telling you about the the long-fought Tongass forest major victory, citizen input on
a toxic waste dump, and 2 items on Indian Point: - the Decommissioning Oversight Board meeting and a recent health & safety decommissioning webinar.
People have been working to preserve the Tongass National Forest since at least the 1970s. Finally there is victory.
A 2020 petition to protect the Tongass National Forest on The Rainforest Site, which gathered more than 22,000 signatures,
pointed out that the 17-million-acre rainforest is home to 30% of the world's remaining old-growth trees, which absorb
and store more carbon than young trees. After a previous protracted fight, it had been protected from commercial logging
and construction under U.S. Service's Roadless Rule until the Trump Administration exempted Tongass National Forest from that rule.
There was recently an important forum on the public health and safety impacts of decommissioning. Listen in to hear the internationally
respected medical doctor and anti-nuclear scientist, Dr. Helen Caldicott, explain the life-and-death realities of radioactivity that doctors know all too well.
Dr. Helen Caldicott is one of the founders of Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) and one of the best and most out-spoken critics
of the nuclear power industry, including the decommissioning of nukes after they no longer produce electricity. Manna Jo Greene,
Hudson River Sloop Clearwater's Environmental Action Director, will be on-air live to respond to your calls.
Aging nuclear reactors across the country are closing - they need public subsidies, your tax dollars, to keep them economically
competitive. Holtec, a politically-connected New Jersey company, is buying up closing reactors to decommission them as cheaply,
quickly, and profitably as possible - a recipe for disaster. And Holtec has a bad reputation.
What exactly does that mean? Where will the nuclear waste go? What effects does all this have on local communities? How safe is this, really?
Ratepayers at each reactor have been paying into a Decommissioning Trust Fund, and the company that decommissions the reactor gets
to keep whatever money is left when the site is returned to other use. An irresistible temptation to cut corners on things like health and safety.
Dumping radioactive waste into waterways is a big threat. There are some who still believe the solution to pollution is dilution, but that is false.
Decommissioning has to be done safely and with concern for future generations.
Holtec has threatened to dump - they say "disperse" - radioactive wastewater into Cape Cod Bay, as it has already done at the Oyster Creek nuclear
reactor in southern New Jersey, and which it is currently looking to do in the Hudson River! Nuclear waste water contains 211 radioactive isotopes -
certainly not what we want in the river! Most radioactivity cannot be filtered out.
Eco-Logic is back to an hour now so we have time to get into details with our guests, play environmental music, and to take your calls -
so get up early and call in. We'd love to talk with you! You'll be able to call in to talk to Manna Jo Greene. Please do.
. . . And we continue to spotlight some environmental music for you.
Email us your environmental questions, comments or stories: nuffsaid@riseup . net
Donna is not usually able to join us live on Saturday mornings. She remains a co-producer.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next week, February 11th at! Check our web site for further details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Recycling Realities
Politicians. Police, And People
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Some aspects of recycling are a mystery. On this show we expose some important facts about recyling with our guest, documentarian Andy Arrow.
We'll discuss a company that pays New York City for recycling, people who actually get arrested for recycling, and what really happens to
your recycling once you put it out. Andy's film, "Mettle," follows scrappers in their efforts to recycle metal and plastic.
You can watch "Mettle" on youtube
In our News segments, we talk about the forest protector murdered by police in Atlanta, a reply to a caller about desalination,
a follow-up on where goats can be used for plant management, and two upcoming events.
For more on these stories and others tune in to Eco-Logic live or on the archives. If you tune in live, we'll be able to take your phone calls
Eco-Logic is back to an hour now so we have time to get into details with our guests, play environmental music, and to take your calls -
so get up early and call in. We'd love to talk with you!
Donna will be with us, but usually is not able to join us live on Saturday mornings.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
And . . .
Join us next week for our next show February 4th at! Check our web site for further details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Forest Preservation
Climate Is Heating Up
Forests Can Cool It Down
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Our guest, Joe Attamante, has been participating in a wide-ranging discussion of forest management on New Jersey's public lands.
A large group was convened by Senator Bob Smith, chairperson of New Jersey Senate's Environment and Energy Committee.
Joe covers everything you might ask about forests:
Importance of forests
The role of old growth forests
carbon storage in wetlands and forests
habitat fragmentation
Native American forest management
Invasive species
Deer "management"
Promoting, not just managing, forests
Logging - public forests are unprotected, though private forests are
"Proforestation" - growing existing forests intact to their ecological potential.
9 forestry myths with scientifically supported fact
What you can do to preserve and protect your local forests!
In addition to our discussion of forest preservation, we have news stories about the EPA, carpet recycling in New York State...and more.
We'll be playing an excerpt from an interview Ken did with Jim McCarty, the drummer with The Yardbirds when they
were arguably at their best with Jeff Beck, who recently passed.
We will take the opportunity to remember friends lost in the last few weeks. Clearwater board member and blues musician Thomasina Winslow;
producer and networker and Board Director Emeritus of NYC Friends of Clearwater Phil Sauers; and sweet Peter Pasco, NYCFC troubadour and
board director. They will be missed.
You'll be able to call in to talk to Joe. Please do.
. . . And we continue to spotlight some environmental music for you.
Email us your environmental questions, comments or stories: nuffsaid@riseup . net
Donna is not usually able to join us live on Saturday mornings. She remains a co-producer.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next week for our next show January 28th at! Check our web site for further details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
News Updates
And Music, Too!
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We have a follow-up to last week's Right To Repair show, good news on the international fight against plastics, Indian Point risk assessment
and the latest scientific study on glacial melt.
A new comprehensive study provides still more more scientific proof about melting glaciers, global warming, climate change, sea level rise
and life style changes. Glaciers are melting faster than most scientists predicted. That's worldwide. Hundreds of glaciers.
Many awful things are front and center about this.
1. Sea level rise. This is more than just water on some streets at high tide, folks. This means flooded streets at low tide and flooded
homes at high tides.
2. Glaciers are a source of drinking water for literally billions of people. Governments will decide who gets what little water is left
and that will lead to rebellions throughout the world.
Louis Rossmann joins us to give us his reaction to the recently announced memorandum of understanding between John Deere and the American Farm Bureau.
One of the few positive outcomes of the Rana Plaza disaster in Bangladesh in 2013 where 1100 people died was a 2017 French law requiring companies
to take effective measures to identify and prevent human-rights violations and environmental damages throughout their chain of activity;
3 environmental groups are using that law to sue Danone for not doing enough to curb plastic pollution.
On December 16th, the long-awaited risk assessment for Indian Point was released: community members have been asking for this for years, and will be
sending comments during the 3- to 6-month public-comment period. The extended time is in recognition of the technical nature of the report.
We'll have more on upcoming shows as local advocates delve into the details.
There was a rare hawk sighting on Staten Island - a Swainson's Hawk from the west; they usually migrate to South America for the winter.
A young Swainson's Hawk is eating rats on Front Street on Staten Island
President Biden was supposed to be a pro-environment president; how has his administration done? Not very well, according to the Environmental Integrity
Project - in fact, the average results of the 2005-2008 Bush EPA were better-in large part because of Biden's EPA having a lower budget and fewer
employees after Congressional budget cuts.
For more on these stories and others tune in to Eco-Logic live or on the archives. If you tune in live, we'll be able to take your phone calls
. . . and we'll even have time to hear some environmental music.
Donna is not able to join us live on Saturday mornings. She remains a co-producer.
We have been wanting for a long time to be able to take listener call-ins, and though the hour is early, we will have the time, so in the second 30 minutes,
we hope you will call 212-209-2877 - or you can email us your questions or stories:
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Right To Repair
A Growing Movement
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We were so excited that the long sought after right to repair bill was passed only to realize, with further delving into it, that the
bill that passed was much watered down. Yes it helps with digital devices but there is a lot missing. Politicians can't rest on their
laurels and let small successes look like major feathers in their cap so now we go on to other things and ignore the real needs. There
have been years of actions by concerned people and then they just throw us a crumb.
Louis Rossmann of the Rossmann Group started advocating for Right to Repair in New York in 2015.
He predicted Gov. Hochul's failure to sign the current bill as passed, sure enough she added an amendment to eliminate the main goal of
independent repair shops: the ability to buy individual parts!
A generation ago, repair was common. The old Yankee saying, "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without" was a Great Depression
mantra, and those of us growing up with parents or grandparents from that era were instilled with an ethic of thrift. Generations of
people repaired cars, did their own oil changes, or went to a local mechanic or gas station. In the 1960s, with the beginnings of the
environmental movement, repair and recycling took on renewed importance.
In the last few decades, more devices are run by software or connected to the Internet, and corporations are controlling access to software and codes that are needed for repairs, freezing out owners and independent mechanics.
Many states are considering right-to-repair legislation, including New Jersey. We must be sure that they are passed without being weakened.
Join us to hear more about this important issue that affects us all.
Important news pieces include the recent destruction of a natural area in Riverside Park. We do our best to keep you aware of the encroaching threats on our green spaces.
. . . and we'll even have time to hear some environmental music.
Email us your environmental questions, comments or stories: nuffsaid@riseup . net
Donna is not usually able to join us live on Saturday mornings. She remains a co-producer.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next week for our next show January 14th at! Check our web site for further details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
1 hr.
radio show
Pipeline company says Keystone Pipeline oil spill contained,
but chemicals found downstream
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Keystone Pipeline leaks about 14,000 barrels of oil in Washington County, Kansas. Largest Keystone spill to date.
Chemicals from the Keystone pipeline spill in north-central Kansas have shown up farther downstream in Mill Creek than the oil company's repeated statements suggest.
State environment officials say benzene, toluene and other volatile organic compounds have been detected beyond the two emergency dams that were installed after the Dec. 7 spill.
The chemicals could reach a reservoir and contaminate private wells.
2 pgs.
The Eco-Logic Collective
Looks Back at 2022
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You'll hear seven members of the Eco-Logic Collective tell you what their favorite episodes of Eco-Logic in 2022 have been.
Listener Angel suggested we talk about our top ten favorite episodes of Eco-Logic this year. We love when listeners call us with
story tips. We selected some of our personal favorites, or those we think had a significant impact:
50th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act - Oct. 25
Fukushima 11 at Indian Point - Mar. 11
Earth Day Special: Religion, Climate Denial - Apr. 22
Celebration of Nature: Weird and Interesting Animals - Apr. 1
Celebration of Nature: The Secret Perfume of Birds - Sept. 30
Remembering Connie Hogarth's Legacy: The Struggle Continues - Mar. 4
Rev. Rev Billy & Director Savitri D: Church of Stop Shopping, Buy Nothing Day - Nov. 25
Nuclear Accidents You Never Heard Of: Kyshtym, Rio Puerco - Mar. 18
Our Broken Disaster-Recovery System (Superstorm Sandy - 10 Years Later) - Oct. 28
. . . and we'll even have time to hear some environmental music.
Email us your environmental questions, comments or stories: nuffsaid@riseup . net
We're glad to say that this week our co-producer Donna Stein can join us in the live portion of the show. Usually she doesn't have Saturdays available.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next week for our first show of 2023, Saturday January1st at! Check our web site for further details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
1 hr.
radio show
Very Eco Holidays and
Christmas Tree Worker Co-Op
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Our Eco-Logic collective has many opinions on the various holidays that come around this time of year, but what unifies them all is the
"reason for the season": the Winter Solstice, the shortest day and longest night of the year. In ancient times, various peoples had different means of "calling the sun back."
Some communities host memorials for unhoused individuals who have passed on during the year, highlighting the struggles of the marginalized
in our society. Helping others is a huge theme of holiday times. Getting away from what do I get and what do I give and moving
to what can I do for others is the real spirit of the Eco-holidays.
On this episode of Eco-Logic we talk about this week's earthquake in California ten miles from a nuclear power plant, the ongoing fight to
preserve Governor's Island and you'll get to talk to one of the people who sells Christmas trees in the City, as part of a workers'
co-operative. You can call in with your questions to someone with working experience of a true workers co-operative.
We know we promised not to hit you with climate atrocities first thing on a weekend morning, but we have a responsibility to you also.
How does an environmental radio show not tell you about ecological problems? We'll have lighter fare as well: worker co-ops and
Christmas trees. But nuclear plants are too often located in active earthquake areas. Dr. Michio Kaku called them "shake and bake reactors."
Earth shakes and we bake.
Our guest, Troy Swift, has been selling Christmas trees in Brooklyn as part of the
NY State of Pine Workers' Co-Op co-founded by Ellis Roberts.
He has trees of several species that come from different parts of the U.S. and Canada. We'll hear what his life is like during the
month of December and what he does with leftover trees. Hear Troy's take on the sustainable Xmas tree industry.
We're glad to say that this week our co-producer Donna Stein can join us in the live portion of the show. Usually she doesn't have Saturdays available.
. . . and we'll even have time to hear some environmental music.
We have been wanting for a long time to be able to take listener call-ins, and though the hour is early, we will have the time, so in the second 30 minutes,
we hope you will call 212-209-2877 to speak to our guest - or you can email us your questions or stories:
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
The New Fusion Reactor
NIRS Replies
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The Dept. of Energy is celebrating their new source of radioactive waste: a fusion reactor at Lawrence Livermore National Labs.
Past claims of making a nuclear rector that produced more fuel than it used have proven to have been false, such as the so-called
breeder reactor in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
The Nuclear Information and Resource Service, NIRS, has analyzed Lawrence-Livermore's announcement and found a lot of problems
with the fusion reactor: the energy gain generated by the fusion experiment is not even enough to generate a net gain in electricity -
not counting the massive amount of energy that went into powering the lasers - 250 times what it generated.
Fusion mashes hydrogen atoms together until they become helium, so it does not require uranium, but it still requires radioactive hydrogen,
called tritium. The process also emits neutrons, which are difficult to shield and irradiate everything in and around the reactor.
Tritium is often obtained using a uranium-powered fission reactor, that's how they get the tritium to make hydrogen bombs.
Hydrogen fusion is a centralized form of energy, to protect utilities from the dangers they perceive from rooftop solar panels,
but even the Department of Energy admits that fusion experiments "pave the way for advancements in national defense." The
reality is that it is about the military not energy needs which may be especially dangerous with what is happening in the world
politic. A coalition letter signed by over 100 organizations, including NIRS, raised concerns about thermonuclear explosions,
fusion weapons testing and development.
If solving climate change is really the most urgent priority of US energy policy, nuclear fusion research is a waste of time,
money and resources. In addition to being nowhere near feasible, nuclear fusion is not the clean, just energy technology it has
been made out to be. Nuclear fusion is much more complicated in terms of its impacts on the environment and on nonproliferation
than its proponents would have you believe.
1 pg.
NJ DEP Invites Public Comment
Site of a Former Chemical Plant in Toms River, NJ
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When complete, the site is planned to feature public access, passive recreation, and natural resource interpretative and educational opportunities.
The ecological restoration would include the creation of a freshwater wetlands complex, restoration of riparian areas, flood plain and
wetland enhancements, creation of upland grasslands and pollinator habitat, public access trails and boardwalks for wildlife viewing and passive recreation.
The DEP will accept public comment until January 8, 2023. Comments may now also be submitted electronically via
Many environmental groups support the plans.
2 pgs.
RADIOACTIVE: The Women of Three Mile Island
Award-Winning Film
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A feature documentary that tells of the Three Mile Island meltdown through a feminist lens, premiered at New York's Dances with Films festival.
The film includes breaking science, exposes of massive nuclear industry and Nuclear Regulatory Commission cover-ups, criminal actions, and lies.
It is a heartfelt story about four intrepid mothers and two female lawyers who fought the nuclear industry, taking their case all the way to the
Supreme Court. The film won the Audience Award for Best Documentary.
web site
Clothing Analyzed
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One of our listeners asked us about raincoats without PFAS chemicals after she read what we would be talking about this morning.
This web site lists specific membranes and water repellents that are safe to use, along with specific brands categorized as
"not our favorite," "better," and "best and safest." The article states right at the top that the information was medically reviewed
and that there are affiliate links in the article. It also lists the sources from which they compiled the list. We appreciate the transparency.
Lots of jacket companies switched to a family of chemicals known as "C6" which are still persistent and may actually be more
damaging to the environment and human health. Also, with the increase in vegan lifestyles in Europe and a desire to wear fewer
wool coats & natural fabrics such as wool & leather, companies wanting to shield their customer from dangerous chemicals
have had to work harder to find alternative solutions.
8 pgs.
web site
Wildlife Corridors, PFAS, Music
And listener call-ins
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For our third iteration in this new time slot we have good news stories of wildlife crossings, New EPA and New York regulation
of a chemical pollutant, PFAS, and not good news on the Keystone pipeline spill in Kansas - plus music and your phone calls.
Now that we have been moved to 6AM Saturdays we bring you a different kind of show, appropriate for a different time slot.
Eco-Logic will still cover important environmental news, information, and solutions-oriented things you can do - as well as our Celebration of Nature series -
For Eco-Logic at 6am, we'd rather not jar you with the atrocities of climate chaos first thing in the morning.
To begin the program we'll be pre-recorded, but we'll go live at about 6:20 and we'll be taking your calls to hear what you have to say about the environment
at this time of the day.
We'll share the story about wildlife crossings that are being developed around the world to protect our friends of other species. And
hear the good news about the EPA finally regulating "forever chemicals." On the not-good side we report on the Keystone pipeline oil spill in Kansas.
. . . and we'll even have time to hear some environmental music.
We have been wanting for a long time to be able to take listener call-ins, and though the hour is early, we will have that amount of time,
so in the second 30 minutes, we hope you will call us with your favorite nature experiences. 212-209-2877
Donna unfortunately can't join us live on Saturday mornings. She remains a co-producer.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next week, Saturday, December 24th at 6AM. Check this web site for further details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
1 hr.
radio show
Favorite Successes,
Music and Listener Call-ins
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We welcome you to our second show in this new time slot - we were moved from 2:30pm Friday - we'll bring you a different
kind of show appropriate for a different time slot.
Eco-Logic is known to cover important environmental news, information, and solutions-oriented things you can do - as well as
our Celebration of Nature series - For Eco-Logic at 6am, we'd rather not jar you with the atrocities of climate chaos first thing in the morning.
To begin the program we'll be pre-recorded, but we'll go live at about 6:20 and we'll be taking your calls to hear what you have
to say about the environment at this time of the day.
We'll be telling you some of our favorite successes - Art activism, passing of commercial solar net metering in NYS, stopping carbon
capture and sequestration in New Jersey. Also we have a story about wildlife crossings that are being developed around the world to protect our friends of other species.
. . . and we'll even have time to hear some environmental music.
We have been wanting for a long time to be able to take listener call-ins, and though the hour is early, we will have the time, so in the second 30 minutes,
we hope you will call us with your favorite environmental successes 212-209-2877 - or you can email us your questions or stories:
Donna will not be able to join us live as co-host on Saturday mornings. She remains a co-producer.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
1 hr.
radio show
Nature Stories
And listener call-ins
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We welcome you to our first show in this new time slot - we were moved from 2:30pm Friday - we'll bring you a different kind
of show appropriate for a different time slot.
Eco-Logic is known to cover important environmental news, information and solutions-oriented things you can do - as well as our Celebration of Nature series -
For Eco-Logic at 6am, we'd rather not jar you with the atrocities of climate chaos first thing in the morning.
To begin, we'll be pre-recorded, but we'll go live a little after 6:20 and we'll be taking your calls to hear what you have to say
about the environment at this time of the day.
We'll be telling some of our favorite nature stories - herded by a moose? Bear jam? Kayaktivism! Horseback-riding in the Rockies. . .
. . . and we'll even have time to hear some environmental music.
We have been wanting for a long time to be able to take listener call-ins, and though the hour is early, we will have that amount of time,
so in the second 30 minutes, we hope you will call us with your favorite nature experiences. 212-209-2877
Donna will not be able to join us live as co-host on Saturday mornings. She will remain as a co-producer.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next week, Saturday December 10th at 6am. Check this web site for further details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
1 hr.
radio show
Rev Billy - Director SAVITRI D
Church of Stop Shopping
Buy Nothing Day
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"Only in America do people think you can shop your way out of a problem." That's a quote from one of our British
guests on a previous show - the Church of Stop Shopping knows that consumerism is NOT a solution!
How do we build a movement for democracy? "Singing is how we practice democracy," Director Savitri told us. There are many ways.
Church members also do civil disobedience, rally, preach - for others, it is voting, mutual aid, or even running for office.
Mainstream culture is all about growth without restraint; we know that is impossible. We're in the middle of what is known as the 6th extinction.
We can learn from Indigenous people how to balance human needs with the environment. "I am grateful to be in a marginal culture." - Savitri.
Rev. Billy has many profound things to say, such as
"Community keeps you honest."
"Blame the system more than personal habits."
"There are other ways to see power."
"A justice movement has a spirit life in it."
"Rebuild our imaginations and learn to see a future that is different than this one."
Join our conversation with Rev. Billy and Savitri as they discuss the spiritual power of resistance and their creative process.
We've been moved. Next week, Dec. 3, find us on Saturday morning at 6am to 7am - and if that is not a good time for you,
we are still archived at and We know that's early on a weekend but we'd love to have you join us!
This new time will limit our ability to get guests and an early time like that isn't good for the hard-hitting investigations we usually do.
This is a listener-supported radio station, so if you don't like the move any more than we do, tell WBAI management
(General Manager and/or Program Director). General Station Info (during business hours
9am-5pm weekdays): 212-209-2877. WBAI, 388 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11217
It will have to be a different kind of show and we want to hear what you want - and so should WBAI management. WBAI is listener-sponsored community radio,
so it is up to listeners to make themselves heard. You have a voice - if the new time is not good for you, call or e-mail the station.
Donna will not be able to join us live as co-host on Saturday mornings. She will remain as a co-producer.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
25 min.
radio show
RADIOACTIVE: The Women of Three Mile Island
Film by Professor Heidi Hutner
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A feature documentary about the 1979 Three Mile Island meltdown - the worst commercial nuclear accident in U.S. history.
RADIOACTIVE covers the never-before-told stories of four intrepid homemakers-turned-activists, two women lawyers who took
the local community's case all the way to the Supreme Court, and a young female journalist who was caught in the radioactive crossfire.
About the Producer, Writer, Director:
Professor of Environmental Humanities, at Stony Brook University, Heidi Hutner has been following the stories of nuclear disasters and
impacted communities for a lifetime. An eco-feminist whose mother demonstrated against above-ground nuclear bomb testing in the 1960s
with Women Strike For Peace, Hutner is deeply familiar with and concerned about how misinformed the public has been about the dangers
of nuclear technology and ionizing radiation exposures, and in particular, radiation's disproportionate harm to women and children,
and to communities of color (environmental racism).
The Premiere is on December 4, 2022, 3:30 p.m. at the Union Square Regal Theatre, 850 Broadway, New York, NY
2 min.
movie trailer
A benefit for Superstorm Sandy victims
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People are still suffering from Superstorm Sandy, and help comes from many sources.
