Long Beach Town Meeting
Solutions to Climate Chaos
Resource List

Climate Change

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report.

Near-Term Climate Change, Projections and Predictability pdf report.

Sea Level Change pdf report.

Tom Wysmuller's The Colder Side, predicting the dip in the polar vortex months ahead of time.

Climate Crocks, internet TV show.

Boardwalks and rainforests

Rainforest Relief is an excellent source of information on this subject.

There are alternatives to tropical timber: locally sourced, sustainable woods such as white oak and black locust, and buying from United States loggers will help boost the domestic economy and keep jobs alive. However, the most environmentally sound replacement would be recycled plastic lumber, made from our own waste stream and strong enough to serve as a railroad bridge or carry a fully loaded tank. For aesthetic purposes, a thin layer of wood can be placed on top of the RPL.

Fracking and its effects

A superb compendium of information on fracking, pipelines, radon and related topics created and compiled by Clare Donohue and others at Sane Energy Project ("Our goal at Sane Energy Project is two-fold: to fight fossil fuel and nuclear infrastructure, and encourage renewable infrastructure.")

Dr. Sandra Steingraber writes with wit, passion and clarity about fracking and its infrastructure as a mother, a scientist, and one who knows firsthand the impact of chemical pollution on the human body.

Damascus Citizens for Sustainability's resource list is one of the most complete collections of links about hydrofracking on the Internet.

Catskill Citizens For Safe Energy

Talk by Deborah Rogers, who has served as financial consultant to Merrill Lynch and Smith Barney.

Economist Jannette Barth addresses a frackonomist.

Minisink and the Black Dirt Region

Source of much of our state's highest-quality food

Stop the Minisink Compressor Station

Protect Orange County

Liberty Port Ambrose Liquefied Natural Gas

Clean Ocean Action factsheet

Council on Foreign Relations

Renewable Energy

Professor Mark Z. Jacobson's report on a study of the feasibility and economic benefits of a 100% renewable NY State by 2030

Solar Energy

EmPower Solar, the company who put the solar panels on the Long Beach Public Library

Richard Perez and our solar potential

New York Solar Energy Industry Association

New York Solar Energy Society

Wind Power

David Alicea's work at Long Island Sierra Club.

Energy Use

Critical Mass Energy Project

Rocky Mountain Institute

National Lawyers Guild Environmental Law Project

Sustainable Rebuilding

Storm Enormous

Building Science

Oher Eco-Links

New York City Friends of Clearwater, a multi-issue environmental group focusing cheifly on water issues and music.

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