One source is HurriCon, a comic book convention to raise money for Superstorm Sandy victims that Ken will be going to.
It will take place
Saturday, November 19, 2022 from 10am - 5pm in the Parish Hall of Bethany Congregational Church at 100 Main Street, East Rockaway, New
York. There is a donation for admission at the door. Children under 12 in costume get in free. Note that this is Long Island near Queens,
not the Rockaway peninsula in NYC.
A Report From Cop27
Is There Any Progress?
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COP 27: How much is public relations and how much is progress toward actually doing something about the climate crisis? The 27th United Nations
"Conference of the Parties" on climate change is ending, and we wanted to know if there were any important agreements. After a long fight,
"loss and damage" is on the agenda - but is there meaningful progress?
We have Ben Goloff from the Center for Biological Diversity
reporting from Sharm-El-Sheik, Egypt and and Doris Marlin from the UU Ministry for Earth,
who has attended four previous Conferences, about what has happened this week at COP27.
Friday is the last day scheduled for COP27, though it might go into Saturday, but by Saturday night, the negotiations will be finished.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next week, Friday, November 25th, at 2:30 p.m., when Reverend Billy and Savitri of the Church of Stop Shopping joins us for Buy Nothing Day!
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
25 min.
radio show
Our Broken Disaster-Recovery System
Follow-up to Hurricane Sandy show
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Every year, mainstream media covers disaster anniversaries, but there is precious little information for those struggling to recover.
Our Superstorm Sandy show, October 28th, left us with a lot of questions,
so this week Joel Kupferman of The National Lawyers Guild NYC
and Jody Stewart from NJ Organizing Project are our guests for this important topic.
At a recent NY City Council hearing, the Council was congratulating itself on their Superstorm Sandy recovery efforts, even though those
efforts have fallen short for the ten years since the Storm.
"If you've seen one disaster, you've seen one disaster" - but shouldn't the agencies have a standard way for survivors to learn about what help
is available, where to turn for a hot meal, a charged phone, a change of clothes?
Texas Appleseed, in collaboration with experts from 15 national and regional groups (Puerto Rico, Florida, Louisiana, Texas, and New Jersey), have put forth these recommendations:
1: Get money to people faster.
2: All survivors deserve access to a full and fair recovery system that serves our communities equitably.
3: Flood insurance should work for disaster survivors, not against them.
4: Recovery does not mean everything goes back to the way it was before. All communities and families should not only recover but be less vulnerable to future disasters.
5: Disaster recovery reform must be systemic, not piecemeal.
Join us next week, Friday, November 18th, at 2:30 p.m., for a report on COP27, the U N environmental conference now happening in Egypt.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
25 min.
radio show
Eco-Logic Conversations
Four Topics
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We look forward to sharing Eco-Logic Conversations with you on WBAI-FM.
This week news and previews:
Right To Repair,
The Environmental Bond Act,
New threat to Liberty State Park,
and of course COP27.
Eco-Logic is NOT pre-empted for Fundraising.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us next week, Friday, November 11th, 2022 for our report on the Broken Disaster Recovery System.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
25 min.
radio show
Eco-Logic NOT Pre-Empted
on Nov. 4, 2022 for Fundraising
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Eco-Logic is NOT pre-empted for Fundraising.
Please explore this web page and visit our partners' web sites:
Environment TV
Songs of Freedom
NYC Friends of Clearwater
Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition
Join us Friday, November 11th, at 2:30 p.m., for our report on our broken disaster-recovery system.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
many pages
Lots of Eco-Links
Superstorm Sandy - 10 Years Later
How To Stop It From Happening Again
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The world must not forget the images and aftermath of Superstorm Sandy. The climate crisis has given us additional disastrous
storms from Harvey to Maria to Ida to Fiona to Ian - survivors are sharing what was learned about coping with government
recovery programs and working to repair our broken national disaster-recovery system.
Superstorm Sandy was acknowledged by mainstream media in sound bites, but did they give credit to Occupy Sandy or NJ Organizing
Project for helping for years afterward? Of course not. Their corporate sponsors would not appreciate giving credit to
anything Occupy Wall St-oriented.
Sandy was the storm that made "resiliency" a cliché - are we on the right path?
Boilers originally of the wrong type and in the wrong place were replaced with new boilers that were the wrong type
and in the wrong place. FEMA restrictions would not allow any sort of modification, even if additional costs were paid
for by the homeowner. Even with the usual funding streams and contractors, very little of what was proposed seems to
have been accomplished as planned.
How it affected Environmental Justice communities. EJ communities often don't have the connections to government
agencies, the transportation options or other resources to access whatever aid is available. Were EJ Communities
treated differently during the recovery process?
Analysis, Recovery, Rebuild by Design - a truly innovative government program to look at new solutions.
What has been done to keep it from happening again?
Our show honors Occupy Sandy, YANA,
and the NJ Organizing Project, with our guests, Sal LoPizzo and Cameron Foster,
describing their groups' work both during the storm and afterward, including mutual aid and passing on expertise
to the next generation of survivors.
Listen live anywhere in the world.
There have been a number of articles praising Occupy Sandy and other local relief organization. Such as:
The City,
States Newsroom NJ,,
NJ Future.
New Yorker,
NY Metro - the meteorology.
Join us in two weeks, Friday Novenber 11st at 2:30pm. Check this web site soon for further details.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
1 hr.
radio show
Superstorm Sandy
Eyewitness Account
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I (this is Ken Gale writing this) watched Superstorm Sandy approach New York City, from the 10th floor of 120 Wall St. where WBAI-FM was located at the time.
I watched the storm surge flow over South St. and up Wall St.
Then the power went out in the building. The storm surge went up 18 feet, totally submerging the traffic lights on the corner of Wall St. and South St.
Emergency lights lasted a few hours and then we were in total darkness.
I was at the station for 61 hours. This is my report.
3 pgs
Clean Water Act - 50 Years!
Fishable, Swimmable, Drinkable
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The Clean Water Act has been protecting U.S. water for 50 years. The goals of fishable, swimmable and drinkable have progressed a lot since then.
Our guests are Manna Jo Greene, Hudson River Sloop Clearwater's
Environmental Action Director - Clearwater and its founder,
Pete Seeger, were instrumental in getting the Clean Water Act passed - and Peter Lopez, Executive Director of Policy, Advocacy and Science at
Scenic Hudson. Peter was the Regional Administrator of EPA's Region 2. They will fill
us in on the creation of the Clean Water Act, what its goals were, how it met those goals, what still needs to be done, and what you can do.
We have come a long way since 1972, but some of the goals that were set for the 1980s have yet to be realized. Pollutants
newly recognized as toxic need to be regulated. Funding is needed to finish the job.
Join us for this *Special* Tuesday, October 25, 11:00am-12:00Noon, to hear about the current status of our waterways and
how you can help to ensure that they are truly fishable, swimmable, and drinkable. There's so much information to cover. Join us!
Listen live anywhere in the world.
Join us on Friday October 28th, 2:30pm, when we discuss the 10th anniversary of Superstorm Sandy.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
1 hr.
radio show
Environmental Bond Act of 2022
Clean Water, Clean Air and Green Jobs
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There's an environmental bond act on the New York State ballot on Nov. 8th. We'll discuss the details - good and bad - with Paul Presendieu,
a Board Director and Co-Chair of the Environmental Justice Forum of the
New York State Association of Conservation Commissions (NYSACC) and
Carli Fraccarolli, State Policy Coordinator for Scenic Hudson.
There has been a lot of effort by activists over the years to make a more environmentally sustainable world. It looks like maybe the
NYS government is finally coming around. Have they heard us? Is it still corporate-focused? This is just one way to mitigate climate
chaos. There is a ballot question on the November ballot, so look on the back or bottom of your New York ballot to make your choice.
The proposal would allow the State to borrow up to $4.2 billion and sell an equal amount of state bonds for capital projects intended
to "preserve, enhance, and restore New York's natural resources and reduce the impact of climate change." The projects would include
restoration and flood risk reduction,
open space land conservation and recreation,
climate change mitigation, and
water quality improvement and resilient infrastructure.
To "get into the weeds" on this issue, go to the New York State Board of Elections.
Join us Tuesday, October 25th at 11am for our Special Report on the 50th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act (Please note the rescheduled date because of WBAI's transmitter tower repairs)
Join us on Friday, October 28th, 2:30pm for the 10th anniversary of Superstorm Sandy!
WBAI, 99.5FM &
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. Scroll Down.
25 min.
radio show
Eco-Logic Pre-Empted
on Oct. 7, 2022 for Transmitter Maintenance
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This week, Eco-Logic is pre-empted for transmitter maintenance.
Please explore this web page and visit our partners' web sites:
Environment TV
Songs of Freedom
NYC Friends of Clearwater
Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition
Join us next week, Friday, October 14th, 2022 for the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
many pages
Lots of Eco-Links
Caven Point Natural Area
Walk Together
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Please join Saturday October 8th at 10am. Walk to LSP's Caven Point Natural Area to stand up for Senator Stack's
Caven Point Protection Bill to once and for all, keep Caven Point out of the hands of Liberty National Golf course
owner billionaire Paul Fireman, whose vulgar land grab of our public land must be stopped.
There will only be about 10 minutes of remarks and photos when we stop 5 minutes into the walkway to Caven Point,
at the bend under the Liberty National club house with our destination Caven Point in the near distance. It's a
round trip of 1.5 miles to the Caven Point beach. If you can only stay a little while, please join us from
10am to 10:30am.
Participants are welcome to stay as long as you want, but there won't be anything organized once we get to the beach
except a children/youth art activity from 11 to 11:30. For more information, check
their web site.
web page
Celebration Of Nature
The Secret Perfume Of Birds
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Danielle Whittaker started her scientific career as a primate researcher, and various unplanned turns led her to focus on birds' sense of smell.
In turn, that led her to research on humans' sense of smell and how our own immune systems affect our choice of spouses.
The widespread unsubstantiated belief that birds have no sense of smell irked evolutionary biologist Danielle Whittaker. Exploring the science
behind the myth started her investigating mysteries such as how birds win fights and why cowbirds smell like cookies. In "The Secret Perfume of Birds" -
part science, part intellectual history, and part memoir - Whittaker uses humor, clear writing, and a compelling narrative to create a book
that is as much a celebration of science as it is about birds specifically.
Our own immune system is much on our minds during this pandemic. What does a bird's sense of smell have to do with that? Tune in this
Friday when we talk with author Danielle Whittaker - she has lots of new information about birds' olfactory sense and its chemistry,
as well as stories about adventures in field research, so join us to hear directly from her. You'll love to hear about the bear in the aviary!
The book will be available to you during the show.
Danielle can be reached at her web site or her twitter handle: @juncostink .
Listen live anywhere in the world.
There is no show next week, join us in 2 weeks for the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act. Tune in on Friday, October 14th.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
1 hr.
radio show
Senate ratifies
An environmental bill
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Some really good news, and from the United States Senate!
On Wednesday, for the first time in 30 years, the Senate approved an international climate treaty. The vote was 69 to 27.
All Democrats, including Mitch McConnell, and 19 Republicans voted to approve the treaty.
This is a vote to join 137 other nations in the 2016 Kigali agreement to sharply reduce the production and use of
hydrofluorocarbons - HFCs - which are greenhouse gases 1000 times more potent than carbon dioxide.
web links
Connect the Dots
Jobs and Energy
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Politicians rationalize their support of the fossil-fuel and nuclear industries by declaring that they are good for jobs.
The truth is that renewable energy supplies more jobs per dollar or per watt than poison power does
In this episode, we explain how the renewable energy industry does that. We also discuss the environmental degradation of poison power,
what it does to our health, and how it fuels wars worldwide.
Here in New York, Indian Point is being decommissioned by Holtec - what is their record in other projects? Is the Decommissioning
Oversight Board responsive to community concerns? In New Jersey, Holtec is looking at small modular reactors - but is that really an answer?
We'll explore a number of issues related to jobs and energy - join us! The good news is that green-energy jobs are plentiful and good for society and the planet!
Tune in also 2:00 p.m. Friday, September 30th to learn about the chemical and olfactory life of birds. 1 Hour Special!
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
25 min.
radio show
Radioactive Water
Into the Hudson River?
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There are two multi-agency boards overseeing the decommissioning of Indian Point nuclear reactors, both led by the
New York State Department of Public Service: The Indian Point Closure Task Force and the Decommissioning Oversight Board.
The former group is charged with providing guidance and support to the communities, taxing jurisdictions, and employees
affected by the planned closure of Indian Point; the latter with assessing how to protect the financial, environmental,
and physical interests of the communities affected by decommissioning, including the interests of the current workforce
as it relates to continuing the public safety of the surrounding communities.
They will have a joint "hybrid" - in person (Cortlandt Manor) and on Zoom - meeting on Thursday, September 22nd at 6 p.m.
For those looking to speak at the public portion of the meeting, registration is required by 6 p.m. on Wednesday, September 21st.
The meeting includes expert presentations on emergency planning. During the public forum, questions concerning the scope and
goals of the Task Force and the scope and goals of the Oversight Board are invited. Priority will be given to those
questions submitted before the meeting on the topic of emergency preparedness and management.
On the agenda to question the joint session about getting a viable Emergency Response Plan that covers both a radiological
and a pipeline emergency at the closed reactor site is community organizer Tina Volz Bongar of Resist Spectra and
United 4 Clean Energy. In this 10-minute video
from TheEnvironmentTV, Tina gives some background on the issues in advance of the September 22nd meeting. The PSC
will accept questions and comments before the meeting, through September 29th, and throughout the decommissioning process.
10 min.
Occupy Wall St.
Then and Now
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We are unstoppable, another world is possible!
The First Amendment is our permit!
System change, not climate change!
Eleven years ago there was a people's revolution with positive vibrations lasting into the future. Occupy Wall Street came out of a need
for change, linking together all the progressive political and social issues.
Occupy Wall Street had many different Working Groups, and the Environmental Solidarity Working Group was one of the most active and
longest-lasting, with twice-weekly planning meetings and monthly public events.
Your Eco-Logic co-hosts were very involved with Occupy at Zuccotti Park, Occupy Sandy, and InterOccupy.
Join us for a discussion with other members of the Environmental Solidarity Working Group, Russell Lum and Apollo.
Find out what people from Occupy Wall St are STILL doing.
For more information on S17 anniversary events, go to this facebook page.
Tune in also at 2:30 p.m. in two weeks, Friday, September 30th, to learn about Wastewater issues.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
25 min.
radio show
International Day Of Peace - Special
Peace through Water
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For 21 years Paul Sladkus has produced an event in Times Square for the
International Day of Peace on Sept. 21st.
Eco-Logic and WBAI are commemorating it this Friday Sept 9th at a special time of 2PM.
The theme of this year's event is "Peace through Water" - water issues, such as drought and access to clean water, are
already causing political strife throughout the world. It won't take much for there to be wars over water.
The day will start with a human peace-sign circle at 11 a.m. in Central Park, a city-wide moment of silence at noon, followed by an
outdoor concert. In the evening, a special VIP concert at the Salvation Army's CMT grand theatre is not to be missed!
With such an important international day, we have been offered an awesome premium unlike any we've ever had before to
contribute to WBAI's fundraising. Listen in to find out what we have for you.
Tune in to the show next week, on Friday, September 16th, at 2:30 PM.
WBAI, 99.5FM &
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. Scroll Down.
1 hr.
radio show:
First half hour
Second half hour
Protecting Liberty State Park
A Green Urban Oasis
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The wealthy and powerful have been making an assault on the Public Commons all over the U.S. Learn how one coalition of environmentalists
is fighting to preserve a special, beautiful and historic park.
Liberty State Park's Caven Point is a "significant natural resource" (NJDEP, 1984), a priceless and irreplaceable urban Natural Area, a
"Migratory Bird Habitat and Nesting Area" on the Atlantic Flyway, and an urban science education STEM resource for over
600 students annually, and a peaceful oasis for urban and all visitors.
Our guest, Sam Pesin of Friends of Liberty State Park, has been working to protect Liberty State Park, picking up from his parents'
initiative in the founding of this beautiful oasis and important part of the ecosystem of our metro area.
Billionaire Paul Fireman stated that he is no longer interested in expanding his ($500,000-entry-fee) private golf course into
Caven Point (a land grab that ignored the destruction of the sanctuary for the migrating and nesting birds and people who love
nature), but, he funded a group to attack The Protection Act and supported a bill, just signed by the governor, to create a task
force to make recommendations for the park's future. Noticeably missing from the fast-tracked bill is any protection for
Caven Point or any limits on for-profit, fee-based development anywhere in the Park. Mr. Fireman focuses on squeezing in
fee-based entertainment venues in the planned natural area - unlike the public's vision of keeping the park "free and green"
with active recreation areas and a focus on the green space so rare in bustling urban centers.
Billionaires and their political friends have been systematically reducing and privatizing public parks, natural areas
and other aspects of the Public Commons. An environmental assault must not be ignored
The Star-Ledger in Dec. 2021 ended an editorial with this: " 'John Muir also had it right, more than a century ago,
when he wrote that any fool can cut down a tree. It takes a leader to save it.' Is Gov. Murphy that leader?"
Tune in to the show next week, on Friday, September 9th, at 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. for an hour special on International Peace Day
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
25 min.
radio show
U.S. Water Wars
Are they coming?
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Are Water Wars coming to the United States?
Political pundit and internet star Beau thinks so and his reasons are based on the drought and recent events pitting locals vs. the federal government.
See what he has to say.
Judy Gorman
"This Earth"
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Judy Gorman is an excellent performer of excellent songs, usually ones she wrote,
on a variety of progressive issues, including the first song on Eco-Logic's opening theme medley. Click to see and hear a video of it.
music video
News, Views and
Music, Too!
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Every episode of Eco-Logic opens with 30 seconds each of five environmental songs. This week, we're playing the full versions of all
five, interspersed with News and Information such as dolphins in the Hudson River, how global warming-caused heat waves are affecting
food productions, and breaking news: the presumed California ban on new gas-engine cars after 2035.
The five songs are
"This Earth" by Judy Gorman,
"Big Yellow Taxi" by Joni Mitchell,
Silvanus' "Save the Earth,"
"Listen to the Earth" by the Ray Korona Band, and,
"Takin' It to the Streets" by the Doobie Brothers, Bonnie Raitt, John Hall, James Taylor, Carly Simon, Chaka Khan,
Jackson Browne, Graham Nash, Clarence Clemens, and others from the 1979 No Nukes concert.
Tune in to the show next week, on Friday, September 2nd, at 2:30 p.m. Protecting Liberty State Park.
WBAI, 99.5FM &
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. Scroll Down.
25 min.
radio show
Dolphins in the Hudson River
seen while kayaking.
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How clean is the Hudson River?
There are dolphins in it! Because the fish they eat are rebounding. That photo was taken this summer by a kayaker. 'Nuff Said!
Btw, the Hudson River is salty for miles. It's actually a fjord.
1 pg
article & video
French Cheeses and
Global Warming
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The Global Warming part of climate chaos is affecting many different foods. Here's an article from the UK Guardian newspaper
about how the heat wave is causing shortages of French cheeses.
The animals that supply the milk to make cheese simply don't have enough to eat because of the heat wave-caused drought.
Perhaps this will raise consciousness to people who don't otherwise think about global warming or climate change.
1 pg.
Buttonhook Preserve
Many reasons to protect it.
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Another example of Nature, Watershed Protection and Indigenous sacred ceremonial stone landscapes vs. Developers.
This web site explains the Nature, Education and Native American
reasons for preserving this land in a wealthy part of Westchester County, NY.
3 pgs.
article & video
5 Days, 50 Miles
To Stop Fossil Fuels.
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Politicians may know the right things to say to APPEAR environmentally friendly, but their actions are often anything but. Traditionally,
corporate media reports what they say at a press conference, but not what they actually do. Grassroots activists are not letting them get away with it.
From August 16 to 20, Food and Water Watch and Empower NJ's "Gov. Murphy: Walk Your Talk on Climate" will take climate activists on a 50-mile walk
across New Jersey, from Newark to Red Bank, to call attention to 7 proposed fossil fuel projects. Four of these need permits from Gov. Murphy -
this walk calls on him to match his actions to his rhetoric and deny the permits.
We will be have several of the walkers on Eco-Logic on Friday, August 19 at 2:30 PM.:
Matt Smith of Food and Water Watch,
peace and climate activist Paula Rogovin,
FWW intern and high-school student Vaibhav Shetty, and
Eco-Logic producer/host Sally Gellert.
To get involved:
Aug.16, Newark
Aug. 20, Red Bank rally finale
Tune in to the show in 2 weeks, on Friday, September 2nd, at 2:30 p.m. - Protecting Liberty State Park.
WBAI, 99.5FM &
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. Scroll Down.
25 min.
radio show
5 Days, 50 Miles
To Stop Fossil Fuels
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When a politician calls a press conference, mainstream media usually covers it. They do NOT always follow up to see
if the politician kept their promises, to see if the "walk the walk."
This 50 mile walk through New Jersey from August 16-20 is to help Gov. Murphy keep his promise and not
approve the seven proposed new fossil fuel projects that are along this route.
Every day along the walk will be community meetings, rallies, vigils, and other actions, along with local groups.
2 pgs.
Wolves Slaughtered
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Nearly 500 wolves were massacred legally in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. Wolves are usually the most important animals in their
ecosystems, improving diversity and numbers of birds, fish, butterflies and trees.
Last year an emergency petition was filed to protect northern Rocky Mountains wolves under the Endangered Species
Act, but the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service missed its deadline to respond.
For more information, go to the Center for Biodiversity web site.
For more information on how wolves can improve an ecosystem, there are many videos. Here are two examples: and
Copy and paste.
1 pg.
August 12, 2022
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Our website, as always, has a lot of information for you.
And you can listen to past shows.
Eco-Logic is pre-empted this week for WBAI fund-raising. Please consider donating and/or becoming a WBAI buddy in the name of Eco-Logic.
Next week, Friday, August 19, 2022 at 2:30PM, Eco-Logic will be back - 50 Miles, 50 Days to Stop Fossil Fuels
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. Scroll Down.
Manchin Fossil Fuel Giveaways in
Inflation Reduction Act
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The 725-page "Inflation Reduction Act" has provisions, in sections 50264 and 50265, that would require massive oil and gas leasing in the
Gulf of Mexico and Alaska, reinstate an illegal 2021 Gulf lease sale and mandate that millions more acres of public lands be offered
for leasing before any new solar or wind energy projects could be built on public lands or waters.
"This is a climate suicide pact," said Brett Hartl, government affairs director at the Center for Biological Diversity. "It's self-defeating
to handcuff renewable energy development to massive new oil and gas extraction. The new leasing required in this bill will fan the flames of
the climate disasters torching our country, and it's a slap in the face to the communities fighting to protect themselves from filthy fossil fuels."
Fossil Fuel magnate Senator Manchin is being consistent in favoring this bill.
There are other aspects to the "Inflation Reduction Act" that go against environmental protections. Read the
Center for Biological Diversity article
for yourself or the entire "Inflation Reduction Act".
1 pg.
Rooftop Solar Survey
Becoming even more popular
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A Pollfish survey of 1,000 homeowners across the U.S found that 1 in 4 homeowners plans to install solar panels in the
next 5 years. When you add those who already have them or are installing them now, 3 out of 4 homeowners will have solar panels.
The survey further breaks down the homeowners by region and motivation.
5 pgs.
The Champlain Hudson Power Express (CHPE)
Is looking Worse and Worse
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Cost estimates for the proposed Champlain Hudson Power Express (CHPE) transmission corridor (power lines) were initially projected in 2010
to cost about $2 billion. By 2020, the projection was $4.5 billion, and this June, CHPE's owner, Blackstone, requested emergency approval
from the New York State Public Service Commission to increase the allowed debt to $6 billion.
CHPE would lay miles of cable in the contaminated river bed along Dutchess County, dredging 7 feet into the riverbed, including near the water
intakes of 7 county municipalities that draw their drinking water from the Hudson River. Because of this, on July 12th, the Hudson River
Drinking Water Intermunicipal Council (called the Hudson 7) wrote to the Ulster County Industrial Development Agency (IDA) requesting the
agency "to deny any tax incentives for CHPE" due to the project's threat to municipal water intake. CHPE developers quickly withdrew their
application to the Dutchess County IDA to get $120.3 million in tax breaks.
The web site Hoodwinked in the Hothouse explains why dams
are NOT environmentally beneficial in the first place.
2 pgs.
Such As...
Eco-Logic Stories and News
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As you look over this web site, you'll see that there is not only information on upcoming and past episodes of Eco-Logic, there are also
articles on a variety of environmental issues and links to still more information. On this episode of Eco-Logic, we give you a taste of what
you'll find on this web site.
Hear information on:
Medicine and Global Warming,
Global Plastic Treaty,
Ancient Forest Intact in Sinkhole,
Passive House Fundamentals,
Saving Governor's Island,
Microplastics in Antarctica,
Natural Flood Control Restored in the Bronx,
Giant Water Lily Discovered,
Is Hydrogen Green,
Floating Arctic Nuclear Power Plant,
Sugar and Climate Change,
Earth Overshoot Day,
Champlain-Hudson Power Express (CHPE)
1952 Nuclear Accident Remembered,
Air Pollution and Covid-19,
Supreme Court V. the Environment,
Endangered Species Act Restored
Tune into the show in 2 weeks, on Friday, August 19th, at 2:30 p.m. when we talk with folks who are on the Walk Your Talk on Climate 50-mile fossil fuel march.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
25 min.
radio show
Saving Governor's Island
Lawsuit Filed
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A lawsuit has been filed against the City to nullify the rezoning for Governors Island's southern area approved by the
City Council on May 27th, 2021 as it violates the spirit and letter of the 2003 deed which is in place to protect
Governors Island from efforts such as the deBlasio administration is guilty of.
The web site we link to contains details of the lawsuit written in plain English and in "legalese," including the text itself.
Governor's Island is a beautiful oasis and National Historic Site just southeast of Manhattan. Developers want
it for luxury housing and most if not all of New York City's mayors want whatever developers want.
5 pgs.
Making a Beehive
From Start To Honey
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"How we built our first top bar beehive from scraps. It was and still is one of the most important adventures that I have ever been on.
Help me save the world. Become a beekeeper. I will help you."
Here's a link to a video showing the entire process from start to bees to honey.
3:41 min.
Heat Wave Effects on
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The global warming part of climate chaos that is so apparent this summer is also affecting how the human body uses some common medications.
Neha Pathak reports on that "Some over-the-counter
and prescription drugs may interfere with sweat production, alter the body's internal thermostat, or make dehydration more likely -
with potentially serious consequences, like severe dehydration or heat stroke."
If you or a loved one is taking any of the medications mentioned in this article, speak to the person who prescribed them about an alternative.
3 pgs.
Shaking Up FERC and Congress
Making Politicians Eco-Logical
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Activists are taking the fight for a better climate to Washington - to the headquarters of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
and to Senator's Schumer's own office from his own staff. They are finding new ways to raise consciousness and take action to mitigate the
climate crisis. For the first time, some staff members of a U.S. Senator protested the inactions of their boss in his own office. Also
protesting were staff from other Congressional offices.
Beyond Extreme Energy (BXE) has been both inside FERC's office, speaking out at their meetings, and outside, calling on them to
stop rubber-stamping industry applications and change their focus and name to Federal Renewable Energy Commission.
BXE is a national organization working to make the U.S. more Eco-Logical. Starting in 2014, it has tens of thousands of members.
This is another optimistic cutting-edge show!
Tune in Friday, July 29, 2022 to get an eyewitness report of the Thursday action at FERC's headquarters from Ted Glick. Ted was On The Scene! Ted Glick is an
organizer with Beyond Extreme Energy and has a blog on We'll also talk about
Monday's climate action in Senator Schumer's
office by his own staffers and staffers of several Representatives.
Tune in also 2:30 p.m. next week Friday, August 5th. We'll be speaking with Black Farmers.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
25 min.
radio show
Earth Overshoot Day
Is July 28
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Earth Overshoot Day is the date when humanity has used as much resources as Earth generates in an entire year.
The Earth Overshoot web site is oriented to individual choices, but it took more than individual choices to get us into this
climate mess and it will take more than individual choices to get us out.
Policy changes are needed.
Corporate responsibility is needed.
2 pgs.
Sugar, Bad for
the Environment
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Most of us know that sugar is bad for our health. The
World Wildlife Fund
points out that it is also bad for the environment.
From the energy use in the processing and transport to intense water use to local water and air pollution.
With special thanks to for bringing this up.
2 pgs
Supreme Court v the Environment
Just what you don't want to be at odds.
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"...the Court strips the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the power Congress gave it to respond to 'the most pressing environmental challenge of our time.'..." - Justice Elena Kagan
The recent Supreme Court decision on West Virginia v EPA was alarming to anyone who cares about clean air, clean water and climate chaos. They took away
much of the EPA's ability and therefor their mandate to regulate carbon dioxide or any other "greenhouse" gas that contributes to global warming and other climate issues.
The ruling is already affecting other agencies' abilities to deal with climate issues, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Discussing that decision with us are Joel Kupferman Co-chair of The Environmental Justice Committee (EJC) of the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) and Executive Director of the
Environmental Justice Initiative (NY Environmental Law and Justice Project), also Todd Ommen, Managing Attorney at Pace Environmental Litigation Clinic, Inc. and
Professor of Law at Elisabeth Haub School of Law.
The Supreme Court has put corporate economics ahead of the life and death issues of the climate. "Don't they read the papers?" - Justice Kagan
The deadlocked Congress is not likely to pass the very specific legislation to regulate greenhouse gases that this Supreme Court requires.
We can no longer rely on government agencies if they are limited to only following direct instructions from Congress. It's agencies, not
Congress that have the experts in their specific areas.
The Supreme Court is "cherry-picking" on behalf of corporate polluters.
Learn the nuances of that ruling.
We will be demystifying the Supreme Court.
There is also a covid angle to this decision. More air pollution means more covid. A Harvard study backs that up.
tune in also 2:30 p.m. next week Friday, July 29th to hear how Beyond Extreme Energy is trying to get political candidates to stand up for the environment.
WBAI, 99.5FM &
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. Scroll Down.
25 min.
radio show
U.S. Supreme Court Decision
v. the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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We urge you to read the Supreme Court's decision for yourself.
It's bizarre and entertaining at times, as the majority actually belittles the minority. The Court not only has lost credibility in making
a decision using mostly corporate economic criteria, but it lost some of the dignity of the Supreme Court, as well.
The dissent written by Judge Elena Kagan starts on page 57 and is very important to read.
89 pgs
SCOTUS Decision
Floating Nuclear Power Plant
Melting the Arctic Ice Cap Directly
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I mentioned a floating Russian nuclear reactor
on the September 24, 2019 episode of Eco-Logic. Now it's back in the news. There have been Russian nuclear plants in the Arctic Ocean for many years, but they weren't always floating.
Greenpeace published an article
about it, but it has been mostly ignored both at the time and since then.
Nuclear plants in or on the Arctic Ocean melt the Arctic Ice cap directly. Nukes use vast amounts of cooling water, which they get from the nearest water source and
send back in at a highly elevated temperature.
The chances of an accident are high and the difficulty of clean-up is great. Russia has a poor track record when it comes to nuclear devices of all kinds.
Polar environments are probably the most delicate on Earth. This is a dangerous situation.
3 pgs.
Covid-19 and Air Pollution
Harvard Study
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Cov-19 is a respiratory illnesss. Air pollution causes respiratory problems. Does air pollution cause covid-19 or make it worse?
This Harvard study assesses "whether long-term exposure to air pollution increases the severity of COVID-19 health outcomes, including death."
This information has been available since 2020. It should have been affecting public policy
since then, but the U.S. Supreme Court has reduced the EPA's ability to clean the air (see above).
4 pgs.
Eco-Logic Pre-empted
for July 15, 2022
This week, Eco-Logic is pre-empted for WBAI fund-raising.
Please explore this web page and visit our partners' web sites:
Environment TV
Songs of Freedom
NYC Friends of Clearwater
Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition
Many pages
Lots of Eco-Links
A 1952 nuclear power plant accident
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The workers who cleaned up what might be the first "serious" nuclear power plant accident, in 1952, are finally getting compensated by the federal government. Those who are still alive.
When a government radiates its own citizens or when a corporation radiates its own workers, whether on purpose or by accident,
the first reaction is usually denial - of the event and of the death and health damage.
The nuclear plant itself was mainly to create bomb material. As in so many (all?) countries, electricity is merely a side product.
For details on the accident itself, click the links to the left or right.
6 pgs
Giant Water Lily Discovered
In Kew Gardens and Bolivia
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Until recently, only two species of Giant Water Lily were known. Now there is a third.
Native to South America and can be nearly ten feet across.
2 pgs.
States' Green Amendments
Protecting Our Rights
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Green Amendments are state constitutional amendments for the right to clean water, clean air and a healthy environment.
Picking up from where we left off at the June 4th 2021 episode
of Eco-Logic, we delve into the successes and current status of passing more Green Amendments on Green Amendments Day, July 13, 2022.
New York voters passed it in November - now for the rest of the 16 states with active campaigns.
Eco-Logic is honored to have as our guest Maya van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper & leader of the
Delaware Riverkeeper Network;
founder of the Green Amendments For The Generations Movement;
and author of The Green Amendment; Securing Our Right to a Healthy Environment.
"Securing a Constitutional Right to Pure Water, Clean Air, a Stable Climate & Healthy Environments, For All People, Including Future Generations, Regardless of Race, Ethnicity, Religion or Income."
What are the possible arguments against this amendment? What do we say to counter them? What are the Environmental Justice aspects of Green Amendments?
Tune in Friday, July 8, 2022 2:30PM to learn how you can get a Green Amendment for YOUR state.
tune in also 2:30 p.m. in two weeks Friday, July 22nd to learn about the Supreme Court's controversial decision in polluters' favor.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
25 min.
radio show
Endangered Species Act
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A Trump-era Rule that should have been reversed in Biden's first 100 days needed a lawsuit to get the job done.
Endangered species get back some of the protections they used to have.
The Federal case hinged on the definition of "habitat."
2 pgs.
Melting Glaciers
Release hundreds, maybe thousands, of species of microbes unknown to science
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As the global warming part of climate chaos melts glaciers, microbes that had been trapped in them can end up in local water.
Almost a thousand species previously unknown to science have been discovered just in Tibetan glaciers. Scientists have discovered
other unknown microbes in other glaciers.
Most microbes are benign, even beneficial. Only a small percentage have the potential to become pathogens if they are out of balance in an ecosystem, such as a human body.
Microbes are connected in our minds chiefly with disease because that is the research that pharmaceutical corporations sponsor.
Since microbes readily exchange genes, some of the genes of the microbes trapped in the ice may already be in microbes already known and some of the other
genes may get into curently active microbes.
The link will take you to many different articles on this subject, from many different points of view.
many articles
Is Hydrogen Green?
Pros and Cons
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I'm reading advocacy for "green hydrogen" in some surprising places. They often advocate using renewable sources of electricity to separate hydrogen from oxygen,
then capturing the hydrogen and shipping it to a centralized location where it be used as fuel for buildings or vehicles.
Why not use the renewably-sourced electricity directly for buildings or vehicles instead of converting it, shipping it and centralizing it, all of
which will use up some of that energy and cost extra money? Any conversion of one energy source to another takes energy to do.
Here are two articles on hydrogen fuel. One
and one con. Please read both.
23 pgs. pdf
Rail Transit
A New Green Look
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Rail transit is one of the most important environmental issues, yet it is rarely discussed. Rail travel uses a fraction
of the fossil fuel that cars and trucks use - per person or per dollar - yet there always seems to be plenty of tax money
for highways and never enough for public transit - even though double-track rail can move as many people as a 24-lane highway.
When highways get congested, they expand when more land is taken for new lanes - and building those is not quick!. When trains get congested, more trains can be added - right away!
Power by third rail, as subways use, or overhead wires, means that there is no fuel weight to carry - more efficiency. Subways also use regenerative braking,
like a hybrid car, which is another way that trains conserve energy
The connection with climate chaos cannot be overstated.
Electric cars are not the answer. Not only are traffic jams still a problem, but they use more power than an energy-efficient house. Whether
electric or diesel, trains carry more passengers in less space than autos on ever-growing highways
Renewable energy must be a large part of the solution.
Our guest on this episode of Eco-Logic is Tim Sevener, a board member of NJ Association of Rail Passengers (NJ-ARP).
tune in 2:30 p.m. next Friday, July 8th to learn about the latest developments with Green Amendments and the latest Supreme Court anti-EPA ruling.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
25 min.
radio show
Future of Rail report
International Energy Agency
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A comprehensive report pdf on the future of rail travel worldwide and its connection to climate, with many graphs and charts.
You'll hear a discussion of this report on Eco-Logic's July 1, 2022 episode. Rail transit is one of the most important environmental issues, yet is rarely discussed.
175 pgs.
Environment TV Sunday, June 26, 2022
11 a.m. on Manhattan Neighborhood Network
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Charlie Olson's guests are Marilyn Elie of the Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition,
Manna Jo Greene of Hudson River Sloop Clearwater,
and author and blogger Ted Glick.
Subjects include the New Jersey Green Amendment and the recent Walk for Appalachia.
Listen live at
Young Victims of Climate Disasters Sue
EU States Over Controversial Energy Treaty
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In the latest attempt to use the courts to address the climate crisis, five young people are suing 12 European Union (EU) countries
over membership in a treaty that they argue puts the needs of fossil fuel companies above climate action.
The young people brought their case before the European Court of Human Rights on Tuesday, as Euractiv reported. The lawsuit
targets the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), which gives energy companies the right to sue governments for compensation
when their policies threaten profits. NAFTA has a similar clause.
The lawsuit targets 12 EU nations that are ECT members: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK. The plaintiffs argue that membership in the treaty violates the rights
to life and respect for private and family life, as enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights, according to The Guardian.
2 pgs.
U.S. Supreme Court Rejects
Bayer Appeal to Dismiss Roundup Weedkiller Lawsuits
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The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected an appeal by German company Bayer AG to dismiss legal claims by customers who assert one of its
products - glyphosate-based Roundup weedkiller - causes cancer. The multinational chemical and pharmaceutical company could
potentially owe billions of dollars in damages, reported Reuters
"[N]ow thousands of other cancer victims can continue to hold Monsanto accountable for its decades of corporate malfeasance," lawyers representing Hardeman,
Jennifer Moore and Aimee Wagstaff said in a statement, as reported by The Washington Post. Parts of the European Union have banned the herbicide, according to Deutsche Welle.
Bayer acquired Monsanto, the original maker of Roundup, in 2018.
2 pgs.
Our Children's Trust Wins
In Montana Supreme Court
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The fossil fuel industry lost in another day in court when the Attorney General of the state of Montana in the children's
climate case, Held v. State of Montana, could not get the case stopped, only delayed.
Trial dates for the youth-led constitutional case, originally scheduled for February 6-17, 2023, will now be rescheduled
at a scheduling conference in April 2023. It is anticipated that this first ever children's climate trial - and first
ever constitutional climate trial - in U.S. history will likely now begin in early summer 2023.
Our Children's Trust is a nonprofit public interest law firm that exclusively provides strategic, campaign based legal
services to youth from diverse backgrounds to secure their legal rights to a safe climate.
3 pgs.
How Hurricanes Work
Their Connection to Climate Chaos
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What's the weather today? What's the climate? Do you know the difference? Tune in to get some answers.
Hear meteorologist Tom Wysmuller explain how hurricanes form, why they're so hard to predict exactly, and why Hurricane Sandy was so different.
What is the role of climate change in creating hurricanes?
This show paints a picture of the difference between weather and climate. One hurricane is weather. The accumulation of hurricanes, the trends from year to year - that is climate!
Warmer air, warmer water - they both make stronger storms. Tom Wysmuller explains how that works.
A video version of today's show is available on TheEnvironmentTV's youtube channel.
tune in 2:30 p.m. next Friday, July 1st - public transit for the environment.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
25 min.
radio show
Demystifying Plastic
Plastic Pollution Part 2
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Tune in to learn about the definite connection between climate change and plastics.
We are approaching the point when plastics will create more emissions than coal.
Plastics are not as necessary as industry manipulates us into thinking they are.
There are new sustainable non-fossil-fuel plastics alternatives.
There are even experiments being done to make "wood" from food scraps.
The supply chain of plastic pollutes from creation to waste.
It is not a life cycle - it's a death cycle.
Our guest is Alexis Goldsmith, Beyond Plastics' National Organizing Director.
"We all think we are doing a good thing recycling our plastic, but the reality right now," as Alexis shares, "is that most plastics cannot be recycled."
"We don't need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly; we need millions of people doing zero waste imperfectly." - Anne Marie Bonneau from her blog Mother Earth Living
Congress is currently discussing plastic pollution.
The bill numbers are HR 2237 and S 984
Tune in to hear more about plastic pollution and the fossil fuel industry.
tune in next week, Friday, June 24th at 2:30 p.m., for the Hurricane Show - hear about how hurricanes work from meteorologist Tom Wysmuller.
WBAI, 99.5FM &
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. Scroll Down.
25 min.
radio show
Microplastics Found in Antarctica
13 Different Types
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13 different types of microplastics have been found in every sample site in Antarctica.
They have the potential to influence the climate by accelerating melting of snow and ice.
In 2019, scientists were optimistic that they wouldn't find microplastics in such a pristine environment, but the plastic pollution was there.
The data will be presented at the forthcoming Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting.
2 pgs.
Clothing Recycling Is Back
at Certain NYC Greenmarkets
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Clothing is once again being accepted for recycling. This will keep usable materials out of landfills. Check the web site for details on where and what.
1 pg.
Ancient Forest Ecosystem Intact
In a China Cave
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An intact ancient forest ecosystem has been discovered in a sinkhole in the karst landscape of China.
Many of the trees are over 100 feet tall. Plants and animals currently unknown to science are expected to be in that forest.
More information is on the Smithsonian Magazine and
Washington Post web sites.
2 pgs.
Hudson Canyon - near NYC and NJ
The Next Marine Sanctuary?
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From the NOAA web site: "Hudson Canyon
is the largest submarine canyon along the U.S. Atlantic coast and is one of the largest in the world. Beginning
approximately 100 miles southeast of New York City, the canyon extends about 350 miles seaward, reaches depths
of 2 to 2.5 miles, and is up to 7.5 miles wide. Hudson Canyon's grand scale and diverse structure - steep slopes,
firm outcrops, diverse sediments, flux of nutrients, and areas of upwelling - make it an ecological hotspot for a
vast array of marine wildlife.
"Hudson Canyon provides habitat for a range of protected and sensitive species, including sperm whales,
sea turtles, and deep-sea corals. The area's rich biodiversity is integral to the regional economy, underpinning
commercial and recreational fisheries, recreational diving, whale watching, and birding. Hudson Canyon could also
serve as a sentinel site for NOAA to monitor the impacts of climate change on submarine canyons, which are
vulnerable to the effects of ocean acidification and oxygen depletion.
"NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries invites the public to participate in the first step in the process to
potentially designate a new national marine sanctuary off the coast of New York and New Jersey. The Wildlife
Conservation Society submitted a nomination for a Hudson Canyon National Marine Sanctuary in November 2016, noting
that the area provides a wide range of benefits to New York and New Jersey residents such as clean air, fresh water,
recreation, and food."
3 pgs.
1.2 Million People 40 Years Ago
Nuclear Disarmament March NYC
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We will convey the excitement and the historical import of 1.2 million people marching and rallying for nuclear disarmament.
It was 1982, 40 years ago, and . no nuclear bomb has been set off since then-- there is no way of knowing what effect we had.
Dr Michio Kaku pointed out that the million marchers on the Pentagon in 1970 stopped Nixon from atom bombing Hanoi. Let's take
the lesson from our history and not be complacent. Learn what went into the planning, staging, and outcomes of this huge protest.
Ken Gale will give his first-person account.
From June 14th to June 18th of 1982, the United Nations had a Special Session on Nuclear Disarmament. Hundreds of groups were
part of a march from the UN to Central Park, totaling at least 1.2 million people. The feeder marches on the avenues were
larger than most marches.
There were dozens of events all over the City in the week leading up to the march including a memorable all night vigil in front of the UN.
Thousands of people did Civil Disobedience at the embassies of the five nuclear powers on the Monday after the march to coincide with the first
day of the UN Special Session on Disarmament, and we'll have someone on this show that took part in that, Jack Shalom of WBAI's Arts Express.
The 1.2 million figure is likely an undercount. The police and primary organizers agreed that there were 700,000 on First Ave. and 500,000 already in the
park, so the many feeder march numbers were certainly undercounted.
We acknowledge our history here and commemorate this amazing event. No one who was there can ever forget the excitement and sense of community
and sense of empowerment of June 12th, 1982
Tune in on Friday June 10th at 2:30pm to hear about that amazing time 40 years ago. Nuclear War is the Worst environmental disaster that could happen.
Check out this web site about the Commemoration of the June 12 march.
tune in next week, Friday, June 17th at 2:30 p.m., for Demystifying Plastics
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
25 min.
radio show
Walk for Appalachia's Future
12 Days
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The Walk for Appalachia's Future travelled the 303 mile route of the proposed fracked gas Mountain Valley Pipeline from May 24 to June 4.
The march culminated in a rally at the Richmond, VA capitol.
Besides Ted Glick's article, there is more information at
Between the Lines
1 pg.
Plastic Pollution
Part 2
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This show was pre-empted and will be played at a later date. Keep checking this web page.
Tune in to learn about the definite connection between climate change and plastics.
We are approaching the point when plastics will create more emissions than coal.
Plastics are not as necessary as industry manipulates us into thinking they are.
There are new sustainable non-fossil-fuel plastics alternatives.
There are even experiments being done to make "wood" from food scraps.
The supply chain of plastic pollutes from creation to waste.
It is not a life cycle - it's a death cycle.
Our guest is Alexis Goldsmith, Beyond Plastics' National Organizing Director.
"We all think we are doing a good thing recycling our plastic, but the reality right now," as Alexis shares, "is that most plastics cannot be recycled."
"We don't need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly; we need millions of people doing zero waste imperfectly." - Anne Marie Bonneau from her blog Mother Earth Living
Congress is currently discussing plastic pollution.
The bill numbers are HR 2237 and S 984
Tune in to hear more about plastic pollution and the fossil fuel industry.
tune in Friday, June 10th at 2:30 p.m., for the 40th anniversary of the 1.2-million-person nuclear-disarmament march and rally in NYC.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
radio show
New Red Knot Migration Spot Discovered
in South Carolina
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Red Knots are a sandpiper that was formerly abundant, but as Horshoe Crab numbers have declined, so have they.
They breed in the Canadian Arctic and spend their winters mostly in Central and South America.
Hopefully, these two islands will become protected habitat for these wonderful birds that have been so much in decline.
(btw, those are Ruddy Turnstones in the foreground of the photo.)
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. Scroll Down.
1 pg.
Endangered Birds Nesting
On a New Island Off NJ Coast
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Tides and currents are always moving sand, and enough has gathered to form a new island off the southern New Jersey coast.
Birds of several species have begun nesting there, including some endangered and threatened species,
Habitat loss is much more common that additional habitat being created.
Apparently, some people feel it's the only place they can sunbathe.
2 pgs.
Happy Birthday Rachel Carson
Founder of the Modern Environmental Movement
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On Monday, we heard much of Rachel Carson's speech at the National Women's Press Club. On Friday May 27th - her actual birthday - we will focus on
some biographical information, quotations, and reactions of current environmentalists to Ms. Carson's legacy.
60 years ago, 1962, Rachel Carson's book "Silent Spring" influenced world leaders and the public and thus ushered in the modern environmental movement.
She was a marine biologist and and a spokesperson for the planet, questioning humanity's blind faith in technology.
One of the most important Americans in history, she saved an unknowable number of people from being poisoned and saved many animals from extinction.
She inspired a movement. The modern environmental movement goes back to her 1962 book "Silent Spring."
The criticism we get from the polluters now is very similar to what they aimed at Rachel Carson. She calmly, intelligently and forthrightly
answered her critics. There's so much more we can say about Rachel Carson, so tune in . . . .
Tune in 2:30 p.m. next Friday, June 3 for Demystifying Plastics.
WBAI, 99.5FM &
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. Scroll Down.
25 min.
radio show
Rachel Carson
Founder of the Modern Environmental Movement
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Happy Birthday Rachel Carson! Please join us Monday May 23rd, 11am for a special Eco-Logic episode about one of our heroes.
60 years ago, 1962, Rachel Carson's book "Silent Spring" influenced world leaders and the public and thus ushered in the
modern environmental movement. She was a marine biologist and and a spokesperson for the planet, questioning humanity's blind faith in technology.
She sounded the alarm on the dangers of DDT.
She sounded the alarm on the health hazards of above-ground nuclear testing..
She was one of the top influencers of all time.
We celebrate Rachel Carson's 115th birthday this month - she's one of the most important Americans in history. You will hear
Rachel Carson's 1962 address to the Women's National Press Club in Washington, DC.
Tune in at this Special Time on Monday, May 23rd at 11 AM to hear Rachel Carson's voice and predictions.
Tune in also 2:30 p.m. this Friday, May 27 - her actual birthday - to hear more about Rachel Carson!
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
1 hr.
radio show
And Other Plastic Pollution
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It's too bad the name is so cute because they're not cute.
Nurdles are everywhere...oceans, beaches, inside animals of all kinds.
Nurdles are only one type of plastic pollution, and we'll talk about several, but they are among of the worst and yet least known.
Our guest is Alexis Goldsmith, Beyond Plastics' National Organizing Director.
We all think we are doing a good thing recycling our plastic, but the reality right now, as Alexis shares, is that most plastics cannot be recycled.
Tune in to hear more about plastic pollution and the fossil fuel industry.
Tune in two weeks, Friday, May 27, 2:30 p.m., as we celebrate Rachel Carson's birthday!
WBAI, 99.5FM &
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. Scroll Down.
25 min.
radio show
Part 2 Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
Discussion with Brenna Two Bears
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"The world is in a crisis caused by fossil fuels, but we have the power to solve it and it's called the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty."
The Treaty is already endorsed by cities, governments, individuals, and organizations worldwide. Like the nuclear nonproliferation treaty,
this was started as a grassroots effort by individuals, with a goal of passage by the United Nations.
This is the second part of our discussion with our guest Brenna Two Bears. She is Diné, Ho-Chunk, and Standing Rock Lakota. Brenna founded the Indigenous Peoples Education and Cultural
Collective and supports the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Initiative as the Fossil Fuel Phase Out Communications Associate and has been fighting
environmental racism in her tribal homelands since age 13.
Both parts are now available on this web site. Click here.
Tune in next week on Friday, May 13, 2:30 p.m., to hear about nurdles!.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
46 min.
radio show
Smart Meter Choice
NY Senate bill for Opt Out choices
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S. 8765 would allow people to decline a digital (wireless) smart meter and to keep or get back their safer analog
meter, with no fees or charges. Meters can be run safely on fiber optic or electric connections - we don't need
this microwave exposure in our homes and streets 24/7!
The fallback safety guidelines of the FCC (from 1996) were thrown into question by the DC District Circuit Court
in their decision on Aug. 13, 2021 in the case brought by the Environmental Health Trust and CHD Fund: the FCC must
now review and update the guidelines to account for current saturation levels and their effect on the environment and children.
Here is the text of the bill.
New Yorkers 4 Wired Tech has information on the science of
microwaves and human health and how smart meters work.
3 pgs
Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
Phase Out Fossil Fuels - Part 1
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"The world is in a crisis caused by fossil fuels, but we have the power to solve it and it's called the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty."
The Treaty is already endorsed by cities, governments, individuals, and organizations worldwide. Like the nuclear nonproliferation treaty,
this was started as a grassroots effort by individuals, with a goal of passage by the United Nations.
Our guest is Brenna Two Bears. She is Diné, Ho-Chunk, and Standing Rock Lakota. Brenna founded the Indigenous Peoples Education and Cultural
Collective and supports the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Initiative as the Fossil Fuel Phase Out Communications Associate and has been fighting
environmental racism in her tribal homelands since age 13.
Both parts are now available on this web site. Click here.
Tune in next week on Friday, May 6, 2:30 p.m., to hear Part 2.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
46 min.
radio show
What is the WTO?
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This Sunday, April 24, 2022, Washington Fair Trade Coalition, Trade Justice Education Fund, International League of Peoples Struggle,
and Migrante PDX are hosting a webinar about the WTO, neoliberalism, and labor.
What is the World Trade Organization (WTO)? How do the WTO and "free trade" policies take power from the people and give it to corporations?
From gig economy to offshoring and labor export policies, from cutting environmental protections to maintaining pharmaceutical
monopolies and withholding healthcare - the working class pays the price for "free trade."
Join the International League of Peoples' Struggle, Migrante Portland, Trade Justice PNW, and the Washington Fair Trade Coalition
to learn more about the WTO and "free trade," how it affects all of us, and how we can fight back.
1 pg
March for Science NYC
72nd St & Central Park West
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Our flagship event is back on April 23, 2022! After two successful virtual Earth Day celebrations, March for Science New York City
is once again taking to the streets in-person to demand science and justice in NYC! We will follow our marching route to our rally point,
at which we'll end the day with a celebration of inspiring booths, speakers, workshops, and more!
March Date: Saturday, April 23rd
Meetup Location and Time: 72nd St. Entrance of Central Park W. at 11:30 AM ET
Rally Start Time: 12:00 PM ET
March Start Time: 12:30 PM ET
March End Location and Time: Bryant Park at 1:30 PM ET
1 pg.
Earth Day Special
Religion, Climate Denial, Women
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There are lots of ways to think about Earth Day - today we are exploring different perspectives: religion and climate, a climate-denier
discussion with listener phone calls, and women and the environment.
In this special 3-hour Eco-Logic Earth Day program we address many myths and untruths about the environment. Eco-Logic provides you
with the information and discussions that we all need. Each hour is linked separately.
Some people think that religion and science don't mix, that religious people are not environmentalists, but in our
first hour, we challenge that with a panel
of folks from various religious doctrines talking about the intersections of religion and science.
In our second hour we discussed how climate information is manipulated,
misrepresented, and exaggerated to hide from the real crisis, and we opened the WBAI phone lines to discuss climate denial and solutions to climate chaos.
In our third hour you'll hear legendary powerful women
environmentalists talk about their fights, even when they get death threats, issues that affect us all, and continue to do so. We'll
hear a powerful description of the global south's struggle against the devastating environmental effects of colonialism, which was
largely responsible for the devastation of healthy ecosystems.
Tune in in next week, Friday, April 29th, at our usual time, 2:30 p.m., for info on the
Fossil Fuel Nonproliferation Treaty!
WBAI, 99.5FM &
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. Scroll Down.
1 hr. @.
radio show
Tax Subsidies for Polluters
What has changed in 10 years?
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Government won't tell you this, but hundreds of billions of dollars of YOUR tax money is given to multi-national billion-dollar corporations.
The federal government has been giving away tax money to polluters for decades. That is money taken from U.S. taxpayers
and given away legally for extra corporate profits rather than human needs. Few people realize the scope of this.
For a few years, several environmental groups and taxpayer activist groups banded together and created the
Green Scissors Report that pointed out some of these giveaways.
Only $380,000,000,000.00 of them (380 billion dollars). "We had to stop somewhere." A copy of each report was given to
the office of every member of Congress. It had a little effect, but only a little.
There were several episodes of Eco-Logic about the Green Scissors Report. This is one of them, from
April 3, 2012. All or almost all of the subsidies and
giveaways mentioned are still in place. In this segment our Ken Gale interviews Ben Schreiber from
Friends of the Earth and Autumn Hanna from
Taxpayers for Common Sense.
Recently, the Green Scissors web site has become active again, so perhaps another report will be coming out.
In the meantime, ask your Senators and Representatives why so much of our tax money is going away to multi-national
billion-dollar corporations instead of for the American people.
Tune in next week on Friday, April 22nd from 2 to 5 PM for our three-hour Earth Day Special.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
1 hr.
radio show
Tax Money Going to Polluters
Green Scissors Report Radio Show
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Government won't tell you this, but hundreds of billions of dollars of YOUR tax money is given to multi-national billion-dollar corporations.
The federal government has been giving away tax money to polluters for decades. That is money taken from U.S. taxpayers
and given away legally for extra corporate profits rather than human needs. Few people realize the scope of this.
For a few years, several environmental groups and taxpayer activist groups banded together and created the
Green Scissors Report that pointed out some of these giveaways.
Only $380,000,000,000.00 of them (380 billion dollars). "We had to stop somewhere." A copy of each report was given to
the office of every member of Congress. It had a little effect, but only a little.
There were several episodes of Eco-Logic about the Green Scissors Report. This is one of them, from
April 3, 2012. All or almost all of the subsidies and
giveaways mentioned are still in place.
Recently, the Green Scissors web site has become active again, so perhaps another report will be coming out.
In the meantime, ask your Senators and Representatives why so much of our tax money is going away to multi-national
billion-dollar corporations instead of for the American people.
1 hr.
Radio Show
Passive House Fundamentals
Free Online Primer
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"Passive House" building techniques are a giant step toward reversing climate chaos. They have been around in one form
or another since the '70s. Buildings that meet the Passive House standard use 70-90% less heating energy than conventional
buildings, have excellent indoor air quality, superior comfort, and are resilient in the face of extreme weather.
Two sessions are scheduled at the moment (April 13 to 14, May 11 to 12).
The Passive House Network provides more in-depth courses leading to certification, designed to follow their intermediate
Fundamentals Series. NYSERDA is their funding partner.
For more information, go to this site
articles and video
Stop the Manchin Machine
The Coal Baron Blockade
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"Think globally, act locally." West Virginia Rising is doing that
with a coalition of local and national activists. On April 9th, they will be protesting at the Grant Town Coal Plant. This plant
represents how corporate politics and fossil fuels all come together to produce inequality.
The Manchin machine is corrupt politics at its worst. Joe Manchin is the chairperson of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources
Committee and he is also a coal baron! Anyone see a conflict of interest there?
"We chose this plant specifically because we need the world to know how corrupt Joe Manchin is. He is not some thoughtful, grandfatherly,
moderate. He is raking in $500,000 per year from his coal company while single-handedly gutting climate legislation. He also directed his
appointees to raise electricity rates on us working-class West Virginians in order to keep his coal business afloat.
"We want to emphasize the racial and economic disparities of who faces the worst effects of the pollution. Communities of color,
Indigenous communities and low-income communities are always on the front line of toxic dumping and combustion."
Join us Friday, April 8, 2:30pm as we speak with Warren Hilsbos on this important action.
Here is the West Virginia Rising Twitterfeed of the event.
Tune in in next week, Friday, April 15th - tax day - at 2:30pm, to hear about the billions of dollars of tax money going to polluters!
WBAI, 99.5FM &
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. Scroll Down.
25 min.
radio show
NJ's Last 2 Coal Plants
Shut Down
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New Jersey's last two coal-fired power plants, both in South Jersey, will close under an agreement reached between their operator and Atlantic
City Electric. The agreement calls for Starwood Energy Group Global LLC to stop burning coal at its Logan Generating Plant and
Chambers Cogeneration Plant in Carneys Point, according to a statement from Atlantic City Electric. Both facilities are expected to
cease coal-fired generation on or around May 31, Starwood Energy said. The company said it will transition the sites "to 21st century
clean energy solutions, such as battery storage."
Atlantic City Electric said the agreement also will produce $30 million in energy bill savings for its customers through the end of 2024.
The primary fuel source at each plant is pulverized coal, delivered to Carneys Point by rail and to the Logan plant by barge, according
to an Atlantic City Electric filing with the BPU. The plants, which have operated since the mid-1990s, also burn fuel oil to produce electricity.
1 pg.
Celebration of Nature
Weird and Interesting Animals
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A Celebration of Nature with biologist Abby Hafer!
Unusual sex of weird animals -- we know you would love to hear about that. This is the place to find out! Did you know that there are
animals that are all female, that have seven genders, that change their sex - you'll have to tune in to find out more.
Sex! We're not just saying that to get your attention. Some of these animals reproduce in strange ways. The show is not
just about sex and gender identity. Some of these animals are weird because of how they deal with their environment through
camouflage or shape shifting. It's also about immortality, animals acting or reproducing like plants, animals that are throwbacks
to the age of dinosaurs, mammals acting like birds, poisonous birds, fish that function out of water, fish that can climb trees -
no foolin'! Sorry, no flying pigs.
Hear about weird sexual attributes and strange behaviors of the immortal jellyfish, mudskipper, dinoflagellite, psychedelic cuttlefish,
archerfish, wombat, mimic octopus, platypus, tardigrades, pitohui, echinda, naked mole rats, star nosed moles, tetrahymena thermophila,
marbled crayfish, Mexican whiptail lizard, hoatzin, photosynthesizing sea slugs, anglerfish. These animals are real, no foolin!
Dr. Abigail Hafer has a Ph. D. in biology from Oxford University and teaches human anatomy and physiology at Curry College in Eastern Massachusetts.
She is the author of "The Not-So-Intelligent Designer" and co-writer of "Darwin's Apostles." Her web site is
Tune in in next week, Friday, April 8th at 2:30pm, to hear about the Joe Manchin #CoalBaronBlockade with #WestVirginiaRising.
WBAI, 99.5FM &
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. Scroll Down.
25 min.
radio show
March 25, 2022
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Our website, as always, has a lot of information for you.
And you can listen to past shows.
Eco-Logic is pre-empted this week for WBAI fund-raising. Please consider donating and/or becoming a WBAI buddy in the name of Eco-Logic.
Next week, Friday, April 1, 2022 at 2:30PM, Eco-Logic will be back - Celebrating Nature - Talking about weird and interesting animals with biologist Dr. Abby Hafer.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. Scroll Down.
SEC Plans To Force Public Companies
To Disclose Greenhouse Gas Emissions
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From an article in the Washington Post comes this article by Douglas MacMillan and Maxine Joselow.
"The Securities and Exchange Commission plans to require all publicly traded companies to disclose their greenhouse
gas emissions and the climate risks their businesses face, part of the Biden administration's broader push to force
the private sector to reckon with the dangers of a warming world.
"The move could mark the most sweeping overhaul of corporate disclosure rules in more than a decade, and could put
the United States on closer footing with other countries set to begin mandated emissions reporting over the next three years."
How the ruling will be used, what loopholes will develop and how effective it will be in mitigating climate change we will find out
in the coming months and years, but this seems like a great step in the right direction.
4 pgs
Nuclear Accidents You Never Heard Of
Kyshtym, Church Rock and Others
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When Russia turned off the power to the Chernobyl nuclear plant during their invasion of Ukraine, our first thought was of the
1957 Kyshtym nuclear
explosion disaster in the Soviet Union. We knew that we needed to do a show relating Kyshtym with the current war and today's nuclear reactors -
an Eco-Logic and TheEnvironmentTV show on nuclear accidents most people have never heard of would be compelling. Cooling radioactive waste remains
an issue at so many reactors.
Most people don't know that nuclear reactors need outside power to operate safely and keep the waste from exploding. It's never over just because
these plants "close." Most people have never heard of Kyshtym and other accidents. We almost lost Detroit - yes, there was a nuclear accident
just 30 miles away at the Fermi nuclear reactor. There have been too many disasters that go unreported, such as
Rio Puerco/Church Rock, NM;
Brown's Ferry, AL; West Valley, NY;
Maxey Flats, KY; Millstone, CT; Ginna, NY; Davis-Besse, OH; Windscale, UK; Idaho Falls, ID; Vermont Yankee, VT. . . .
We'll try to cover as many of these accidents as we can with our guests Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear
and Tim Judson of the Nuclear Information and Resource Service.
Tune in 2 weeks on Friday, April 1st (no really!) at 2:30pm For a Celebration of Nature with Abby Hafer talking about unusual animals such as the Immortal Jellyfish!
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
25 min.
radio show
A Nuclear Waste Explosion
That really happened!
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When Chernobyl's electricity got cut off during the Russia-Ukraine war, electricity that is needed to keep the nuclear waste cool, I thought of the Kyshtym nuclear waste explosion.
It happened in the old Soviet Union and was so large the explosion was detected by the Lamont-Doherty Geologic Lab, though they didn't know the cause at the time.
The explosion knocked several towns off the map. Literally. The next maps of that area that were published had several towns missing.
Being careful with nuclear waste cannot be overstated, but is frequently understated by people who should know better.
Fallout from a nuclear waste explosion, or a nuclear bomb explosion, will be carried around the world by the jet stream and prevailing winds.
various lengths
Many articles
Fukushima 11th Anniversary of the First Day
Live at Indian Point
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Tune in for a live report from Indian Point: commemoration of the anniversary of the start of the ongoing Fukushima nuclear disaster.
Jeanne Shaw is our reporter on the scene.
Fukushima affects us all now and for the forseeable future. Fukushima is not over - radioactive water is being dumped into the ocean.
The only people who have returned have gone home to care for animals left behind, and have little life there.
Every tuna from the Pacific Ocean that has ever been tested has shown signs of radiation from Fukushima - and that means that other fish have been irradiated, as well.
Rice grown near the Fukushima plant has been sent all over Japan to make sake for export.
Japanese doctors are threatened with losing their license if they tell any patient that their health problems have come from the radiation from Fukushima Daiichi.
Japanese mothers have had to buy their own radiation detectors to find out if their food is radioactive. Also, some of the remains of the waste from Fukushima has been used for household goods.
Every single nuclear facility in the world is in everyone's back yard so there is Nowhere to Run.
Tune in next week Friday, March 18th at 2:30 for Kyshtym, Church Rock and Other Nuclear Accidents You Never Heard Of.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
25 min.
radio show
Fukushima Anniversaries
11th Anniversary of Day One of the Ongoing Disaster
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Saturday, March 12 12:30PM in Plymouth, Mass.
Sunday, March 13 Noon from Peekskill, NY to the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant.
March, Rally, Prayer Vigil.
Environment TV video of the 2018 march.
2 pgs.
Global Plastics Treaty
International curb of plastic pollution
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The United Nations Environment Assembly announced March 2nd the outcome of the UNEA 5.2 meeting adopting a mandate to open
negotiations for a legally binding global plastics treaty that addresses the whole life cycle of plastic pollution in the
environment, with negotiations opening later this year.
Graham Forbes, Global Plastic Project Lead at Greenpeace USA, said, "Today, global leaders sitting in Nairobi heard the millions of
voices around the world who are demanding an end to the plastic pollution crisis. This is a clear acknowledgment that the entire
lifecycle of plastic, from fossil fuel extraction to disposal, creates pollution that is harmful to people and the planet. This is a
big step that will keep the pressure on big oil and big brands to reduce their plastic footprint and switch their business models to
refill and reuse."
1 pg.
Sims Municipal Recycling
Acquired by a consortium
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We just heard that Sims Municipal Recycling has been acquired by investors.
These investors include funds managed by Closed Loop Partners, such as the Closed Loop Leadership Fund and the Closed Loop Circular Plastics
Fund, as well as the Partnership Fund for New York City, among others.
These funds include such corporate plastic consumers as Pepsi, Nestle, Unilever, and Dow. We are trying to understand
what this means for the largest dual-stream recycling facility in North America.
This is their Public Relations article.
3 pgs.
Remembering Connie Hogarth
Legacy: The Struggle Continues
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Connie Hogarth was involved in so many progressive organizations and critical issues that it would be nearly impossible to list them all.
She had an amazing gift of bringing people together on varied issues. She saw connections between issues that others saw as separate.
We will talk about how Connie was able to "connect the dots" and find common ground between groups who thought they had little in common. That's a real legacy!
Connie was a founder of WESPAC, the Westchester People's Action Coalition, and epitomized "Think Globally, Act Locally." She worked on
Environmental Justice issues decades before that term or its predecessor, Environmental Racism, was coined. Connie was solutions-oriented,
goals-oriented, and a mentor and inspiration to thousands of activists over six decades.
Her influence was felt in organizations such as Clearwater; Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition; the SHAD Alliance, which she helped found; and
"Parents Concerned About Indian Point," who were interveners in the 1984 NRC hearings. WESPAC continues her legacy.
Our guests today span the decades of Connie's work. Judy Allen was the Assistant Director of the Connie Hogarth Center for Social Action
and Charlie Scheiner, Co-founder of WESPAC. "Connie was a major part of my life (as well as a mentor and role model) for nearly 50 years."
Tune in next week Friday, March 11th at 2:30 for a live report from Indian Point during a commemoration of the anniversary of the start of the Fukushima disaster.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
25 min.
radio show
Eco-Logic is pre-empted this week
But look what we have for you!
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Our website, as always, has a lot of information for you.
And you can listen to past shows.
Eco-Logic is pre-empted this week for WBAI fund-raising. Please consider donating and/or becoming a WBAI buddy in the name of Eco-Logic.
Next week, Friday, March 4 2022 at 2:30PM, Eco-Logic will be back - Remembering Connie Hogarth, Legacy: The Struggle Continues!
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. Scroll Down.
past shows on this web site
Black Climate Week
February 21 - February 25, 2022
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Black communities make the smallest carbon footprint, yet they face the worst of environmental degradation. This proximity
to the problems means frontline communities are also at the forefront of climate solutions. Yet, they receive the least
amount of support! To create equitable climate solutions that honor the leadership, voices, and stories of these communities,
philanthropy must dismantle historical barriers and move forward with transparency, accountability and solidarity.
Black Climate Week honors the innovative climate solutions and environmental justice work that Black folk have been leading
for years, while simultaneously calling in philanthropy and the media to do a better job at investing in the communities most
impacted by the climate crisis and centering Black voices from the bottom up and the top down.
As we move to repair our COVID-battered economy, we have a chance to make it better and more just than it was before. We need
to urge our leaders to build back better by investing in American clean energy to create more jobs and less pollution. Investing
in clean energy will mean cleaner air for more of our communities and help families recover - especially if we focus these
investments in communities of color that suffer disproportionately from chronic air pollution. And because we know that
coronavirus is deadlier for people with conditions caused by air pollution - such as heart and lung disease - that's more
important now than ever.
2 pgs.
Danskammer Fracked Gas Plant
Court Appeal and Public Comment
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The Danskammer electricity plant
will increase industrialization along the Hudson River even as communities are working so hard to reclaim their waterfronts.
And it doesn't fit in with NY's nation-leading climate change goals - to phase out all fossil-fuel electricity generation by 2040.
NY's electricity grid operator found that electricity demands are met without a new Danskammer - and with renewable projects.
On October 27th, 2021, NY's Department of Environmental Conversation (DEC) denied the Danskammer fracked gas power plant required permits.
The decision will protect clean air and water in the Hudson Valley and town of Newburgh, and help New York achieve its emissions reductions
targets under the landmark Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA).
On November 23, 2021 Danskammer requested an adjudicatory hearing to challenge DEC's permit denial. The hearing will include a trial-type
process as well as public comment opportunities. The DEC has announced the public hearing for February 15th at 5:00 p.m.
(deadline to register is February 11th) and February 22nd as the deadline for written comments.
Click here to comment.
2 pgs.
Women of Green
Leaders of Decarbonization and Energy-Efficiency Buildings in NYC
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Solutions to the climate crisis are happening right now! Buildings are continually being renovated and can always be made greener.
Our guests:
Bomee Jung is developing software to help building owners to decarbonize, and provides independent strategic advisory services to select
buildings-sector organizations. At the NYC Housing Authority, the largest apartment owner in the US, she led the development and
implementation of a 10-year strategic sustainability plan. Bomee holds a Master in City Planning, and serves on the boards of
NY Passive House, the Institute for Market Transformation
and Capital For Change.
Christina McPike is the Director of Energy & Sustainability at WinnCompanies, a 50-year-old multifamily housing owner, developer, and manager.
She has implemented over $30 million worth of energy-efficiency upgrades. High-performance design is part of every project, from occupied
moderate renovations to historic adaptive reuse projects to ground-up new construction. Christina successfully applied for a US Department of
Energy Connected Communities initiative, supporting grid-interactive efficient building construction across in Massachusetts. She is a
lifetime member of the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association.
Tune in in two weeks, Friday, March 4th from 2:30 to 2:55pm - for our memorial tribute to superstar activist
Connie Hogarth.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
25 min.
radio show
NYC Fossil Fuel Diventment Continues
Economic and Environmental Reasons
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The New York State pension fund is divesting of some of the fossil fuel stocks that it owns, but not all.
Environmental reasons were cited.
Yes, it's true that NYC would have saved billions of dollars in pension funds if they'd listened to environmentalists years earlier, but they're listening now.
Here is a U.S. News Report.
2 pgs.
DRBC: Don't Frack With Us!
Fracking-Ban Loopholes Endanger Drinking Water
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Yes, we have a fracking ban to protect the Delaware River watershed, which extends into New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.
That's because we know that fracking pollutes air, water, and land - and 10 years ago, activists fought to keep it out.
17 Million people get their drinking water from the Delaware River Watershed. That includes New York City, Philadelphia and much of the area in between.
Fracking chemicals and fracking waste water pollute, too! Still, the Delaware River Basin Commission's proposed new regulations
would allow them into what we were led to believe was a protected area. In addition, local water could be exported for
fracking outside the river basin.
To learn how you can join the fight to protect the watershed, and to get some pointers on how to write effective comments
join us on Friday, Feb. 11 at 2:30 PM as Tracy Carluccio from the
Delaware Riverkeeper Network (DRN) and Wes Gillingham with
Catskill Mountainkeeper explain what is going on
and what input you can have. Tracy is leading the DRN's efforts to submit comments on this attempt to accommodate corporate interests.
Wes co-ordinates campaigns against extreme energy extraction and, having lived off the electric grid for more than 30 years, is
dedicated to pushing New York into a Just Transition away from fossil fuels.
Tune in next Friday, February 18th from 2:30 to 2:55pm - to listen to two Women of Green, leaders of large-scale energy-efficiency programs in New York City buildings.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
25 min.
radio show
The Champlain Hudson Power Express (CHPE) is not a solution
It's a climate disaster!
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Despite the efforts of our friends Grow Renewable New York, Riverkeeper, Sierra Club and others, CHPE has continued moving forward.
NYSERDA has drawn up a CHPE contract, which has been submitted to the Public Service Commission (PSC) for approval. We have very
little time - the comment period ends February 7th.
Governor Hochul, Hydro-Quebec, Blackstone, and the corporate media have been working hard to push this deal through. But more and
more people are becoming aware of the climate, environmental, economic, and human rights damage that comes with this project.
Riverkeeper posted a great action alert on their website, and got 200 comments after having it up for one day!
Despite Hydro Quebec claiming no further dams will be built, that assurance is not in the contract and Hydro Quebec has stated
in the past that they need the CHPE contract in order to finance more dams, which will destroy forests and poison water.
Please use this link to comment and share with your networks:
2 pgs.
There's a New Label in Town
Secret GMOs Hidden In Your Food!
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Bioengineering. That's the new USDA label for genetically modified organisms, GMOs - so watch when you shop, and tune in to hear more.
Climate change isn't the only threat to our existence. Genetically Modified Micro-Organisms can affect all plant life, from crops to trees.
Micro-organisms exchange genes all the time - and we can't control what happens next.
GMOs, Roundup, and other secret ingredients affect your health. The new label doesn't alert you to that!
Our guest is Jeffrey Smith - Founder, Institute for Responsible Technology and Protect Nature Now. For more than two decades, his research
has exposed how biotech companies mislead policy makers and the public, and put the health of society and environment at risk. He
introduced the science on GMOs to medical communities worldwide, inspiring thousands of practitioners to prescribe non-GMO and organic diets.
Bayer/Monsanto and others have been caught rigging their research and covering up dangers. Now, with cheap new techniques that are prone to side-effects,
the industry is engineering anything with DNA: from algae to animals, from fungus to fish. This "Gene Rush" could replace nature in this generation.
It's our duty to investigate, expose, and act.
Tune in next Friday, February 11th at 2:30 to 3:00pm - to hear about new proposed fracking waste water regulations and what you can do.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
25 min.
radio show
Butterfly Sanctuary Threatened
By Trump Supporters
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The National Butterfly Center in Texas that stood up to former President Donald Trump's border wall is now shuttering
indefinitely because of harassment from right-wing conspiracy theorists.
The 100-acre nature preserve in Mission, Texas has been in an ongoing legal battle with the former Trump administration
and non-profit We Build a Wall in order to prevent wall construction on its doorstep, as HuffPost reported. Because of this,
it has been targeted by right-wing groups that have falsely accused the center of being involved in human trafficking.
Read the rest of his report on
2 pgs.
Occupy Biden
Is Back!
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Occupy Biden is a grass roots mobilization to demand that our President do everything in his executive power to address our climate
and ecological crisis. To join them for the next event this coming Presidents Day weekend, follow the links to the left or right.
They will be occupying public land at 900 Centre Rd in Wilmington DE from 8:00am Saturday Feb. 19 through Monday Feb. 21st. There
will be a rally and march on Presidents Day, Monday afternoon.
The climate and ecological crisis is raging all around us and accelerating toward catastrophic tipping points. Time is running
out for us to make a difference and we need all the help we can get!
There are many ways to participate and their web site goes into more detail.
To listen to the episode of Eco-Logic on 12/16/21 that was devoted to the first Occupy Biden,
click here.
1 pg.
Largest Offshore Oil Leases
Stopped in court
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Big News!
Today, the D.C. District Court invalidated the Department of Interior's decision to offer 80 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico
for oil and gas leasing, marking a pivotal victory in the fight to defend Gulf communities and the planet from the worsening
climate crisis. The Court held that Interior failed to accurately disclose and consider the greenhouse gas emissions that would
result from the lease sale, violating a bedrock environmental law. The sale was not only counter to the administration's pledge
to reduce carbon emissions by half by 2030 and meet our climate commitments, but it is illegal and based on previously debunked environmental analysis.
Earthjustice filed the lawsuit on behalf of Healthy Gulf, Center for Biological Diversity, Sierra Club, and Friends of the Earth on Aug. 31, 2021.
2 pgs.
What Now?
Eco-Logic Updates and Follow-Ups
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Often it is hard to find time to do follow-ups and updates - there is always so much new happening, another hearing at which
to comment, another bill to fight - and sometimes even a victory to celebrate! We thank all our past guests and other experts
who contributed to this special program for giving us new information for you!
We have new information on fossil fuels and Joe Biden, Green Amendments, recycling, octopuses, solar canopies, Antarctic icebergs,
nuclear power, fracking, Champlain Hudson Power Express, trees, Delaware River Basin Commission, pesticides, military,
Greenpoint/NoBK pipeline, political music and art, and lots more good stuff.
We've chosen to use this one-hour special to give you updates and to thank you in advance for supporting our show and WBAI.
The transmission tower, which makes it possible for you to hear us, needs you, the listeners! It may seem that radio is
free but there are costs and without advertisers or big money sponsors we rely on our audience. Be the listener
in listener-sponsored radio!
Tune in early next Friday, February 4th at 2:30 to 3:00pm - There's A New Label in Town! GMO's are being hidden, even as they are being "labeled."
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
25 min.
radio show
Biden and Fossil Fuels
And Occupy Biden
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Occupy Biden was a week-long encampment near Pres. Biden's home in Wilmington, Delaware. You might remember the episode of
Eco-Logic we did on Dec. 17th.
Ted Glick was there and, in his Jan. 3rd Future Hope blog, wrote a poem and made a detailed
report for his web site. He writes, "Our camp was literally right by the side of a six-lane highway, Delaware Route 141.
With the exception of the very late night and early morning hours, there was always significant traffic. I'd estimate
50,000 or more vehicles came by us, and we were very visible. There were honks in support, and a much lesser number
of anti-Biden shout-outs."
Read the rest of his report on his website.
The local Wilmington, Delaware newspaper also
reported on it.
But it didn't make national mainstream news.
2 pgs.
Nuclear Leaders Say No
To New Reactors
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Dr. Greg Jaczko, former Chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, is one of 4 former nuclear regulators from
the U.S., Germany, the U.K., and France who have issued a joint statement that in part says, "Nuclear is just not part
of any feasible strategy that could counter climate change."
Their statement, which refers to their feeling of responsibility
as "key experts on the front lines of the nuclear issue," notes, "questions about whether nuclear could help with the climate
crisis, whether nuclear is economically viable, what are the consequences of nuclear accidents, what to do with the waste,
and whether there's a place for nuclear within the swiftly expanding renewable energy evolution."
Their answer: "The central message, repeated again and again, that a new generation of nuclear will be clean, safe, smart and cheap, is fiction.
The reality is nuclear is neither clean, safe or smart; but a very complex technology with the potential to cause significant harm.
Nuclear isn't cheap, but extremely costly.
Perhaps most importantly, nuclear is just not part of any feasible strategy that could
counter climate change. To make a relevant contribution to global power generation, up to more than ten thousand new reactors would
be required, depending on reactor design." The statement also mentions that, in addition to being inherently risky, "newly promoted
reactor designs increase the risk of nuclear weapons proliferation."
1 pg.
Deer Affect Forests
Landowners Affect Forests
Forests with abundant deer can suffer from selective feeding on woody plants during winter months when other food is
limited. This can result in the loss of seedlings and saplings, dominance by invasive species, and shifts in the tree species
that make up the next generation of forest canopy.
This webinar will explore how deer influence the composition and health of our regional forests, and strategies to mitigate deer impacts.
Among the topics to be discussed is ways that landowners can help promote healthy forest regeneration.
Virtual event Wed, Feb 16, 2022 at 7:00-8:00pm EST. Free and open to all.
1 pg.
Good and Bad News
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We did a show on octopuses on March 19th. We have good news and bad news to add. We are sad to see is a commercial octopus farm planned for the
Canary Islands, where European Union farm-animal laws protected only vertebrates.
Yet we're pleased to see a BBC article about Bristol Aquarium scientist Stacey Tonkin's firsthand reports on octopus sentience.
Her observations have been recognized in UK law through an amendment to the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill. The change has come
after a team of experts sifted through more than 300 scientific studies and concluded that octopuses are "sentient beings" and
there is "strong scientific evidence" that they could experience pleasure, excitement and joy - but also pain, distress and harm
- and also concluded that government could consider banning commercial farming.
5 pgs.
NJ drinking water pollution
traced to PA waste treatment plant
New Jersey plastics manufacturer Coim USA disposed of industrial waste in one of Lehigh County, PA's treatment plants.
Putting a cancer-causing chemical in New Jersey drinking water.
COIM USA claims it's a one-time error.
1 pg.
Proposed Giant Vaporizers
in Greenpoint, Brooklyn
By Feb. 7th, the New York Department of Environmental Conservation must make a decision on air quality permits
for two proposed giant vaporizers at National Grid's Greenpoint, Brooklyn, LNG (liquefied natural gas) facility at the edge
of Superfund site Newtown Creek.
The fracked gas is cooled to -261F and stored until needed, at which point it is regassified.
All of these processes are extremely energy-intensive and add to the climate crisis.
The monopoly utility states that there's
no additional storage, just replacement of the existing storage, but the community wants to see the vaporizers removed, not replaced.
National Grid, which had been building trucking stations for illegal trucking of LNG as well as compressed natural gas injection
sites, also expects ratepayers to cover the costs for all this.
Almost every elected official along the route of the North Brooklyn
Pipeline, which goes through communities of color where asthma rates are among the highest in the city, is opposed to the pipeline
and this LNG facility where it would culminate.
A decision could be announced at any time. To keep up with this topic, go to
2 pgs
Saving Governor's Island
Next Steps
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A lawsuit has been filed against the City to nullify the 5/27/21 Governors Island rezoning.
The City's awful rezoning approved on May 27, 2021 was not necessary to bring in a climate solutions center,
but the not legally required climate center concept was necessary to sell the high rise, high density largely commercial rezoning to the public.
To keep up with this topic, go to the M.A.G.I.C. web site.
Trees Not Towers!
5 pgs.
New York's Climate Plan:
What Do We Need to Know?
Thanks to the hard work of people across the state, New York passed the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act
(CLCPA) in 2019.
To achieve a clean economy statewide, including strong provisions for justice and equity, the Climate Action Council
(CAC) was created to make a Scoping Plan to lay out how the state government should meet CLCPA goals.
The draft was released January, 2022. It covers everything from agriculture to fossil-fuel electricity to transportation in 861 pages.
The Sierra Club is hosted a training on Feb. 2 at 7 p.m. to learn about the Scoping Plan and why it matters..
1 pg
Peoples' Music Network
Political Music Weekend
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The Winter Convergence of the People's Music Network for Songs of Freedom and Struggle begins tonight and continues this weekend,
January 28-30, 2022. The event connects and mobilizes performing artists and activists all over the world who use music, poetry,
and other art forms as catalysts for justice and peace. It includes an opening concert, multiple skills workshops, presentations,
and participatory song circles. It takes place in a series of Zoom Rooms. Attendees may also reconnect with others during the
built-in social times and share music at the song circles. Register for the Convergence,
and you will see a schedule and receive the link to be part of this event.
3 pgs.
New Recycling Laws
NJ: 3rd in Nation!
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Our guests, Alex Truelove, Director, Zero Waste Campaign of USPIRG
and Maura Toomey, NJ Zero Waste Organizer of Clean Water Action
lead a spirited discussion of statewide recycling laws for you to listen to.
New Jersey's Governor Murphy just signed a recycled-content law - the first East Coast state, and 3rd nationwide -
to require products sold in the state to include a gradually-increasing percentage of recycled content.
What will be the next state to follow? How powerful are these laws in reality?
A lot of what is put in the garbage is not really trash; much of it can be used as raw materials for new items and kept out of landfills.
Waste Not, Want Not!
Tune in early next Friday, January 28th, 2:00 to 3:00pm, for our TowerFund Special with great content reviewing and updating last year's big stories.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
25 min.
radio show
Using Less Plastic
How YOU can help
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The less plastic we use, the less that will go into rivers, lakes, reservoirs and the ocean.
There are ways to use less. Many environmental groups and web sites have suggestions on how to cut down. Do a search for them, such as
like this.
6 pgs.
Shutting Down Nuclear Reactors
Decommissioning and Radioactivity
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After a nuclear power plant closes, it must be decommissioned - a complex and too often political process.
Our guests will explain how that can best be done, what to do with the nuclear waste, why we all should care.
We will talk about the relationship between climate change and nuclear waste, effects on environmental justice communities,
and what YOU can do!
Our guests are Manna Jo Greene, Environmental Action Director of Hudson River Sloop Clearwater,
and facilitator of the National Nuclear Decommissioning Working Group and Hannah Smay, Digital Organizer at the
Nuclear Information and Resource Service.
Tune in next week January 21st at 2:30pm to hear about plastic recycling.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
25 min.
radio show
Drilling boom continues under Biden
Emissions locked in for decades
Fossil fuel industry excesses under the Trump Administration continue under the Biden Administration,
which goes against campaign promises Biden made when he was running for president.
There are thousands more permits for drilling on public lands.
The environmental news is not all bad, but it is far from all good. Read this article from
Public Citizen.
1 pg.
Trees - Health Effects, Biodiversity,
And Global Climate Benefits
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Trees are important - some people are oblivious to that.
Trees give us oxygen - oxygen makes us feel better, makes us healthier, it makes Earth habitable for people and animals.
They mitigate climate change.
Trees clean the air.
They clean the water.
Trees are the center of ecosystems - everything from other plants to wildlife to microbes to people depend on trees!
They are resting and feeding points for migrating birds.
Trees act as barriers to hurricanes.
They provide shade, which adds to our comfort.
Trees have economic benefits - increase worker and student productivity, reduce air conditioning costs, increase property values.
Neighborhoods seem safer with more trees.
Our guests are Paul Mankiewicz, Ph.D of and
The Gaia Institute
Tim Keating with, Rainforest Relief and is an Eco-Logic Collective member.
Check out these web sites for more on the health and environmental benefits of trees:
Nature Boosts Children's Learning - Science Daily
Students' Academic Performance - Science Direct
Cognitive Development in Children - National Academy of Sciences
Value to a Community - Arbor Day Foundation
Tune in next week January 14th at 2:30pm when we talk about the latest intel regarding nuclear decommissioning and radioactive waste.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
25 min.
radio show
Climate Deniers
Falsifying Wikipedia
Wikipedia itself
tells you that they are not a reliable source because anyone can post on it.
Climate deniers are taking advantage of that to post strange claims.
This article on by Paige Bennett
reports on people spending a lot of their time undoing what the climate deniers do.
1 pg.
Are Everywhere
Microplastics are being found high in the mountains, almost 10,000 feet up.
Microplastics are also found high in the atmosphere.
Check out this article by Cristen Hemingway Jaynes on
2 pgs
How NYC Failed a Community
Don't Kill a Great Park for a Bad Flood Control Plan!
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How do local government and the Courts allow a Park to be destroyed? Tune in this Friday to hear us analyze how it happened and what we can do now.
The entire coastline of the city is going to have to deal with with future storms and resiliency, so if this is how our City plans to protect us, we're in trouble.
Our guests today are Kathryn Freed, one of the attorneys on the lawsuit representing East River Park Action to save East River Park.
Kathryn is a former New York State Supreme Court judge and a former council member for Lower Manhattan. And Harriet Hirshorn, a
co-founder of East River Park Action and an award-winning documentary film-maker.
For more information, go to East River Park Action
Tune in in two weeks, next year, Friday Jan 7th at 2:30pm to hear about the health effects of trees, forests, biodiversity and global climate benefits.
WBAI, 99.5FM &
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. Scroll Down.
25 min.
radio show
Climate Change
Is Literally Shrinking Birds
A baseline study in a remote area of Brasil's Amazon Rainforest has shown that the birds there are getting smaller and changing shape in response to climate changes.
When climate change does something like this, you can be sure it's having other, less-documented effects as well.
The article in Science News Magazine
explains how climate, whether warm or cold, affects an animal's body shape.
The shrinkage has affected birds of many different families.
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Occupy Biden
Strong Climate Action For The World
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Is Pres. Biden doing enough to fight climate change? The folks of Occupy Biden think not and are demanding that
he declare a climate emergency and stop all new fossil-fuel projects
Occupy Biden is a culmination of the Grandparents Walk for Their Grandchildren and Mother Earth that began in
June, 2021 that ended in a civil disobedience at Chase Bank in Wilmington, Del.
Our guest is Karen Igou of Occupy Biden; they are doing an action near Pres. Biden's home in Wilmington Del from
Christmas Day to New Year's Day - a week of discomfort to ally with people who are suffering a lot more.
Tune in this Friday, Dec. 17 at 2:30 PM.
This is not a Bash Biden show, rather a Pro-Climate Action show.
For more information, go to
Read this article on
tune in next week, Friday Dec 24th, 2:30pm, to hear about updates to the East River Park struggle.
WBAI, 99.5FM &
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. Scroll Down.
25 min.
radio show
Bad and Good News
About East River Park
There is NO Rule of Law. On Thursday, Dec. 16, 2021, the courts allowed the City to violate their own Restraining Order.
They issued a Restraining Order then allowed it to be violated. Destruction is now going on 24/7 so that soon there won't be a Park to protect.
What does this mean for other Restraining Orders? Not just for environmental issues. If courts do not respect their own Orders in one area,
you can be sure they won't respect them in another. What does Rule of Law mean in 2021?
Despite a Temporary Restraining Order (TSO) that was granted on Nov. 4, 2021 to halt destruction of East River Park, trees have been destroyed.
On December 8, a new Temporary Restraining Order was granted, which stopped work again, but then the City defied the court order and started cutting more trees, anyway.
Activists are gathering in the park every day to make sure the TSO is obeyed.
More information, including court documents, is on East River Park Action's web site.
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Three Myths Against Renewable Energy DEBUNKED!
from Amory Lovins and M. V. Ramana
Now that Renewable Energy has caught on in such a big way, poison power (fossil fuel and nuclear) supporters and
representatives are trying to erode that support and send people back to thinking that poison power is somehow better. What they are saying are myths.
The Yale School of the Environment published an article by
long-time safe/sane energy activist Amory Lovins and M. V. Ramana debunking those myths.
"Renewable energy skeptics argue that because of their variability, wind and solar cannot be the foundation of a
dependable electricity grid. But the expansion of renewables and new methods of energy management and storage
can lead to a grid that is reliable and clean."
"The renewable energy transition has been sped by plummeting costs - Bloomberg New Energy Finance estimates that
solar and wind are the cheapest source for 91 percent of the world's electricity - but is being held back by misinformation and myths."
Poison power advocates ignore the unreliability of poison power due to refueling, accidents, human error and mechanical error.
For more information, read their article by clicking here.
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Federal Radiation Exposure Compensation Act
Passes a Committee Vote
In a stunning bipartisan vote, this week the U.S. House of Representative Judiciary Committee passed the
Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Amendments of 2021 on a vote of 25 to 8.
House Democratic leaders will decide when there will be a vote on the House Floor.
The Senate Bill is Number 2798.
The bipartisan nature of the support so far gives environmentalists reason for cautious optimism.
1 pg
National Tap Water Database
What's in Your Tap Water
Drinking water differs throught the country, depending on the source and what is put in it locally.
"Just because your tap water gets a passing grade from the government doesn't always mean it's safe."
We are NOT advocating bottled water, for the health and environmental reasons explained on an episode of Eco-Logic.
If you can, filter water as it comes into your home, for reasons also explained on the same episode of Eco-Logic, do so.
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Futuristic Solar Energy Innovations
Beyond Silicon
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Solar cells have always been made with silicon and "rare earth" elements. A shortage of rare earth elements have motivated scientists to find new ways of getting electricity from the sun.
New, exciting, and more efficient technologies are on the horizon. Also, the expectation is that the new solar cells will be cheaper and manufactured in the U.S.
Tune in this Friday, Dec. 10 at 2:30 PM as DV Venkataraman from the University of Massachusetts Amherst
discusses cutting-edge innovations in solar technology. Here is a link to one of his scientific papers
on "thin film" organic solar cells of the future.
Tune in next week, Friday, Dec 17th at 2:30pm to hear about the Climate Justice Occupation near Biden's home in Wilmington DE December 25th thru January 1st.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
25 min.
radio show
Natural Flood Control Restored
Daylighting Tibbet's Brook
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Hundreds of brooks,streams and springs throughout New York City were buried and diverted into the sewer systems so that buildings could be built on top of them.
With climate change causing more "extreme weather events," these underground brooks are causing flooding of homes and roads.
To alleviate some of the flooding and pressure on NYC's Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO)
in the Bronx, Tibbet's Brook is being "daylighted" - unearthed. This will keep at least 2.2 billion gallons of water out of the CSO every year.
3 pgs.
Eco-Logic 1 hour Special
Holiday Gifts
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Stumped for gifts? Trying to find something for your favorite environmentalist, or a science teacher, or a fan? We have
special premiums that are just again becoming available. We have films, music, and radio; CDs and DVDs; and even a WBAI flash drive.
Join us this Friday, December 3, a bit early - from 2 to 3 p.m. - to revisit some of our most important shows and help us keep
WBAI-FM alive and healthy. Donate and choose your premium gift, become a BAI Buddy, or make a donation to tell us you are out there listening.
Hear our experts discussing Butterflies, Health Effects of Indoor Plants, the BP Blow-out One Year Anniversary, Early Days of Fracking, Bottled Water
and the Plastic It Comes In, "The River that Harms" (the worst nuclear accident in U.S. history, almost unknown), and Music by the Raging Grannies with Pete Seeger.
Tune in on Friday, Dec. 3 at 2:00PM.
tune in next week, Friday Dec 10th at 2:30pm for New Developments in Solar Technology
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. Scroll Down.
1 hr.
radio show
Food, Glorious Food!
Making Sense of the Food System
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Thousands of volunteers work long hours to feed the hungry. There are many agencies and organizations set up to help,
but sometimes they lose track of what is really going on with the hungry.
This week we talk with Jannie Wolff of The Good News Foundation, who goes into the field to find out who is being
helped and who isn't and why or why not. The goal is getting the highest quality and healthiest food to people and
empowering youth, families and communities to live in abundance beyond Thanksgiving.
Tune in on Friday, Nov. 26th, at 2:30PM.
tune in next week, Friday Dec 3rd, 2:00 to 3pm, for an expanded one hour Special, chock full of information from your
favorite Eco-Logic past shows that are available as premiums.
WBAI, 99.5FM &
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
25 min.
radio show
Good News
About East River Park
A Temporary Restraining Order was granted on Nov. 4, 2021 to halt destruction of East River Park and work stopped.
On Nov. 19, the DA declined to prosecute Alice O'Malley and Allie Ryan for blocking the construction entrance to the tennis courts on Nov. 1, when when destruction of East River Park was to begin.
"We know there's a better plan that will give us flood control and preserve much of our park. We hope this suit gives us a chance for
a do-over before our park becomes an environmental disaster that will harm our neighborhood's physical and mental health and the health of the planet."
More information, including court documents, is on East River Park Action's web site.
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New Bee and Pesticide Study
from the National Academy of Sciences
Now the National Academy of Sciences also has a study showing the deadly effects of poisonous pesticides on bees.
"We reveal that pesticide exposure, both directly to foraging bees and via carryover effects from past exposure, dramatically
reduced bee reproduction, which reduced population growth.
"Bees may require multiple generations to recover from a single pesticide exposure; thus, carryover effects must be considered
in risk assessment and conservation management."
For more info, follow the link.
1 pg
Climate Activists Block U N
COP26 Was a Failure!
At 9:20 am on the morning of Monday, November 15th, Extinction Rebellion activists blocked the entrances of the United Nations Headquarters with banners reading
"Criminal Climate Betrayal" and "Climate Action Now." The action comes days after the close of COP26, which failed to meet the urgency of the climate crisis and
delayed consideration of bigger emission cuts until the end of 2022, "requesting" that governments come up with stronger pledges by that date.
"We've been down this road before. Pledges were made at COP21 in Paris six years ago, but greenhouse gas levels have only risen since. The Glasgow Climate Pact
is a death sentence. It fails to protect the nations and people who are already suffering from the climate crisis. Without drastic action such as stopping all
new fossil fuel investments, world leaders are complicit in crimes against humanity," said Kerith Creo, a spokesperson for Extinction Rebellion NYC.
At COP26, President Biden told the world that the United States will "lead by the power of our example" in reducing emissions. Yet just days after COP26,
the Administration held the U.S.'s
largest offshore drilling auction,
amounting to 80 million acres, an area twice the size of Mexico, in the Gulf of Mexico. Oil and gas leasing
on public lands and waters accounts for 1/5 of energy-related U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
There are photos and video on the web site.
2 pgs
Making Solar Happen
Mapping the Future
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We all want more solar - it is a great way to address the climate crisis and a way to save money, too! We have the technology,
the money, and the workforce. We even have a map of where to put the panels.
What is blocking the way is bureaucracy, utilities, the lack of political will, and the scarcity of solar panels.
We don't need more methane power plants, nor nuclear plants, nor CHPE cables from Canada.
Join Manna Jo Greene, Environmental Action Director of Clearwater, and Ron Leonard of Eco-NRG, LLC talking about how to make
solar happen in your communities ... and using the important tool of Sustainable CUNY's NY Solar Map.
Tune in on Friday, Nov. 19th, at 2:30PM.
tune in next week, Friday Nov 26, 2:30pm for our Holiday Show - Food, Glorious Food
WBAI, 99.5FM &
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site. Scroll Down.
25 min.
radio show
Hunger Strike Ends
After Two Weeks Without Food
From an article in the Huffington Post
by Sarah Ruiz-Grossman
After Pres. Biden pledged again to cut emissions in half by 2030, the Sunrise Movement activists said in a
twitter video that they plan to turn their "fire" toward
coal-oriented Sen. Joe Manchin and other folks in Congress that are more willing to fight for oil and gas billionaires and not for the young people and their communities.
One activist, Paul Campion, 24, ended his strike earlier after being sent to the hospital and diagnosed with bradycardia,
which develops when one's heartbeat falls to an abnormally slow rate and can be life-threatening. During the hunger strike, Kidus Girma, 26, was
hospitalized overnight for nausea, dizziness and blurred vision, but then returned to the strike.
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COP 26
What Happened, What's Next
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COP26 is ending November 12. Our previous Eco-Logic presented two youth activists speaking about COP26.
Now, Brenna Two Bears, with
Climate Access, joins us from Glasgow, Scotland for a first-person COP26 report.
Also joining us is Keyon Rostamnezhad, Global Goals Ambassador for Climate Action, UNA-USA.
Brenna Two Bears says, "I am from Flagstaff, Arizona in the United States on the territory of the Navajo Nation. I am also part of the
Ho-Chunk Nation, and the Standing Rock Lakota Nation. I am representing the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty initiative."
Some reports have been encouraging, some have been more critical-- has this been a success? What is a success? Have all voices been heard?
Tune in on Friday, Nov. 12th, at 2:30PM.
tune in next week, Friday Nov 19, 2:30pm for Advancements in Solar Science and Installations.
WBAI, 99.5FM &
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.
25 min.
radio show
Eco-Logic Is
Pre-empted for this week
Eco-Logic will return next week. On Friday, Nov. 12, COP26 concludes! We bring you the recap and talk about what the future holds
from all that talk. Tune in at 2:30pm on Friday, Nov. 12.
In the meantime, look over all the news items and information on this page.
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COP26 is a large international climate conference held November 1 - 12, 2021 in Glasgow, Scotland. Young people have been making themselves
impossible to ignore as they need to see their future protected. It is time to have a realistic international commitment on climate issues!
Our guests are Matt Salton, the Environmental Action Associate of Clearwater, and Paul Presendieu from Sustainable Westchester, who serves
as a United Nations Foundation Global Ambassador for Sustainable Development. They will discuss the strong presence that youth will have at COP26.
We will have a forward-thinking conversation on how opportunities in youth engagement and inter-generational dialogue can be elevated on local and
global levels. There is No Time to leave things up to the next generation.
Matt will also speak briefly on the environmental proposition now on the New York State ballot!
October 29th is also the 9th anniversary of Superstorm Sandy. Sandy points out the need for Real Solutions at COP26
Next, in two weeks - Fri. Nov. 12, COP26 concludes! We bring you the recap and talk about what the future holds
from all that talk. Tune in at 2:30pm on Friday, Nov. 12.
WBAI, 99.5FM &
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
25 min.
radio show
Superstorm Sandy
Eyewitness Account
I (this is Ken Gale writing this) watched Superstorm Sandy approach New York City.
I watched the storm surge flow over South St. and up Wall St.
Then the power went out in the building. The storm surge went up 18 feet, totally submerging the traffic lights on the corner of Wall St. and South St.
Emergency lights lasted a few hours and then we were in total darkness.
I was at the station for 61 hours. This is my report.
3 pgs
Sunrise Movement
D.C. Hunger Strike
Beginning Oct. 20, 2021, the youth-led Sunrise Movement started a hunger strike in front of the White House.
The protest started the day after the US president threatened to water down his social and environmental legislation and
with Washington's commitments about to face scrutiny at the COP26 summit in Glasgow.
They will eat no food and drink only water. They intend to gather in Lafayette Park every day from
8am to 8pm until their demands are satisfied - which include a civilian climate corps, clean energy performance program
and funding for environmental justice.
For more info, follow the link.
2 pgs
Fossil Fuel Treaty
COP26 Events
Details of upcoming events featuring the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative
Events include
a Fossil Fuel Phase Out Fest on Nov. 4,
#FossilFuelTreaty at the COP26 People's Summit on Nov. 9,
Cities Leading the Essential Phase Out of Oil, Gas and Coal, also on Nov. 9, and
Transparency, Accountability and Fossil Fuels on Nov. 12
For more info, follow the link.
2 pgs
The Good, The Bad, The Reality
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Tune in on Friday, Oct. 22, 2:30PM to hear energy expert Andy Padian discuss electrification.
There's been a lot of buzz about electrification among environmentalists, governments, architects,
engineers, and more. They talk of our buildings, of our cars, of our municipal fleets. However,
we need to focus more on our power plants, the electricity grid and building efficiency.
How does NIMBY factor in?
When is it an Environmental Justice issue?
What's the relationship to climate change?
Next week, Fri. Oct. 29, 2:30pm, we focus on Youth and COP 26.
October 29th is also the 9th anniversary of Superstorm Sandy. Sandy points out the need for
Real Climate Solutions at COP26
WBAI, 99.5FM &
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
25 min.
radio show
Wildfires From Space
NASA photograph
Wildfires in California are getting a lot of publicity. Sometimes we'll hear about wildfires in other western states, including Alaska.
There are wildfires throughout the world. Hundreds of them. Check out the links to the NASA photographs of them.
The map is interactive and you can get close-ups of many areas of the world.
This site mentions no political conclusions, even with the IPCC report being so alarming.
1 pg
Pacific Leatherback Conservation Day
Is Today
The largest sea turtle in the world can grow up to seven feet and weigh more than a ton.
Eats jellyfish.
Can dive to depths of 4,200 feet, deeper than any other turtle, and can hold its breath for over an hour.
Might not be a true "cold-blooded" OR "warm-blooded" animal, like some dinosaurs may have been.
For more info, follow the link.
1 page
Report Back
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This has been an amazing week of action designed to wake up the administration to honor their campaign promises - C'mon, Biden!
The Build Back Fossil Free Coalition's
People vs. Fossil Fuels action began on Indigenous People's Day
and included hundreds of groups and thousands of people.
We are gathering several people, including Eco-Logic Collective member JK Canepa and journalist Ted Glick, who were at the
daily rallies and civil disobedience in DC to speak with us Friday October 15th at
2:30pm. If you were there and want your comments included in the broadcast, send them to us.
Listen in for our live on the scene report from the People vs Fossil Fuels action in Washington, DC
People vs Fossil Fuels Artists: Christi Belcourt, Jan Burger, Josh MacPhee
Tune in next week, Fri. Oct. 22, 2:30pm for Wildfires From Space! The Immense Scope of the Problem and its Causes.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
25 min.
radio show
People vs. Fossil Fuels
Demanding a Fossil Free Future!
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President Biden has the executive authority to stop fossil fuel expansion now, but he is not doing it. By refusing to stop major fossil
fuel projects, the president has broken his campaign promises to protect Indigneous rights, prioritize environmental justice, and fully
address the climate crisis. This week of action is trying to get him to listen to the people!
Indigenous People's Day is this coming Monday, October 11, and the Indigenous Environmental Network
and people from front-line communities lead off People vs. Fossil Fuels,
a week of action in Washington DC. Build Back Fossil Free, a coalition of
hundreds of Indigenous, Black, environmental, climate justice, youth, and social justice groups, will be demonstrating
outside the White House all week, each day focussing on a particular issue related to
dirty energy and the current policy discussions.
On this show we have an activist from one of the organizing groups: Alex Beauchamp
from Food & Water Watch.
At this writing, there are still seats for the Wednesday, Oct. 13
bus from NYC to DC for Thursday morning's actions.
Tune in next week, Fri. Oct. 15, 2:30pm for our live on the scene report from People vs Fossil Fuels actions in Washington, DC.
WBAI, 99.5FM &
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
25 min.
radio show
Louisiana black-out an act of Entergy
by Greg Palast
Louisiana Black-out: Not an Act of God, an Act of Entergy
The effect of Hurricane Ida on the people of the New Orleans area should not be forgotten.
The role of the energy corporation Entergy should not be forgiven for making the problem worse and last longer.
It is the company that used to own a lot of nuclear power plants.
Investigative Journalist Greg Palast gives you the details.
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Confronting BlackRock
Global climate-threatening financier
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BlackRock has been greenwashing its investments in dirty fossil fuels, deforestation, the military and other environmentally destructive projects.
Financial giants like BlackRock are not used to the public knowing what they do, much less holding them accountable for the impacts of their investments. Yet a growing global movement is doing just that.
Starting October 1st, a worldwide network of NGOs, social movements, grassroots groups, and financial advocates will show up at BlackRock offices around the globe for a week of actions to remind employees of what their company is doing. Join us on Eco-Logic to learn more about how to get involved locally.
Guests: Mary Cerull: Climate Finance Action, Founder; part of the BlackRock's Big Problem campaign, a network
of campaigners, scientists, researchers, and policy experts. #BlackRocksBigProblem
Nancy Mancias: CODEPINK National Organizer, San Francisco Bay Area, CA, part of the BBP campaign.
For a video of the Sept. 21 "Walk of Shame" to many financiers of pollution, go to this video
Tune in next week, Fri. Oct. 8, 2:30pm for "The People Vs. Fossil Fuels"
WBAI, 99.5FM &
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
25 min.
radio show
What does $20 Trillion look like?
Here's a visualization
The numbers used by corporations, the military and the government to define profit or debt or taxes or spending are too big to comprehend easily.
If a number ends in "illion," it's hard to visualize and differentiate from another number that ends in "illion."
This web site gives a graphic representation. It's fascinating to scroll down.
Bear in mind that the visualizations would be 100 times larger if they used $1.00 bills.
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Confronting BlackRock
Global climate-threatening financier
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Postponed one week to Oct. 1, 2021, 2:30PM due to technical difficulties.
BlackRock has been greenwashing its investments in dirty fossil fuels, deforestation, and other environmentally destructive projects.
Financial giants like BlackRock are not used to the public knowing what they do, much less holding them accountable for the
impacts of their investments. Yet a growing global movement is doing just that.
On October 1st, a worldwide network of NGOs, social movements, grassroots groups, and financial advocates will show up at
BlackRock offices around the globe to remind employees of what their company is doing. Join us on Eco-Logic to learn more
about how to get involved locally.
Guest: Mary Cerulli: Founder of Climate Finance Action; part of the BlackRock's Big Problem campaign, a network of campaigners, scientists,
researchers, and policy experts. #BlackRocksBigProblem
WBAI, 99.5FM &
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
25 min.
radio show
The Effects of a 20-year Drought
And more people along the Colorado River
The Colorado River has been in a 20-year drought. Millions more people use the river for drinking water and crop
irrigation than when the drought began. The Colorado River no longer reaches the sea.
Water levels have declined so much that water is no longer available to everyone who has taken it for granted. Almost all
cities and states in the Southwest U.S. have been spending a lot more money on water conservation, water reuse, and water
recycling, but mandatory water restrictions have also been put in place.
Yet the population continues to increase and crops continue to be grown in a desert.
Environmentally destructive methods of getting water, such as desalination, are being proposed.
For more information, read this article by Gary Wockner on
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Oil Companies Respond to Pressure
Shell sells an oil field
Oil companies DO respond to outside pressure. Dutch oil company Shell Oil, which is notoriously anti-environmentalist,
responded to demands to become greener and sold their oil holdings in Texas to ConocoPhilips. This does not decrease
greenhouse gas emissions, but it does show that public pressure works - in Europe. We have no doubt that U.S. oil companies
will eventually also be forced to clean up their acts.
Read the whole article by Olivia Rosane on
The October 1 episode of Eco-Logic will be on People Vs. Fossil Fuels.
1 page
Sponges Save Coral Reefs
In Florida Keys
"Sponge Bobbie" Renfro is a Ph.D. candidate at Florida State University with a specialty in sponges. Sponges are the
first multi-cellular animal to evolve, 550 or more million years ago. Coral reefs are among the most productive ecosystems on Earth.
She is using sponges to restore Florida coral reefs, that are only about 1/20 their former size, from a deadly coral disease,
poor water quality, and the climate crisis.
Read how she is doing that and what the results have been in
an article by Tiffany Duong on
For more on ocean ecology, there are radio shows and articles linked from this web page.
2 pgs.
Late-night comedians
Tackle the Climate Crisis
For one night, seven popular late-night comedy shows hope will be addressing the climate crisis.
On Wednesday, September 22, the hosts are dedicating a portion of each of their shows to giving climate change a
platform. The goal of the unprecedented, coordinated effort is to reach a wide audience and convey
the seriousness of the challenge faced by humanity.
Participants are FCBS' "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" and "The Late Late Show with James Corden," ABC's "Jimmy Kimmel Live!,"
NBC's "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon" and "Late Night with Seth Meyers," Comedy Central's "The Daily Show with Trevor Noah"
and TBS' "Full Frontal with Samantha Bee."
more info
web site
Resist False Climate Solutions
Hoodwinked in the Hothouse 3rd edition
The Climate False Solutions collective's Hoodwinked in the Hothouse: Resist False Solutions to Climate Change
analyzes greenwashing and so-called solutions to climate change that are actually worse than the opposite of a solution because they take
time, energy, attention and money away from real solutions and make things worse.
Check out these chapters and download a pdf: Carbon pricing Nature-based Solutions Bioenergy Natural Gas Hydrogen Landfill Gas to Energy
Waste Incineration Nuclear Power Renewable energy Hydroelectricity Geoengineering Carbon Capture Real Solutions for Climate Justice.
Demand Against Nuclear Bailouts
In Infrastructure Bills
BREAKING: There are proposals in both the energy legislation for the larger reconciliation package (S.2291/H.R.4024) and
the bipartisan infrastructure bill, the Build Back Better Act, which together would grant up to $50 billion to prop up
aging, increasingly uneconomical nuclear reactors for the next decade.
This is another example of socialism for the rich, with taxpayers paying expenses for businesses that cannot or will not pay their own way.
This is also an example of not taking the urgency of climate change seriously and ignoring nuclear power's immense contribution to the climate crisis.
It would also prevent the creation of more than 60,000 new jobs.
more info
web site
Polluters pretend they are clean
On this, the 10th Anniversary of Occupy Wall Street
from members of the Environmental Solidarity Working Group...
Polluters pretend they're clean
Climate Week, or what we at Eco-Logic call Greenwash Week, unfortunately has been co-opted by corporate polluters. The sponsors are almost all from
polluting industries, including their headline partner National Grid, which brings fracked gas pipelines to North Brooklyn, among many other locations.
They have included a couple of organizations that do good work, which itself is greenwashing.
Although Cambridge Dictionary says greenwashing is designed "to make people believe that your company is doing more to protect the
environment than it really is," greenwashing in reality hides the fact that they may not be doing anything at all or take too much
credit for too little action.
"Greenwashing is all about misdirection, showing one thing that distracts you from what is really going on. The main issue is that
it gets in the way of real progress on such significant environmental issues as climate change, plastic ocean pollutions, air pollution,
and global species extinctions." -Leyla Acaroglu on
With greenwashing, environmental problems stay the same, or more likely get even worse, as greenwashing often sucks up airtime and
misdirects well-intentioned consumers down the wrong path.
Polluting industries are not about to repent.
"...'net zero' plans from big polluters are nothing more than a big con. The reality is that corporations like Shell have no
interest in genuinely acting to solve the climate crisis by reducing their emissions from fossil fuels. They instead plan
to continue business as usual while greenwashing their image with tree planting and offsetting schemes that can never ever
make up for digging up and burning fossil fuels. We must wake up fast to the fact that we are falling for a trick. Net zero
risks obscuring a lack of action until it is too late." - Sara Shaw, Friends of the Earth International, Climate Justice
and Energy program co-coordinator
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
25 min.
radio show
Military Impacts on Climate!
Military Exemptions in Climate Agreements
right click to enlarge image.
Eco-Logic shows you climate change from another angle: the impact of the military and how its emissions are routinely exempted from
climate agreements -- despite being the largest single user of fossil fuels in the world.
Our guests, who have been working in the peace movement for decades, are Nobel Peace Prize recipient Alice Slater of
ICAN, also with
World Beyond War and
Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space,
and Cindy Piester with
Veterans for Peace
and Unitarian Universalists for a Just Economic Community.
"US Militarism is the elephant in the room that is not being addressed, for want of public awareness and governmental resolve."
Here is Code Pink's 10 links between the climate crisis and militarism.
Stop Excluding Military Pollution in Climate Agreements petition.
Join us in two weeks, Friday, September 17th, at 2:30 p.m., when Eco-Logic previews Greenwash Week!
25 min.
Banning Poison Pesticides
Two Victories!
right click to enlarge image.
After years of hard work the EPA has banned the use of the pesticide chloropyrifos on all food. Recently the
NYC Council banned the toxic pesticide glyphosate in city parks and playgrounds. This is huge! We'll have two activists
who have been on the forefront of fighting against poison in our playgrounds, parks and crops.
Our guests have worked to protect our food supply and our children from toxic pesticides. Kristin Schafer is the executive director of the
Pesticide Action Network, which works with those on the frontlines to tackle the pesticide
problem and reclaim the future of food and farming. Paula Rogovin is a long time environmental and peace activist who inspired her
kindergarten students to solve the problem of poison on their playgrounds.
join us next Friday, September 3rd, at 2:30 p.m., when Eco-Logic discusses the military exceptions in all of the climate agreements- they keep getting exemptions!
25 min.
radio show
Brooklyn Botanic Garden Protected
BREAKING: Rarely does the City of New York's government say No to developers. Permits to destroy and modify East River Park and Governor's Island in ways that
hurt nature and most of the Public are recent examples.
However, the City Planning Commission will vote to disapprove the controversial Crown Heights apartment tower that threatens to block the
Brooklyn Botanic Garden's sunlight, the commission's chair said on August 16. They cited public opposition, but in the past, that seldom
sways decision-makers against developers.
For more information, listen to the 3/11/21 episode of Eco-Logic or read this article by Ben Brachfield
more info
web site
Electric Vehicles and Climate Change
Biden's Car Rules Explained
The transportation sector, especially private vehicles, account for 1/3 of climate-chaos-causing greenhouse gases - nearly half
(46%) of New Jersey's emissions. (Because NYC resididents have so few cars most [70%] of NYC's emissions are from buildings).
Pres. Biden addressed the problem, announcing new standards while standing with reps from the Big Three U.S. automakers.
We discuss the good and bad points of Biden's program, and of electric vehicles generally, with Scott Hochberg, transportation
attorney at the Center for Biological Diversity's Climate Law Institute.
Join us next Friday, August 27th, at 2:30 p.m., when Eco-Logic discusses the EPA's ban on a carcinogenic pesticide and
New York's limitations on pesticides in city parks.
25 min.
radio show
Plastics Project needs EIS
BREAKING: the US Army Corps has been ordered to prepare a full Environmental Impact Statement for Formosa Plastics' project,
which could take years to complete.
The fight to stop Formosa Plastics from building a mega-polluting petrochemical plant in St. James Parish, Louisiana is moving
to the White House. After a lot of hard work - through the leadership of RISE St. James, the power of the people, and
robust legal opposition - construction has been delayed.
The plant would pollute a predominantly Black community, disturb unmarked burial sites of formerly enslaved people,
degrade wetlands, and deepen the plastic pollution crisis.
more info
web site
Alaska Oil Project Stopped!
A federal judge rejects Trump-era permits for a major Alaska oil project, a setback for ConocoPhillips' Willow project,
which aimed to produce more than 100,000 barrels a day on the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska.
The project had been backed by both the Trump and Biden administrations, despite a host of environmentalistal and Indigenous communities' concerns.
An Obama appointee, U.S. District Judge Sharon Gleason, wrote in her ruling that the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service incorrectly approved the project because they failed to adequately analyze its climate impact and other possible development plans,
and didn't specify how polar bears would be protected.
For more information, read the enviropolitics article or
the Washington Post article
1 page.
NY PSC rules for utilities
On 8/12, while the temperature hit 97ºF, as we were reeling from the latest IPCC climate report, the NYS Public Service Commission
voted YES on corporate utility National Grid's rate hike on the backs of the New York area communities forced to buy their
fracked gas. The regulators falsely claimed the North Brooklyn Pipeline did not harm disadvantaged communities in its path, and that
it complies with our State's climate laws. Four days later Ruhan Nagra was in court to halt the related and illegal construction
of National Grid's Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) facility and the utility's lawyer claimed the company was "suffering" because of the activists.
For more information, learn about the lawsuit,
catch up on the story at No NBK Pipeline Campaign this Monday 8/23,
join the rate strike against National GREED.
Listen to the episode of Eco-Logic on this.
more info
web site
Danskammer Fracked Gas Plant
Public Hearing
Click on the picture to Enlarge it -->
The Danskammer electricity plant
will increase industrialization along the Hudson River even as communities are working so hard to reclaim their waterfronts.
And it doesn't fit in with NY's nation-leading climate change goals - to phase out all fossil-fuel electricity generation by 2040.
NY's electricity grid operator found that electricity demands are met without a new Danskammer - and with renewable projects.
The Stop the Plant Coalition calls on Governor Cuomo to Stop the
Danskammer Plant and, instead, commit to 100% renewable energy.
The public hearing is Monday and Tuesday, August 23 & 24, with the deadline for registration to speak of Friday, August 20.
web site
Eco-Logic Pre-empted
for August 13, 2021
This week, Eco-Logic is pre-empted for WBAI fund-raising.
Please explore this web page and visit our partners' web sites:
Environment TV
Songs of Freedom
NYC Friends of Clearwater
Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition
Lots of Eco-Links
Lots of Eco-Links
Barry the Barred Owl
Central Park, NYC
Nearly every winter, there are owls in New York City's Central Park. Many species have visited the park, but rarely do they
stay into the spring and summer. This winter, a Barred Owl, a more common relative of the famous Spotted Owl, stayed months
after winter was over. Birders named her Barry the Barred Owl.
On August 6th, she died after a collision with a Central Park Conservancy maintenance vehicle. The Central Park Conservancy is a private,
nonprofit park conservancy that manages Central Park under a contract with the City of New York and NYC Parks. In the 1980s, the
Conservancy and birders were at odds when the Conservancy, then under Betsy Barlow, cut down hundreds of trees to create "vistas."
Hundreds of people gathered in Central Park on August 9th to mourn her. She is credited with teaching thousands of people about the nature in Central Park.
1 page
web site
To Destroy a Park
Mayor de Blasio overrules Comptroller Stringer
Last week, the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Auditor of City agencies, Comptroller Scott Stringer, rejected the IPC Resiliency Partners
contract (IPC) for the East Side Coastal Resiliency project at East River Park. The Comptroller sent the contract back to the Department of Design
and Construction due to outstanding issues including IPC's failure to meet the City's goal of hiring 30% of minority/women-owned business
enterprises. It is also not clear that all of the companies comprising IPC, which is a joint venture, have filed all of the required disclosures
in the city's PASSPort system, as required by the Procurement Policy Board rules and the New York City Administrative Code.
Days after Comptroller Stringer rightfully rejected the contract, the Mayor overrode Comptroller Stringer and registered the IPC contract for the ESCR project.
For more information, go to Save East River Park .
more info
web site
Events of the Week
An Eco-Logic Report
Every week is a busy week, but this week was full of environmental actions. We report on the Danskammer Flotilla,
the NRC Public Hearing, the Hiroshima Peace Gathering and an upcoming celebration of shorebirds.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) came to Tarrytown, and were met by a number of
knowledgeable residents
asking hard questions. In contrast, the NRC representatives were ignorant of specifics of the Indian Point facility - even being
unsure of how many pipelines crossed the property (three, none mentioned in Holtec's post-shutdown plans).
The Danskammer electricity plant
will increase industrialization along the Hudson River even as communities are working so hard to reclaim their waterfronts.
And it doesn't fit in with NY's nation-leading climate change goals - to phase out all fossil-fuel electricity generation by 2040.
NY's electricity grid operator found that electricity demands are met without a new Danskammer - and with renewable projects.
The Stop the Plant Coalition calls on Governor Cuomo to Stop the
Danskammer Plant and, instead, commit to 100% renewable energy. Tune in to hear our guest Matt Salton of the Clearwater Environmental Action Team tell us about the
flotilla of over 50 kayakers.
There is no greater environmental destruction than a nuclear war.
And there is no greater proof of that destruction than the ruins of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Mari Inoue of the
Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World will be reporting on the
Global Online Event
that had Speakers (including youth activists from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation atomic bomb
survivors; and a young Fukishima evacuee), music and songs from Hiroshima and New York.
The entire event (1 hour and 26 minutes) is on youtube.
Let's celebrate the adorable sandpipers and plovers while we still have them!
Saturday, August 14,
11am - 3pm at the Jamaica Bay National Wildlife Refuge.
PLUS Join us in two weeks, Friday August 20th at 2:30pm when Eco-Logic discusses Car Mileage Standards.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
25 min.
radio show
A vital component of all life!
right click to enlarge image.
Microbes do a lot more than cause disease - in fact, we could not live without them.
Every surface everywhere is covered with microbes
Microbes make plants more efficient
Diversity of microbes in soil is important
Biodiversity refers to microbes just as well as other forms of life.
Find out how microbes improve your health
Our guests are
Phoebe Mankiewicz, Interdisciplinary PhD Student at Yale Center for Ecosystems in Architecture and
Dr. Elizabeth Hénaff, Assistant Professor of Integrated Design and Media Center
at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering.
The report on the microbes conference Ken went to that he mentioned is on this page of reports, about 2/3 of the way down.
AND join us Friday August 6th at 2:30pm when Eco-Logic reports back on the Flotilla to stop the Danskammer fracked gas plant;
and on the Hiroshima Anniversary Global online Peace Gathering; and we discuss the impending extinction of beloved shore birds.
WBAI, 99.5FM & www.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
25 min.
Hiroshima 76th Anniversary
Schedule of Online Events
Online schedule of events for August 5th, 9AM, click to enlarge -->
There is no greater environmental destruction than a nuclear war.
And there is no greater proof of that destruction than the ruins of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Music, video and guest speakers.
Many pages
web site
Solar Canopies
Helping Solve the Climate Crisis
Have you ever wished that the parking lots at the beach were shaded? Have you wondered why that space is not used for solar energy?
Join us Friday, July 23, 2021 at 2:30PM. Lindsay Audin, one of the stars of the renewable energy movement, is working to expand solar installations across the entire state with
solar canopies over parking lots. A solar canopy is essentially a shade structure with solar panels on top of it, keeping parking lots
cooler while making free electricity.
Lindsay will explain the policy change needed to install solar canopies all over the state and how close we are to passing the necessary
bill, A6838 - and how YOU can help.
And also join us Friday July 30th at 2:30pm when Eco-Logic brings you Microbes, a vital component of everything you care about - Indispensable
The Pacifica Bylaws Vote:
We legally won it. The bylaws won't be changed. WBAI will continue to have representation on the Pacifica National Board. The opposition is
not conceding so it isn't totally over yet.
WBAI, 99.5FM & www.
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
25 min.
Solar Canopy Policy Change
Reducing New York's carbon footprint
Please help pass the solar canopy bill in the NY Assembly
Lindsay Audin, our guest on July 23, 2021, asks your help in passing a bill (A.6838) in the State Assembly that could help expand
solar installations across our State. It would allow solar canopies (essentially shade structures topped with solar panels) over
parking lots at municipal and State parks. It's presently stuck in the Assembly's Environmental Conservation Committee (ECC),
despite the fact that it has 44 sponsors and co-sponsors in the full Assembly.
In mid-May, its companion bill in the State Senate (S.2995) passed by a 62-1 margin, so it's neither controversial nor political.
A.6838's sponsors are Assbly. Sandy Galef and Carrie Woerner, but neither is on the ECC. We need to push this bill to the full
Assembly for an up-or-down vote. Below is a list of metro NY reps that sit on the ECC. We need you to push ECC Chairman Englebright t
o become a co-sponsor, or at least allow the bill to come before his committee for discussion.
At present, an old law forbids making a change to any park in the State without going through a cumbersome and expensive process
involving a 69-page handbook, followed by a vote in both houses and the governor's signature for each change in a park. Several
solar projects (e.g., in Westchester County) are presently stalled due to the existing law. A.6838 would exempt solar canopies
over parking lots in parks, up to 2 MW output (roughly 1,000 parking spaces, though most lots are much smaller).
Essentially, no park land is disrupted by a canopy. Each is mounted 20 feet over the blacktop on steel beams. Only their concrete footings
(30 inches in diameter) contact the ground, and then only into pavement. Such canopies are an added amenity at a park, shading cars
(and people) from the hot sun and summer showers.
If done as a community solar project, a solar canopy can be installed at no cost to the local municipality, pay it rent for use of the
air space, produce decades of clean renewable power that helps clean up the grid, and support the State's Climate Leadership and
Community Protection Act (CLCPA). It's a win-win proposition!
Call your representative's Albany number and his/her local office number to request co-sponsorship of A.6838. Please make the call
today. If you need further information, email Lindsay at energywiz -at-
Here are the Assembly reps that need to hear from you, especially if you are a constituent. Their Albany phone numbers are followed by their local office phone numbers.
Steve Englebright, Setauket 518-455-4804 631-751-3094
William Colton, Brooklyn 518-455-5828 718-236-1598
Michael Durso, Massapequa 518-455-5305 516-541-4598
Deborah J. Glick, Manhattan 518-455-4841 212-674-5153
Jessica Gonzalez-Rojas, Queens 518-455-4545 718-457-0384
Steven Otis, Port Chester 518-455-4897 914-939-7028
Amanda Septimo, Bronx 518-455-5402 718-292-2901
Fred W. Thiele, Jr., Sag Harbor 518-455-5997 631-537-2583
Jaime R. Williams, Brooklyn 518-455-5211 718-252-2124
Bill #A6838
NYS Senate
Canadian hydroelectricity exports
NOT Clean
<-- HydroQuebec Dam flooding a forest
From Paul Buckowski at the Albany Times Union newspaper, "Hydroelectricity can be generated in several ways, some of which are extremely destructive. Canadian hydroelectricity exports into New York state are not clean.
"During the past 50 years, Hydro-Quebec has blocked many formerly spectacular, free-flowing major rivers with dams and power stations, flooding river valleys and drowning forests. The natural, seasonal river flows to the seas is destroyed, wrecking water quality and severely damaging freshwater and ocean aquatic life. Impounding river water behind many dams probably contributes to the rapid warming of the Arctic region.
"Submerged forests can no longer remove carbon from the air. When vegetation rots, carbon and methane are released into the water and air. Neither Hydro-Quebec nor anyone else quantifies greenhouse gas emissions from their so-called reservoirs, some of which are much larger than Albany County. The company's hydroelectricity carbon footprint is undoubtedly huge.
"If we as a species hope to stabilize the climate, we must begin with an honest analysis of all the global and on-site pros and cons of each existing and proposed energy source. Reservoir hydro is far more dangerous than many people realize."
-Tom Ellis, Albany © 2021 Hearst
1 page
Ocean On Fire!
Gulf of Mexico Explosion
You may well remember the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. This week, the water west of
the Yucatán peninsula of Mexico actually caught on fire - which apparently started when methane, and probably other wet-gas
components, leaked from an underwater pipeline to the surface. The fire, which was said to resemble molten lava swirling
on the water, continued on the ocean's surface for five hours until employees of Pemex, Mexico's gas utility, could control
it using nitrogen.
The incident report reportedly said "active production facilities were affected by an electrical
storm and heavy rains. The fire consumed some of the leaking hydrocarbons, and there were no human injuries."
The Mexican oil-safety regulator reported that the incident "did not generate any spill," but did not explain what
was burning on the water's surface!
Pemex's past poor safety record
includes a 2015 fire at a platform in the same Bay of Campeche, a 2012 fire at a natural-gas facility in northern Mexico
that killed 26 people, and a 2013 blast at the Pemex Mexico City headquarters that left 37 people dead.
web site
New UN IPCC Report
Contents have been leaked of the new report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The report is scheduled to
be released in February, 2022, and is still being finalized. It seems to be a more alarming, more pessimistic version of the 2015 report.
Like the 2015 report, this will contain input from the reports and articles of hundreds of scientists. Unlike the 2015 report, this one may contain policy
change suggestions. (I wonder if that's what's holding it up?)
Greenpeace has a good article on it. So does the
UK Guardian newspaper.
I couldn't resist linking to this pessimistic 2015 PBS
article predicting much of what is being reported now.
web site
Oyster Shell reclamation
Atlantic City restaurants
Atlantic City restaurants are contributing to oyster colonies. The Hard Rock Casino, the Knife and Fork and Dock's Oyster House restaurants,
are participating in a program, started in 2019, that collects oyster shells from diners' plates. The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
gives the shells to the Jetty Rock Foundation and Rutgers and Stockton University workers and volunteers. They are then turned over to the
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for Rutgers and Stockton University workers and volunteers and the Jetty Rock Foundation.
The shells are barged and dumped into the Mullica River, home to one of the last self-sustaining oyster populations on the East Coast.
Free-floating baby oysters, called spat, attach to the shells and start growing, forming the basis of new or expanded oyster colonies.
In addition to providing shelter for the oysters that filter the waterway, the program has kept 65 tons out of landfills. Other restaurants and
casinos are looking to join, and the volume could be significant - the Hard Rock Casino buffet reportedly shucks between 500 and 1200 oysters daily.
Also, New York's Billion Oyster Project has collected 1.6 million pounds of shells from 75 restaurants, and planted 13 oyster reefs across
New York Harbor since 2015. Florida and Alabama have similar programs. For more information, go to
web site
Maya Lin's environmental art
Madison Sq. Park, NYC
There's a very good environmental art exhibit in Madison Square Park by Maya Lin, the sculptor of the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington DC.
A lot of environmental art is greenwashing or stretching the environmental connection, but this one was very clear about climate change,
sea level rise, salt water intrusion, and forests dying, with a plaque explaining it. You're going to enjoy it ! Madison Sq Park is where
23rd St, 5th Ave and Broadway come togetber in NYC.
web site
Greenpeace exposes Exxon
They got it on video!
Democracy Now listeners would have heard on
July 6 about how
Greenpeace UK exposed
Exxon-Mobil's dirty tricks in Congress to stop climate legislation. Even the NY Post
mentioned it, too - in a shorter article. The Post referred sympathetically to ExxonMobil lobbyist Kevin McCoy as having been duped, but they
DID print some of what he admitted - such as that much of what they say is only for public relations.
One of the more interesting aspects of ExxonMobil's lobbying Congress is that they go through third parties, so little or no attention
falls on them. They talk about how they influence Democratic senators, as well as Republicans - they even name names!
Because Greenpeace got it on video, the exposure has had a lot more power than it might otherwise have had. I have a feeling that most Eco-Logic
listeners already suspected that this was happening - Greenpeace exposed some of ExxonMobil's climate lies in 2015 - but it's nice
to have video proof - and it's nice that mainstream news covered it.
Greenpeace has a timeline
of Exxon and climate on their web site. They knew at least as early as 1957 what their products were doing to the planet.
5 min.
radio show
Wind Energy On the Way
Offshore of New Jersey
The New Jersey legislature just passed a law, S3926/A5894, which enables the state to prevent local shore governments, such as Ocean City council,
from blocking offshore-wind projects' access to come ashore. New Jersey Organizing Project, a local community advocacy organization started in the
aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, says, "We believe responsible offshore wind development that benefits our communities will provide real opportunities
for the Shore and South Jersey. We're already living with flooding - we need to act now to improve our infrastructure and move to renewable energy
like offshore wind. It's critical that all working-class New Jerseyans benefit from offshore wind. No one gets left behind: Black, brown, or white."
Organizations that focus on the birds and the whales have figured out how to do this in a way that minimizes disturbances for whales and birds.
That's why we want best practices followed during construction to spot whales and avoid bird migration season to minimize the number of deaths.
Construction schedules must be arranged in conjunction with migration patterns.
Find more information from NJOP on their Web site, - search for offshore wind or go directly to
this NJRP article or
this Atlantic City Press article.
web site
Stop Penn East
Pipeline and eminent domain
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that PennEast - and by extension, other fossil-fuel projects - can take state-owned lands and property rights.
Local environmentalists are therefore urging N.J. Governor Phil Murphy, President Biden, and other elected leaders to use their powers to STOP PENNEAST.
The pipeline is not a done deal - but it could be if political leaders choose not to stop it going forward.
There will be a rally in Trenton on July 15th at 12 noon and a petition at (requires cookies).
Republican Senator Kip Bateman says that the pipeline still has a lot of challenges if it is to move forward: PennEast would ford more than
30 vulnerable 'Category One' waterways that are essential to protecting clean water in our state. The pipeline needlessly jeopardizes the safe,
clean flow of water our families and farms rely on.
PennEast cannot meet water-quality standards, and the applicant's data submissions to the various regulatory agencies have been,
according to the petition, "false, misleading, deficient and legally unfit to support any positive regulatory outcome." Because of
the deficient and misleading information provided to the state, the NJ Department of Environmental Protection rejected the project
and closed the file years ago. And yet the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) has allowed PennEast to keep the application open
despite its ongoing failure to provide full, accurate information on the project's proposed route, elements, and impacts.
The DRBC has important work to do; keeping open the file on this deficient project is a waste of its limited time, resources,
and money. It is time for DRBC to close the file on PennEast.
For more information, check these articles on
Bloomberg News or
NJ Herald.
web site
Citizens Water Quality Testing Program
NYC Water Trail Association
We all benefit from clean waterways - whether you make your living from or on the river, get your drinking water from the river,
as some upstate communities do, enjoy recreational boating or swimming, or just live nearby.
The climate crisis is overwhelming storm drainage systems and wastewater management - especially in large cities. This can lead to
backups where runoff of contaminants such as trash, nutrients, sediment or bacteria go into local waterways lowers water quality
and even threatens drinking water supplies according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Almost 50 years ago, in 1972, the Clearwater organization contributed to getting
the Clean Water Act passed but there is still much more to be done. One of the local champions of the Hudson River is the Citizens
Water Quality Testing Program -- watchdogs whom we are lucky to have on the job. Mostly volunteers, they provide an important
service testing the waters.
Recently the worst week of the season for water quality was recorded. Good time to stay out of the water.
If you want to go swimming you want the water to be clean. Eyes on the prize! We want our waters fishable and swimmable!
For more information or to volunteer email
The Citizens Water Quality Testing Program is a collaboration of the New York City Water Trail Association, the Billion Oyster Project,
and Hudson River Park's River Project and others.
web site
Environmental News, Information and Announcements
The Eco-Logic Collective
Long-time listeners remember Eco-Logic starting with News, Information and Announcements. So much is happening that we did that for the entire show today.
Worst week for Hudson water quality.
A once abundant Sandpiper
Wind energy on the way.
Supreme court and eminent domain
Oyster-shell reclamation.
Greenpeace exposes Exxon.
Rate Strike continues.
Green Amendments Day July 13th.
Maya Lin's environmental art.
Ocean on fire.
The votes are in for the Pacifica Referendum of 2021 - Stay tuned for the results.
25 min.
radio show
Melting Ice Caps
And Sea Level Rise
Eco-Logic, in our former News, Announcements and Information segment, has been reporting for years on Antarctic ice breaking off the continent,
floating away -- and the resulting climate chaos.
Some of the icebergs have been the size of Rhode Island. A recent chunk was "only" the size of Manhattan. Ice that breaks off a glacier
contributes to sea level rise - if the ice breaks off a floating ice shelf, it won't directly contribute to sea level rise, but it will
speed up land glaciers, and that will add to sea level rise.
If all the ice on West Antarctica flowed into the ocean, it would raise sea levels over 20 feet. East Antarctica is several times larger and the
ice is much, much thicker; that is melting, too.
What about the penguins?
How is the Pacific plastic garbage patch related to ice melting in Antarctica?
How much sea level rise is predicted for Antarctic ice?
There is a lot to unpack in this complex issue that affects us all.
For more information, go to our Eco-Links page and search for "Antarctic."
Here are four links to get you started:
Science News magazine contents.
The Paris Agreement and Antarctic melt
UK Guardian newspaper.
University of Leeds article
25 min.
radio show
Dramatic video of climate chaos in action!
I (this is Ken writing this) get emotional watching video of actual moulins. What you're seeing is real-time evidence of climate chaos happening.
Glaciers are rivers of ice that flow slowly to the oceans. Moulins are holes in glaciers into which surface meltwater pours, usually with great
force. When that water gets to the bottom of the glacier, it lubricatres the rock that the glacier flows over and speeds up the glacier.
It now takes a month, sometimes less, for a glacier to flow the distance that it used to travel in a year.
There are many videos on youtube of moulins. Follow the link.
Red Knots, a Bird
On the Edge of Extinction
At one time there were billions of Passenger Pigeons in
the United States. People killed them all, every last one, through habitat destruction and hunting. They are extinct.
It's happening again!
Red Knots are a formerly abundant shorebird that is on the edge of extinction.
And yet they are not legally listed by the government as endangered species.
Red Knots migrate thousands of miles and the food they eat, horseshoe crab eggs, is being taken away by humans as they use the adults for bait and medicine.
Protecting the Red Knot would also protect other shorebirds. Please follow the link the the American Bird Conservancy web site's
article on this.
web site
Mining promoted by
the European Union
A global coalition of over 180 community platforms, human rights and environmental organizations and academics from
36 nations is calling on the European Union to abandon its plans to massively expand dirty mining. In a terrible irony, the EU
announced the expansion as part of their Green Deal and Green Recovery plans.
"Simply put, we need to drastically reduce the amount of resources used and consumed in the EU and move to truly circular solutions.
Legislation like the EU battery regulation is a step in the right direction, but must go further. Transport decarbonization,
decarbonization of all kinds, in fact, can only be achieved with a strong reduction in demand. We need to realign our
priorities to meet climate goals," says Diego Marin of the European Environmental Bureau.
For more informaiton, do a search or follow the link.
web site
Green Roofs AND Solar Panels!
Changing the way we think about our roofs
This Eco-Logic delves into the practical uses of our roofs.
Green roofs help the fight against climate change.
Buildings with green roofs are cooler in the summer.
Green roofs actually make solar panels more effective.
On green roofs you can grow food: for people, or for butterflies and bees - or both!
Guests were Josh Harrison, Paul Mankiewicz and Michael Fishman of Leaf Island
25 min.
radio show
Newly Discovered Species of Microbe
It can actually help the environment
Microbes that live deep underground generally produce methane rather than carbon dioxide. Methane is 120 times worse than carbon dioxide for
climate chaos when it first gets into the atmosphere.
A newly-discovered phylum of single-celled archaea, Brockarchaeota, do the opposite. For more information on this potentially-important and definitely
fascinating life form, check out this article
in Science News magazine and any of the links within it, including the scientific journal where Brockarchaeota was first described.
web site
Black Birders Week
Nationwide event
As Drew Lanham and Chris Cooper mentioned on Eco-Logic in 2019,
birding and birdwatching is for everyone. Drew and Chris's negative thoughts and experiences have not diminished their love of birds and birding one bit.
It took Chris having to deal with an awful experience to inspire Deja Perkins (left) to create Black Birders Week.
I could not describe the joy and importance of African-Americans, or anyone for that matter, being in nature better than Drew and Chris did on that
video, Environment TV's version of an episode of Eco-Logic.
web sites
video & article
National Green Amendments Day
July 13, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm EDT
Green Amendment Day is dedicated to educating and engaging civil rights, environmental, environmental justice and
Indigenous leaders and community members across the nation around the power of Green Amendments for ending environmental racism and
restoring environmental justice through constitutional empowerment.
Environmental racism is just too widespread and ingrained in our society to entrust to politics and politicians. Communities of color
disproportionately live in environmental sacrifice zones, where industrial contaminants, pollution, and other poisons degrade water,
air, and soil, causing heart disease, asthma, cancer, compromised immune systems, and other serious illnesses.
Ending environmental racism and securing true environmental justice requires systemic legal and government reform. By providing
constitutional recognition and protection we can raise up the inalienable rights of all people to a clean & healthy environment,
and transform our system of laws and government to ensure environmental justice is mandatory, equitable and enforceable.
Eco-Logic dedicated the June 3, 2021 episode to Green Amendments.
web site
Juneteenth Special, 6-19-21, 4PM
Environmental Justice
Eco-Logic is pre-empted for June 18, but....
We are doing a special for Juneteenth on Saturday, June 19th from 4 to 5 PM.
Eco-Logic's three guests will discuss how Juneteenth relates to environmental justice and modern life. A pollution source placed in a
poor neighborhood points out a pattern of the disregard with which such neighborhoods are treated, plus, the pollution of a pollution source migrates out of
that area and often around the globe, contributing to climate chaos and harmful health effects.
Our guests are:
Larry Hamm, chair of the People's Organization for Progress
Rev. Dr. Gregory Simpson, co-founder of the Hudson Valley Environmental Justice Coalition and Board member of Hudson River Sloop Clearwater
Taylor Morton, WEACT Director of Environmental Health & Education -- Environmental Health & Justice Leadership Training
25 min.
radio show
Not paying for unneeded fossil fuel expansion.
Eco-Logic's guests will be discussing this issue:
"National Grid ratepayers declare a gas bill strike! Frustrated by a proposed rate hike to pay for the utility's detested, polluting,
racist North Brooklyn Pipeline, and inspired by a successful bill strike against Con Edison in 1981, people living along the pipeline
from Brownsville to Greenpoint have launched the strike and will withhold $66 from their gas bills. All National Grid customers in
Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and Long Island are invited to join."
More info here
and here
The episode of Eco-Logic on the North Brooklyn Pipeline
Note: Remember when we asked you to become a member of WBAI because there was an important vote coming up? --
well, you should have received a ballot in your email box June 7th! You will have one month to respond to the ballot.
The same people who kicked in the doors of WBAI in October 2019 are at it again and want to change the bylaws to gain control -
this time they are better funded and organized. They have even misled some celebrities. You can find more info on or at 917-781-0366
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert, with JK Canepa
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
25 min.
radio show
KXL Pipeline
"Keystone XL is now the most famous fossil fuel project killed by the climate movement," said one veteran campaigner, "but it won't be the last."
It took ten years, hundreds of arrests, great hardships for the water protectors, and a tenaciousness not always seen in the environmental movement.
Collusion between government and the fossil fuel industry was on display for all the world to see.
Studies on how unnecessary that pipeline was got a lot more attention than such studies usually get.
Environmentalists everywhere should celebrate, but remain as vigilant as ever. "The polluters don't give so we don't give up."
web site
Line 3 Pipeline News
Mobilization! Blockade! Police escalation!
Mobilization! Blockade! Police escalation! Arrests! Continued protests!
The largest action against the "Line 3" pipeline so far was a few days ago, Monday, June 7th.
Over 2000 water protectors gathered in Minnesota and shut down the Two Inlets pump station.
The Biden Administration is still not honoring treaties, but so far is taking the side of the fossil fuel industry.
Police have escalated tactics, using a Department of Homeland Security helicopter flying just over people's heads to
kick dust and rocks into people's faces. Later, they used a Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) without warning.
The eyes of the world are upon them and people from all over the U.S. are joining the protest.
Stay Tuned!
web site
Antarctica Breaking Apart
Huge chucks floating away and melting.
When Eco-Logic was an hour long, we had a News, Announcements and Information segment. For several years, we've been reporting
on chunks of Antarctic ice breaking off of the continent and floating away.
Some of the ice bergs have been the size of Rhode Island. A recent chuck was "only" the size of Manhattan. Ice that breaks off a
glacier contributes to sea level rise. If the ice broke off a floating ice shelf, it won't contribute to sea level rise directly,
but it will speed up land glaciers which will add to sea level rise.
If all the ice on West Antarctica flowed into the ocean, it would raise sea levels over 20 feet. East Antarctica is several times larger
and the ice is much much thicker; that is melting, too.
Go to our Eco-Links page and search for "Antarctic."
Here are three links to get you started:
Science News magazine contents.
UK Guardian newspaper.
University of Leeds article
web sites
Many articles
Fossil Fuel Subsidies Repealed
New York State Senate Bill #S4816 and
Assembly Bill A6882
New York State Senate Bill #S4816
and Assembly Bill A6882 seek to eliminate
over $334 million of fossil fuel subsidies annually.
Contact your state legislature through either of the links in this paragraph
and ask them to please bring this bill to the floor for a vote before the legislative session ends on June 10.
For more information, click here.
web site
Green Amendment
On the ballot in New York State this November.
Eco-Logic is honored to have as our guest Maya van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper and leader of the Delaware Riverkeeper Network; Founder of the
Green Amendment For The Generations Movement and author of "The Green Amendment, Securing Our Right to a Healthy Environment."
On the ballot in New York State this November.
Securing a Constitutional Right to Pure Water, Clean Air, a Stable Climate & Healthy Environments, For All People, Including Future Generations,
Regardless of Race, Ethnicity, Religion or Income.
What are the possible arguments against this amendment? What do we say to counter them? What are the Environmental Justice aspects of the Green Amendment?
Tune in Fri. June 4th 2:30PM to WBAI, 99.5FM or www. or listen via the Archives.
25 min.
radio show
Alaska pipeline Supported by Biden Administration
Major threat to a delicate environment!
Biden backs enormous Trump-era environmentally-disastrous Alaska oil drilling project.
In a move that shocked many environmentalists, the Department of Interior defends a plan to extract hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil from Alaska.
Interior Secretary Deb Haaland had opposed the project last year when she was a member of Congress.
The Arctic is a delicate eco-system that is showing the effects of climate change, expecially the global warming part of climate change, more than any other ecosystem on Earth.
The pipeline is also an investment in more greenhouse gases for the future. It also shows the energy priorities of the current administration are very similar to the
energy priorities of the previous administrations. Oil companies are citing a technicality in last year's court case on the pipeline.
There are many articles about this on the web. For more, here's a search
web site
Making Your World Greener
radio show: May 28, 2021
Minor changes in lifestyle can have a major positive impact on the planet. Tune into Eco-Logic's 5-28-21 show to hear Bob Nagy,
an amazing visionary and compelling speaker.
From food to energy you'll hear fabulous sustainable living tips!
Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein, Sally Gellert and Joel Landy
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
25 min.
radio show
The Environment TV
Information galore!
Even when Eco-Logic is pre-empted for WBAI fund-raising, there is still audio and video for you to see and hear.
The Environment TV has a wonderful youtube channel
with some of the content garnered from episodes of Eco-Logic with extra material as we continue the shows with our guests on zoom.
There is a video on Mega-Dams.
There is a video on the 2021 NYC Harbor Ring Bike Ride.
There is a video on the Value of Urban Parks.
That's just three examples. Explore the youtube channel for yourself.
web site
ETV video
Eco-Logic Pre-Empted
for May 21, 2021
Due to a pre-emption for fund-raising, Eco-Logic will not be on the air on May 21st, 2021. Please support WBAI and your favorite program Eco-Logic! and of course we would like you to choose Eco-Logic from the drop down menu.
We will return on May 28th with an interview with Bob Nagy, an amazing speaker, who will discuss how minor changes in lifestyle can have a major positive impact on the planet. You'll hear fabulous sustainable living tips!
Please explore this web page or our Eco-Links page.
8 pgs.
What's Next for Indian Point?
Public forum Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 6 - 7:30PM
Clearwater invites you to an introductory meeting on
Indian Point Nuclear Plant decommissioning and other Environmental and Climate Justice issues on
Wednesday, May 26th from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m., via Zoom.
During this event, we will share information on Indian Point's closure and decommissioning and begin to brainstorm how best to
address relevant threats. Brief presentations will be followed by short breakout rooms with participants from paired EJ communities
and brief report backs.
We plan to then follow up over the summer by meeting with these pairs of communities on a smaller basis with the goal of
reconvening at a regional summit this fall to report our collective findings and recommendations.
This event is free and open to the public, but pre-registration is required. For more information, including the program agenda,
presenters' biographies and how to register, go to the
Indian Point Forum web site.
90 min.
Indian Point Forum
President Biden and the Environment
What we can expect.
We'll be talking about President Biden's environmental policies and what we can expect from the cabinet appointees - with
environmental attorney and Clearwater Board member Seth Davis.
This show goes into detail about executive orders vs administrative rule making or legislation.
There's more discussion on Biden's cabinet on
We also did a short segment on the terrible threat to Governor's Island.
25 min.
WBAI radio
Governor's Island Under Threat
From Developers.
The Current Governors Island Rezoning Proposal Needs to be Withdrawn Completely
On Tuesday May 11th, the City Council Land Use Committee approved a severely inadequate set of modifications to the
fiscally and environmentally irresponsible Governors Island rezoning proposal. These council members have set themselves
up for a legacy to be known to usher a "Penn Station 2.0" where a precious public jewel is greedily devoured at the taxpayers' expense.
Details aside, the issue here is - what is Governors Island going to be?
Will it be an irreplaceable one-of-a-kind green urban refuge that essentially functions as a park - even in areas with buildings
which provide for the arts and environmental educational projects? Or another high-rise, high-density commercial urban district
with boxed in value-added landscaping? (In this case in a floodplain when the proposed "Zoning for Coastal Flood Resiliency" is
also sponsored by the Land Use Committee)
Yesterday's approved modifications will not prevent the latter. The 200 foot plus heights proposed by the Council are three times
the height of Lookout Hill on the South Island while many solid historic buildings lie unused. Any new construction should be
kept to minimum and not exceed the four-story height of buildings in the historic district.
As Paul Graziano, long-time NYC Urban planner and land use and zoning expert said at a May 6th M.A.G.I.C. press conference,
"There is no question that the rezoning application put forth by the Governor's Island Trust is frankly an overdevelopment scheme
in search of a plan. In the more than two decades that I have been involved in planning issues in New York City, I have never
encountered such a brazen attempt by any entity - public or private - to essentially steal this amount of public land and hand it
over to the equivalent of a phantom organization. The Trust refuses to show its financials, has no development partner and continues
to push for the privatization of one of the crown jewels of public land in New York City, or anywhere in the United States for that matter.
There are no planning principles being discussed here, only the utter degradation of a cherished and irreplaceable public asset by
the de Blasio administration and the Mayor's handpicked members who control the Trust. The City Council has an obligation to protect
the public good against what can only be described as a landgrab against itself and either demand that this application be withdrawn
or, barring that, just vote NO. Our city - and Governor's Island - deserves better."
M.A.G.I.C. thanks Council Member Inez Barron for voting no and stating for the record that this plan "is a disservice to maintaining
really open space and preserving the environment."
M.A.G.I.C. has a better plan at
For more information, go to M.A.G.I.C.'s web site.
web site
Megadams = Megadamage
Controversy and Solutions
The next Eco-Logic will discuss the Mayor's procurement of hydropower that will require the construction of a transmission corridor from
Quebec to Queens. Blackstone and every other financier must cancel plans to import hydropower produced by megadams built on Indigenous lands,
to New York. This is truly not a climate solution and must be explicitly excluded from sustainable renewable energy plans. Mayor deBlasio
is seeking to procure this dirty power instead of promoting local energy economies.
Energy use in New York City has been declining for years. New supplies are not necessary. Instead, further efficiency should be backed by government.
Join Lucien Wabanonik - Spokesperson for Innu First Nations, George Jackman - Hudson Riverkeeper, and Annie Wilson - NY Environmental Law and Justice Project
25 min.
WBAI radio
Mayoral Candidates Nature Forum
Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 7 - 8PM
We can't reach our climate goals without also saving biodiversity. Deforestation, even in New York City, increases the atmospheric abundance of
carbon dioxide. Forest conservation and ecosystem restoration must be the cornerstone of any climate action plan.
Yet nature in New York City has no legislative protections. In fact, the City regularly cuts down trees and builds on forests without
environmental impact review. And the burdens of loss from biodiversity are disproportionately carried by lower income communities.
A broad coalition of grassroots organizations is hosting a forum on Tuesday, May 18, 2021 7 - 8PM to ask the New York City mayoral candidates to value wildflower habitats and
to ensure that all New Yorkers have access to nature. At least six candidates will attend.
Register in Advance
60 min.
Mayoral Forum
Indian Point Closing Event
Two of two.
The closing of a nuclear plant without it melting down is a momentous occassion. Besides today's radio show (see below), there are also two
zoom events. This one is at 7:30PM.
90 min.
zoom link
Indian Point Closing Event
One of two
The closing of a nuclear plant without it melting down is a momentous occassion. Besides today's radio show (see below), there are also two
zoom events. This one is at 6PM.
90 min.
zoom link
Indian Point Nuclear Reactors
Sept. 16, 1962 to April 30, 2021.
The long fight to shut down Indian Point Nuclear Reactors is finally over. We can now breathe a sigh of relief that no additional
nuclear waste will be produced near New York City. Marilyn Elie, longtime champion of the antinuclear movement, joins us on April 30th as we
commemorate Indian Point's closure.
Since its first day, Indian Point has been creating radioactive waste. All along, there have been massive radioactive leaks into the
groundwater and into the air. Daily radioactive pollution has made Westchester into a cancer cluster for many different cancers.
Eventually, that will end, but not for a while, as it hasn't at Three Mile Island. Tons of very radioactive material are still on site.
Activists have for years been warning of the dangers in our back yard and with this victory there is still more work to be done. We need an
active decommissioning oversight board to ensure that decommissioning is done right. The Public Service Commission has agreed to a joint
proposal for the license transfer. The proposal is seen as better than most for the community, but they will need to address a major
loss of tax revenue until the site is ready for reuse, which could be decades away.
Eco-Logic collective members have been involved with antinuclear issues for many years. More from Ken Gale, the author of
What is next for Indian Point? The grid connections at the site make a wind or solar installation a natural choice. Make no mistake, nuclear energy
is a FALSE solution to climate change. As Amory Lovins, one of the foremost energy experts in the world,
points out, "Nuclear energy is too expensive,
too slow, and too dirty."
25 min.
WBAI radio
Earth Week Special
One hour radio show!
As we always say, Every day is Earth Day! "Officially" April 22nd is Earth Day, but we're covering Earth Week and beyond. This special Eco-Logic
celebrates a very important time for environmental activists, so today Eco-Logic covers some of the stories and events in the news.
We feel fortunate when we see the victories, like stopping a development that would destroy green spaces; shutting down destructive extreme energy horrors like the
Indian Point nuclear plants or the occasional pipeline; or the rediscovery of an animal or plant species that was thought to be lost, like the Black-Browed Babbler
in Indonesia - but we KNOW there is always more to do. We can not let the victories make us complacent. The common threads are corporate greed and a system built
to reward the wealthy and powerful.
We do realize that environmental justice is a huge factor. It is always the powerless that are stepped on and not expected to fight back. Well, you are making a
difference. You are the kind of people who make your voices heard. As Pete Seeger said "Participation - that's what's going to save the human race!"
Power manifests in inequality: the least powerful have the least voice. Yesterday, a jury gave voice to the powerless, but we know that if justice were real,
George Floyd and many others would be alive today. There is a lot more work to be done, and here at Eco-Logic we focus on issues of environmental justice and protection.
Be careful when you are invited to some wonderful green event, especially around this Earth Day time of year. They are washing their image with your hopes
and wishes for a greener tomorrow. For example, there is a group of well known clothing companies owned by one of the most polluting of corporations that are big in
world deforestation and fossil fuel.
Eco-Logic Earth Week Special, WBAI radio and internet,
Weds. April 21 at 6PM
99.5FM and
When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!
55 min.
WBAI Archives
Save East River Park
From being demolished.
Soon, New York City will demolish our big, beloved park on the unwealthy side of the Lower East Side and East Village.
Everything must go - shady lawns, picnic areas, ballfields, running track, amphitheater, the compost yard, historic buildings, and 1,000 trees.
The city is determined to go ahead with the $1.45 billion East Side Coastal Resiliency - even with the budget in desperate shortfall and
despite the desperate need during this pandemic for outdoor recreation at safe distances.
The city will build a 1.2 mile seawall and cover the park with eight feet of fill for flood control. It will also cause a health crisis
for our already suffering neighborhood with many people of color, elderly and low-income residents.
True Resiliency is Possible.
There are better plans that will preserve our park and give us flood protection.
We Need a Green Plan, Not an Environmental Disaster!
web site